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So apparently our takes on the Auburn foster child tragedy were too real for some people to handle. Look, I get why people would say that we should be sensitive about a woman who just lost her child, but Jessica Conway gave up any chance of that when she started using her daughter’s death as a way to make money and become a local celebrity.
To make it worse, she took a big steamy dump all over the innocent people who lived around her daughter because they were poor and had to live in Section 8 housing:
We have all the sympathy in the world for her daughter, but for her we feel nothing but disgust. That video makes my head wanna explode. She got all dolled up, put on her makeup, sought out the cameras, and make a spectacle less than 24 hours after finding out her daughter passed. This was the first of a series of press conferences, as she actually organized another one at Elm Park earlier that day.
Yet she didn’t shed a tear. All she did was blame everyone else for not taking care of HER daughter. She can blame DCF all she wants, but the bottom line is that DCF would have no reason to exist if it weren’t for irresponsible parents like her.
Anyway, all the DCF Moms are up in arms about this because we called out all of their bullshit and excuses. One of the Moms is Amber Loiselle, the birth mother of 7 year old Jack Loiselle, who was starved and beaten into a coma by his father in their Hardwick apartment last month. Despite abandoning her son and handing him over to the courts, who eventually gave him away to the savage sperm donor from whenst he derived, she still feels that she is a good mother. Newsflash – when you voluntarily give your child away to the state, you don’t get to complain when they fuck up. You know what a great strategy to avoid having this happen is? Take care of your fucking kid. Crazy right?
Logically then she didn’t think too kindly of our takes on Jessica Conway:
It figures Amber Loiselle would have a problem with our article, especially after Dianne Williamson called her out on her bullshit a while back. This is a woman who voluntarily gave up custody of her child when he was two years old, so she could “get her shit together.” Because good parents everywhere give their kids away for five years in order to put the scattered pieces of their fucked up life together. Here’s what she told the Boston Globe:
“After the baby was born, Loiselle said, she had a very busy schedule and often only saw him briefly after work, before going out with friends at night.” While acknowledging that she was “19, and I was stupid,” she maintained that she “never abandoned my child … He’s my world.”
Yup, she was gonna raise her child, but it wasn’t as much fun as a night out at Destare. But she didn’t abandon him though. Because giving your child away so you can go out drinking isn’t the same thing as abandonment. Not at all.
On top of that her own family called her incompetent, and said that she barely made an effort to see him. But who has time to visit their child while he’s living with a monster like Randal Lints when you’re out getting nose rings, highlights, and tattoos:
Just like Jessica Conway did when she found out tragedy had befallen her child, the first thing she did was seek out the media. Because at the end of the day these people thrive on attention. On top of that, she decided to pop out ANOTHER child last year, who she lives with at her grandmother’s house. Because that’s what responsible adults do.
The fact that Amber Loiselle has joined the crew that’s decided to pin this entirely on DCF just proves our point. It’s pretty simple really. DCF obviously fucked up, but anyone who has ever been in a position of losing their child to the state only has themselves to blame. Yet they never seem to do that because that would require taking personal responsibility. And blame Turtleboy of course. It’s always Turtleboy’s fault for keeping it real.
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13 Comment(s)
These dumpster fires would be comical if the situations weren’t so tragic.
Hamsters, hamsters, everywhere!
This despicable woman should be crawling into a whole and doing some soul searching about why she did not make her poor suffering child her priority.
She should not be seeking attention, and certainly not playing the victim (that’s the boy), …… but at least everyone can learn how terrible, terrible of a person she is …. the more she is exposed, the more people will hate her …… please just crawl into your hole.
BTW …. anyone her calls her a friend or associates with her is a loser too (you know who you are).
how much of a shitbag do you need to be to get turtleboy to write about you twice
amiright RBG
ambers good friends are allll dcf moms. vikki LeBlanc and desiree you two still on the crack? the best of friends. great mom with no custody club. these bitches need their tubes tied and JAIL TIME.
Dear “Ber”,
When you give birth to a child you become responsible for the life you brought into this world, not your parents, not your neighbors and especially not the government.
Guess what? The government is not your sugar daddy, but if your going to treat it like it is and expect it to take care of you and your mistakes then the only person to blame is yourself when the results of said care are less than stellar.
If your child got taken away by DFS the only person responsible is yourself for your utter and complete failure to be a competent parent. Nope you were too selfish. You were too immature. Your child and Jessica’s child suffered because you were a selfish shitbag who only wants a baby for the photo op but splits when the going gets tough. It is your fault.
I think it is so funny how worms like you squirm under the light of the truth and try to deflect when someone tries to hold you accountable. You avoid personal responsibility like the plauge.
I feel so bad for your children and for Avalee. They are the victims of selfish parents expecting the government to do what they can’t. It is such a pitty and ashame. You need to shut your hole because as far as I can tell you are a failure and have no room to talk, you only do so in an effort to hide your guilt. You are angry at TBS because he knows what you are. We all do. You are not fooling anyone.
Grow up, accept what you did wrong and maybe you will have something of value to say. Until then, yeah yeah lady, we have heard your sob story before… You are a victim. Blah blah blah.
Stitch up their vags and fart boxes. These sluts don’t deserve to be tounge-punched! 🙁
Rotten smelly things
I love the whole “it’s the state’s fault” attitude twords anything that happens to these scumbags and their kids. Unless there was a state appointed rep around the night you had a few too many Natty Ice’s while watching vh1 reality shows and decided to get knocked up on a mattress without a frame and box spring, then it is not the state’s job to pay for and raise your fucking kids while you sit on your ass and play candy crush!!!!!!
I have the feeling that poor behavior goes back generations in the families of both birth mothers, and probably of both sperm donors as well. (It seems that Amber Loiselle is an adopted child, since her father is referred to as the “adopted” grandfather of her son.)
It’s too bad our liberal welfare system actually pays people for their poor behavior. Maybe if we stopped paying them they’d stop having kids.
Hey Jessica , Amber , and whoever else thinks these idiots are good parents … …. Go fuck yourselves. No one thinks your right, and your pretty much worthless. Keep your legs closed for the sake of humanity . Thank you in advance.
My thoughts and prayers go out to these children who have suffered,and are still suffering. They didn’t ask to come into this world. And the state didn’t get you pregnant, so it’s technically not their “job” to take care of them. Grow the fuck up.