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Saw these all over Becker College today:
This is what social progress looks like in 2016. The handicapped taking one for the team. The last thing we want to write a blog about right now is transgender bathrooms, so we’ll leave it at that. The world has gone mad and instead of just confronting the issue and dealing with it we’re just making the handicapped wait in longer lines. Yay social progress
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7 Comment(s)
I always use the Men’s bathroom and leave dirty tampons in the urinal.
Instead of hanging the sign that says all gender restroom how about just the word restroom? No need to get that cute. Does the extra wording and graphic make the lefty loonie college administrators and faculty feel better or get extra SJW points?
Handicapped bathrooms and stalls aren’t “reserved” only for their use like a parking spot and if other toilets are occupied, those facilities should be used as needed…
Everyone who uses a public restroom has a reasonable expectation that they may need to wait for a stall. This is an annoying but commonplace fact of life. When you use a busy public restroom, chances are you’ll have to wait for a bit. If a person who uses a wheelchair or walker and thus needs the extra space and amenities of a handicapped restroom stall finds that stall occupied, he/she will have to wait. But unlike a parking space, the person occupying the stall will likely vacate it in a few minutes. People with mobility impairments have a right to have accessible bathroom facilities in all public venues but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have the right to find the handicapped stall sitting empty and waiting at all times.
Well, transgender people are mentally handicapped, if that counts for anything.
How long before a trans gender feels insulted by the handicap insinuation. Then they’ll be transgender only bathrooms.
Make em all wear diapers, bunch of babies.
All genders…. Hmmm… If I had a nickle for all of the genders…. I’d have exactly 10 cents!
Whats one more sign. The city is plastered with all sorts of signs all over the place. Someone downtown really enjoys there job…and it shows!