Turtleboy Live will be tomorrow night at 9:30 Sunday night (not Saturday) this week. We will be broadcasting from the Philip V. Prentiss Facebook page, which you can follow by clicking here.
Then next week it will be on Friday night at 10 PM, due to Uncle Turtleboy going to Jacksonville for the Patriots. After that we should be back on our Saturday schedule, which will coincide with Clarence Woods Emerson coming back from Facebook.
Last week’s show, featuring Bret Killoran and Western Mass Turtlegirl, it was epic. We had two ratchet call ins – Rabid Rainbow, and the Fall River gender bender – and they were everything you dreamed they would be and more. Over 6,000 people tuned in, which ain’t bad considering Facebook goes out of its way to make sure you don’t hear the bad boys and girls of the Internet. If you didn’t see it, go watch it now!!
2 Comment(s)
Will you please call the lazy fat homeless freaks, that would make my day! I opened their YouTube and they have a video begging people for a new cat stroller, a fucking cat stroller! Those animals need taken away, seriously, the cat is as fat as the slob blake or loren or whatever it wants to call itself today. I will say, i personally own ferrets, and how they keep theirs is so cruel, it has no room to run, burrow, hang in a hammock, or frolic around, and they are abusing it by keeping it in a soft sided carrier. The heat actually causes bigger probelms than they know with ferrets, premature molting, hyperglycemia, it is a serious trigger and it isnt fair to it. They need a climate controlled environment, you better believe when my a/c went out i went and bought a $300 window unit to maintain a constant temperature for my 3, i do not want those problems occuring.
I love these turtle boy live podcasts. The dynamic duo uncle is the practical one and Bret is the destroyer of worlds. Keep it up, it’s hysterical and a great listen. If I had a Facebook account I would watch it live.