Knowing how terrible Shaun King felt last night was probably the best part about winning the Super Bowl.
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Shaun King, the white guy who pretends to be black so he can profit off of the black lives matter movement, hates the Patriots. Not only because we always win, but because our owner, coach, and quarterback are all friends with Trump. Therefore they’re racist.
Last night at halftime he tweeted out this gem:
And……it’s gone now. Because Talcum X apparently didn’t learn his lesson on election night. Never doubt the Patriots, and never doubt Trump. Newsflash Shaun King – the Internet is forever. Kind of pointless to be deleting tweets.
Talcum X spent most of the game gloating and turning everything into a Trump thing:
And then when the Falcons finally lost he started retweeting crazy white nationalists like Richard Spencer, in a vain attempt to generalize all Patriots fans:
We reject this asshole too. He doesn’t get to jump on the bandwagon just because we won the Super Bowl. Again.
After that it was time for some whining about the overtime rules:
Hey here’s an idea – if you don’t wanna lose in overtime, then don’t let the other team march down the field and score a touchdown. They just changed this rule a couple years ago too because teams who won the coin flip could just get a couple first downs and kick a field goal to win it. Now if you score a field goal the other team gets a chance to respond. But if you get a TD, it’s over. If the Falcons could’ve held us to a field goal then they would’ve had a chance to march down the field and tie us or win the game. But they couldn’t do that. Because we were the better team.
Shaun King loses again. Great day for America.
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14 Comment(s)
I literally had no idea that King guy was black, I thought he was either
South American or maybe Middle Eastern.
He just wrote a huge article saying that calling Karina Vetrano’s killer
(who was caught this week) a demon/evil is racist and literally gave a (fake)
history lecture simply because her killer was a deranged nut who happened
to be black. He is UTTERLY OBSESSED with race.
Heard he was in North Adams this week too. Stay out of my state creep!
I’m getting tired of all this winning.
Winning or whining? Winning never gets old but whining does.
Whining or winning. Whining never gets old but winning does.
How dare you refer to Shaun King as Talcum X. Shaun King is a role model that we should all aspire to emulate.
Ya and fuck you two assholes Tredge Burglestein and Frosty the flake Lawyer.
Talcum X …love it. Lol.
As much as I love twitter, it is a forum for morons. This guy is the king. Pun intended.
Just another week of winning…
How elected this cracker to be the spokesman for all black people? He should be tarred and feathered!
wow that guy really trying to pass as a African American black male? he is white as it gets!
Nuh uh… He has that cute little pencil thin poonstach and says “ax you a question”… Black all day long…
Seeing as how most of America wanted the Falcons to win, they won the popular vote by a huge margin. And, I think Putin hacked into the game and illegally tampered with the game. I demand a recount. #notmysuperboel #timetoriot.
Hey Richard Frog Fucker Spencer we do not want you to represent
1/Patriots Nation
2/Trump supporters
So tell me have you forgotten about one Mr. Randy Moss only the best WR in Pats history.
Oh and one more thing FUCK YOU ROGER!!!
He only checked the “white” box on the fascist police paperwork, because…
a) he was afraid he’d get beaten if he said he was black.
b) he was trying to score some of that sweeeet white privilege.
c) he thought it asked “what kind of women do you like?”
d) because fuck you, that’s why.
e) he’s close personal friends with Elizabeth Warren, and that’s just what you do.