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So Turtleboy was at the DNC and we met possibly the two most diehard Bernie supporters. They drove in from Michigan and they HATE Hillary Clinton more than life itself. Oh yea, and they are basically the Brett Killoran of Bernie protesters – no filter and no fucks given:
“Trump is gonna crush you.”
“You don’t do that to people and expect us to back you up you stupid bitch.”
That’s the type of insightful political commentary you don’t get on Meet the Press. She was clearly the more outgoing of the two, and the redhead was pissed at her because she’s been doing this a lot – stealing the limelight. Every time some reporter came over to the encampment looking for a crazy chick to talk to the brunette jumped to the front of the line. Not cool. Gingers can be crazy too. The poor redhead really wanted to get on camera and do an interview, so we threw her a bone. Watch the 55 second part to see her frustration with the other woman as she repeatedly tries interrupting her while rolling her own cigarettes in the car:
She said she just needed 30 seconds. She would’ve talked all day. That’s how much these people hate Hillary Clinton. And that right there is a nice little slice of Americana.
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13 Comment(s)
Ain’t nobody crazier than a redhead.
IDK – Sarai Rivera comes to mind.
TB,get your ass back to the Woo. Philly is a dangerous place. Stay away from Temple University!
I liked them both, much of what they said is correct. They know much more than the average person . Also, to be active, to drive all that way on their dime and being older too. Have to commend both, at least they’re real and have a purpose.
They remind me of my mom when she buys the 1.75.
I was doing a great job of holding in my laugh until I heard, “preach” and for some reason the sarcasm and tone of voice killed me. The way you amp up the lady in the second video…. fucking love it! That “yup” is the equivalent of “I’m not listening” I do it all the time.
Of course you liked it Fiesty, it’s like watching yourself you cranky old hag.
Correct! I’m the brown haired one with the flipped finger at the end. I actually look like her at this momemt. Imagine 30 years from now?
Let’s try it again though. I’m talking about the man’s voice, not the women. Reading comprehension is not your strong suit.
Neither is her ability to stalk and spell at the same time.
I knew it wasn’t you. However, I was shocked that a grown adult couldn’t spell mirror…lol
first to fight first to flight.
I will stay up all night down voting your comments until you don’t post here anymore. I will refresh 1347 times if I have to. This will be my life goal from now on.
Dude whatever makes you happy. You need therapy. For someone who acts so tough online, you got your feelings hurt. I would apologize but that’s not my style.