This is 84 year old Stephen Nichols from the Martha’s Vineyard town of Tisbury.
He’s a retired police officer and Korean war veteran who also acts as a crossing guard for a local elementary school. At least he did, until some cunty waitress decided she had to ruin his life. I’ll give you the summary, which you can read about in the MV Times by clicking here.
- He was out to eat at Linda Jeans restaurant in Oak Bluffs when a nosy waitress overheard his conversation with a friend
- As the school crossing guard he was concerned that the school resource officer at Tisbury School made trips to the Xtra Mart to get coffee in the morning, voiced his concern that this was a safety issue, and said that somebody could “shoot up the school” if the cop kept leaving his post
- The watiress complained to TPD about the out of context, private conversation that she listened in on, and Tisbury Police Chief Mark Saloio used this as grounds to fire him while he was crossing kids across the street at school, then took him to his house where they confiscated his guns and LTC
- The police chief threatened to charge him and never gave him a receipt for the illegal seizure of his guns
- In an interview with the MV Times Nichols said, “When I was in the United States Army, and it wasn’t just me, it’s anybody who’s in the United States service, if you are on guard duty for eight hours, you didn’t leave that position. And I’m just so accustomed to that, that when I see someone who’s suppose to be protecting kids…leave the school unguarded — if you’re on guard duty, you stay there.”
- Linda Jeans owner Marc Hanover vouches for Nichol’s integrity, said he’s a long time customer, and said one of his servers overreacted
- The friend (Andy Marcus of Edgartown) who was eating with Nichols made it clear to the owner that there were no threats made
- Nichols’ wife died two years ago and said his job as a crossing guard is his connection to the outside world, and as the grandfather of 11 he enjoys being around kids
- The police chief, who is new, is gutlessly not commenting on the matter
This guy is the biggest tool on the planet.
Imagine what a tyrannical piece of shit you have to be to do this to an 84 year old man who helps kids, has served his country and community for decades, and recently lost his wife? This is like an advertisement for why red flag laws are so dangerous. It gives powers to corrupt climbers like this to violate your second amendment rights because some bitch waitress couldn’t mind her own fucking own business.
Guess how many people he beat out for the job?
Saloio, a lieutenant with the Sturbridge Police Department and a 25-year veteran, was the lone candidate for the job. The screening committee selected another candidate, but he withdrew before being presented to selectmen.
Zero. He was literally the only guy who applied. He admittedly wants to retire on the island is looking for a way to pad his pension and violate some civil rights along the way.
As bad as he is the waitress is even worse. Think about how fucked up that is. The guy is a regular customer giving them business during the slow season. MV turns into a ghost town after September, and they should be thankful for every single customer they get. And what does this waitress do? She eavesdrops on a private conversation, misrepresents what he says by taking it out of context, doesn’t ask any questions of him, doesn’t tell the manager, and runs straight to the cops instead. Now his guns are confiscated and his second amendment rights are taken away. Tisbury might as well be a communist country at this point.
This post on Linda Jeans’ Facebook page was too ironic.
“When you eat with us you’ll always get a side of cuntiness. You’ll also lose your LTC, guns, and your job. Besides that it’s awesome here.”
On, and this was awesome too.
The only thing that liking more than hearing from their guests is overhearing their private conversations and then vindictively trying to ruin their life.
Secret’s out – this place sucks!
I called up the restaurant this morning to get a quote from the manager about this, because the waitress should be named and shamed, and at the very least fired. Much to much surprise he’s not only not firing her, he’s standing by her 100%. He told me in no uncertain terms that he blames the police chief and says the waitress did the right thing by going to the cops. He referred to Nichols as “Stevey,” like they’re best friends or something too.
Imagine you owned a business and one of your waitresses violated your customer’s privacy, called the cops on him, and then you stood by her instead of him. I asked him for the name of the waitress and he said he wouldn’t give it out but “everyone knows who she is.” So if that’s the case I’d love for people to reach out and let us know so we can give her the Turtleboy public shaming she’s earned.
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84 Comment(s)
The chief looks like a very unattractive woman..
This is what used to go on in the Soviet Union under communism. You have no business listening in on private conversations. It is none of your business. And the democrats say they don’t want to take away our guns. They say they just want to “regulate” them. They can start by enforcing the existing gun laws.
If you haven’t noticed, we are living in an era reminiscent of the former Soviet Union and all the other fascist dictatorships. The only difference is that haven’t eliminated the guns that are in the hands of private citizens YET. They sure are working their ass’s off with all the orchestrated psyop’s and crisis actors committed to the task. If they are successful it will be genocide on a massive scale, only this time it will be happening in America.
This guy deserves respect he fought for America the chief is a dumb fuck who think vets from Israel’s wars are the same no they were hired terrorists,this guy took an oath and followed it. Finally a true American and not the Jewish war criminals your uncle cry’s about.
So this man fought for our freedom and now he still is doing what he can at 84 yrs old, to make sure people are safe by being a crossing guard. Both the waitress and the chief should be ashamed of themselves. I’m sure the was a much better way to handle this.
1st Marine Division and Army X Corp at Chosen Reservoir. Nice shirt chief looking spiffy, waitress tell us of your struggles.
Oh my goodness. Thank you for sharing this clip.
Indeed, police chief….hang those diplomas with pride.
Old Veteran vs Desk Jockey, Marthas Vineyard.
84 years old, Korean War Veterans, ex Cop, his wife has passed.
When you get into this territory in life often all it takes is a traumatic event for your health to turn for the worse. Saddens me to make that observation, hoping this honorable old timer shakes it off and continues to his enjoy his life.
Give him back his property, job and apologize to him. I’d trust the judgement of the Veteran over the “chief” any day.
Is the name of the restaurant The Secrets Out or Linda’s Place? In one instance the owner said the waitress overreacted in another place it said the owner backed the waitress. Is it all the same place and owner?
The restaurant is Linda Jean’s. I have no idea what the “secrets out” thing refers to, maybe its just an ad slogan ? And you are right about the owners apparent schizophrenia. But keep in mind there are now 96 comments on that newspaper article and most are very critical of both the police chief and the restaurant, and there have probably never been that many comments in the history of the entire paper. The restaurant owner is certainly aware of the potential for this to turn into the end of his business so he is probably in full denial/damage control mode.
Pee Wee Herman is a police chief now…
That ridiculous tv show (What would You Do) has created dumbass SJW’s from ignorant selfish waitstaff refusing to serve people or attacking them publicly and thinking themselves a hero.
Chief Genderqueer needs to lose that job for lack of responsible investigating.
Whether shim retains the badge or not, it needs a good and thorough beating.
As for that waitress, if she did this to that poor old Korean War vet, she’s hopped on the gossip line about a hundred others.
Bottle brush in the cooter, cock in the ass and a deep dive in the Atlantic for her.
In a one on one fight between the police chief and old man, put my money on the old dude. Chief looks like a pillow biting fairy.
I saw that fag cop jerkin’ off to Joker trailers, and drippin’ spittle… he was talking about hurting children as he came….this fuckin ‘ cop here I’m tellin’ ya, a sick fuck…
On a positive note if you have no life and are too scared to be in public it doesn’t matter to you. On a negative note your life is as fulfilling as a quadriplegic.
That’ nuffin, the shit is really gonna hit the fan on the island after the Obama clan move into their $14 million summer home and start ridin’ dirty thru the center of town with their homies blasting jiggaboo music and sippin on Henny!
Casual Observation:
In the US, we have Security Guards (Resource Officers, etc) watching every single school where the odds are fucking minuscule a school has an incident.
Meanwhile, more than half the kids in the school are obese morons.
His dirty underwear could be used for a napkin at you poor ass dinner tables
Stephen makes a comment that a law enforcement officer is in essence derelict in the performance of his/her/ze duties. The chief law enforcement officer then gets Stephen fired, and takes a questionable action by seizing Stephen’s firearms. Sounds like suppression and punishment of a dissenting political viewpoint.
This chief looks like some of the chiefs out by Amherst. He also looks like the former chief of the San Francisco PD who was an Asian female. Y do some of your magic and find the Chief photos. I’m a complete dummy unfortunately Police Chief is no longer a position for a real police officer. It’s now just a puppet for whichever liberal politician is running that town or city. Take a look at the nightly news and see if I’m lying. It’s never a leader anymore but a political hack
wait a minute, the chief is a guy? I honestly thought it was a recent graduate from Hampshire College, wow, put your big boy pants on there buddy !
Thats old peckerwood shouldn’t even hold the TV remote.
Thank god the police did something before someone got hurt!
This chief looks like an undervover shep smith.
Just read on MV Times that Nichols has been reinstated on his crosswalk job. He also has a law firm representing him in regards to taking his gun license & guns. Good for him!!
Doesn’t matter if the guy gets a ticker tape parade and a six figure settlement.
Chief Genderqueer still needs a swift kick in the cunt and cock garage.
And I bet it was that waitress that could eat an apple through a chain link fence. Second choice is her pal, Orca.
So that is where Barney Fife went when the show wound down! Mystery solved.
Capt Newbie who shits on persons rights, is not well received by local LE types. My guess is that he’ll be relieved of command once a suitable candidate is found.
Time for that old buck to lawyer up and give the town’s Law Enforcement E&O Insurance a workout.
Love to scan this page while taking my dump before I head home from the office. An automatic “cha ching” sounds on my phone that another $450 goes in bank for today’s “work”. How are you people doing today?
Ummm great…..and laughing about your 450…..do you clean the bathroom be do we you take to ur dump?
* before you take your dump?
In my change jar is more than you will make in 3 years. I could also double your wife’s salary and have her lick my boots clean. Either way. You are dogshit. You know that and it will burn at you. Sorry not sorry.
I would gladly lick your boots for $120K a year. I’m an expert licker learned it from my dogs, no problem having those boots licked clean in 20 minutes and I got the rest of the day free to play tug of war with a rope, crap in the neighbors yards and chase squirrels. Not to mention all that cash to buy bacon mmmmm bacon.
The police chief looks like if Caitlyn Jenner changed her mind about being ‘stunning and brave’
The police chief looks like if Caitlyn Jenner came back from being ‘stunning and brave’
Put her in the grave yard TB.
shitty thing that happened, give the guy his guns and job back. However turtleboy, you should know that In public there is no expectation of privacy.
i hope after this man years of service,only to be fucked over by a snowflake.that the residents never eat in that restaurant again ,boycott that place
Was the resource officer fired for leaving his post every damn day leaving the kids at risk?
No. In the MV Times the cop is defending the security guard.
is that police chief a transsexual ? man it gots some funky eyebrows.shame,shame,shame.this is what it’s coming too.
He borrowed those eyebrows from Justin “Fidel Castro’s My Real Father” Trudeau!
Hopefully this dude goes full Gran Torino when he gets his guns back and starts stacking bodies
He borrowed those eyebrows from Justin “Fidel Castro’s My Real Father” Trudeau!
Widower NOT a Widow. You were a teacher?
A complaint by a waitress, based on untruthful hearsay evidence, no investigation by the Chief or his team of crack investigators, no probable cause, a blatant disregard of the United States Constitution, specifically the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments, a rush to judgement, and the revocation of this government permit to exercise his Constitutional and Natural Rights. Not to mention having his house invaded, and his private property seized, without a warrant, due process, or compelling evidence that this Army and Law Enforcement veteran posed any harm to the community.
Shame on this carpetbagger Police Chief for all the harm he has done to this man, and his reputation.
Next time you see a greasy piece of chicken wrapped in bacon, think of what your heart looks like. It is worse if you have bad habits. Not trying to be a downer, just keeping it sizzling real.
Red flag laws. Have you read that law? If your commenters had any air in their lungs they would gasp.
replace the chief with former oaks bluffs chief General Joe Carter who has a great resume and who repelled the herds of inner city youth from the beaches of the Vineyard with the gang units from the Boston and State Police. He was a great soldier and an expert in hand to hand combat as shown when he beat and raped a white female private while serving in the National Guard.
Leave the poor waitress alone. You don’t have a “right to privacy” in public. Good for her for reporting what she thought might be a threat.
No, this woman needs to be identified This is what happens when people stick their noses into other people’s business. Her job is to pour coffee & carry dishes. Nowhere in the job description of “server” does it list “intelligence operative”.
Mind your own fucking business and bring me my pancakes. And don’t forget the syrup.
See something, say something.
You would be the first one saying she should have spoken up if the old coot offed some poor school kids.
yes because there have been so many instances of geriatric, WW2 soldiers shooting up schools.
It’s all the rage.
everyone thinks they are “uncovering” a “plot”….
mind your own fucking business…
if someone overheard this kind of convo between a bunch of rug worshippers…
and someone called the police…
you and the liberal pond scum would be crying “racism” and “profiling”..
And if this old fella was a fixture in the restaurant, she surely would have been familiar with him and knew better than accusing him of this foolishness. I’d bet real money that if there had been no backlash, she would have put up a humblebrag post on her social media about the virtues of ratting out strangers. Then the comments section would have become a circlejerk marathon of her shrill friends saying they heard pensioner veterans making threats at bingo halls, grocery stores, etc.
Hi Dick
Look at those fake diplomas on the wall behind “dr chief”…..
One for typing, one for filing and one for just being the best!! Agree w total mayhem. Start the go fund me and I’ll gladly contribute. That friggin chief needs to have a few of his rights violated. What a pussy
Kinda’ like this?
Just like that. Lol. Loved that movie. Tried to make my kids watch it, lasted 15 minutes.
this is a great sample. but what it all comes down to is the m1a1 carbine in the background.
I know where I’m not eating, if I get hungry on the Vineyard.
Our dingbat business owner should be asking himself if he thinks there is enough moonbats on MV to keep his joint open over the long, dark and cold winter.
I would like to kick this guy in the Cunt
This is definitely the police chiefs fault not the waitress. The chief is the one who is supposed to have the correct judgement in this matter and obviously failed. A complete and utter failure.
Due is probably getting paid 100000 a year at least to run a department of two cops and 20 18 year old wannabes during the summer in a town with no crime and barely any population and he fucks it up….
What a failure…..25!years and law enforcement and can’t even do one h th I g right….
I hope someone starts a go fund me to sue the Town over this BS.
I’ll be a donor for sure.
Total Mayhem,
That is probably one of the *only* GoFundMe I would endorse immediately.
Imagine being the douche that took away an 85 year old man’s daily activity that *helps* the community. There are men who are a fraction of his age that won’t work – and we pay them.
Can you imagine if John Rambo did a goodfundme? It would fund an equipment list of weapons that Boeing would struggle to fulfill.
Ok. The judge has not mentioned the stalks in a while but
That pecker head faggot white shirt police chief needs to be put into the stalks and pelted with vegetables. It’s fall, town square, hoodie weather, time to pelt.
Wtf. Disarm a vet and retired cop who requires his firearm to defend himself. Wtf. I’m going to go throw up.
I laud Chief Saloio for acting proactively to avoid this overt threat. Only a crazed lunatic would threaten such violence. Ignoring Mr. Nichols 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th amendment rights was justified here, his rights be damned!
The best part about all of this is that this wasn’t even an ERPO confiscation. This was entirely possible because the chief found him “unsuitable” and revoked his license for no reason. Once they take your license, they take your guns because you can’t have guns in Mass without a license. Fucked up.
Aaaaargh being the Chief of police on a vacation island like MV is easy til that Great White shark comes around. Just ask Chief Brody!
“Here’s to swimmin’ with bow-legged womin!”
You were on the Indianapolis?
Some serious cunts on the blog today, and I don’t just mean Fake Finn.
Just for the record, I heard UT and Bret on the Podcast discussing the use of the “cunt” as a term of abuse. Apparently, they didn’t think it was too severe a word.
However, I can tell you that in the UK it’s considered about the worst insult that you can sling at anyone, hence I use it a lot.
Ok, thanks.
Rick, it’s been my experience that it’s used LIBERALLY by nearly all walks of life in the UK. How severe can it be? It’s certainly taken more severely here in the US but then again, everything is.
In the UK former football great Roy Keane has raised the use of the word cunt to an art form. He never misses a chance to label players and managers as cunts. Irony is Roy is Irish by birth and nobody but nobody can curse like the Irish.
Ya know, Bret is a cunt so he must be very familiar with the term.
He’s a dirty cunt, with discharge and a growing number of genital warts.
Honestly thought that police chief was a tranny.
Is it me – or does Chief Saloio look like Deputy Trudy Wiegel from Reno 911?
It is absolutely the broad in the middle. Someone that unfortunate looking has to watch the world burn for how she has been scorned.
Yes! I was gonna say – I bet it’s the fat, man-faced looking one with tmj or some shit. Also, think about how many times the far-left ‘intelligentsia’ stops at nothing to fire innocent people. Kind of ironic when it’s someone who acted rashly against an innocent person, and everyone around them closes ranks.
My guess is that it is NOT either girl on the far left or right. It’s got to be one of the three in the middle. Instinct tells me.
Spot on, DRSC.
Absolutely, positively, 100% the fat heifer in the middle.
You can just tell.
Not the first heifer I’ve had to lasso, DS.
This man is about as low of a public safety threat as there possibly is. Frankly I feel a lot more threatened by a Police Chief whose judgement is as twisted and unsound as his.