This episode of Uncle Turtleboy’s Light Night Garage Podcast is brought to you by the good folks over at Garage Doors Plus in Quincy. Support the Turtleboy sponsors by giving them a call for all your garage door needs, visit their website gdplus.com, or like them on Facebook to support the turtle.
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Jussie Smollett went to jail today, but it will be the only day he ever spends in prison. Rich people don’t go to jail in America unless they rape 20 women like Bill Cosby. This will prove that the system is not rigged against black people. It’s rigged against poor people.
Also, the CPD is trying to diffuse this whole thing by claiming Smollett did it for the money. Don’t let them change the narrative – he did this for political reasons. This was all done in order to prove that Trump created a dangerous cultural atmosphere so that he would be voted out in 2020. Unfortunately Jussie was really, really bad and lazy when it came to putting this fake hate crime together.
And in case I needed another reminder of why I would never consider voting for a democrat in 2020 look no further than Tora White re-emerging as we watched the video from her at the free speech rally in Boston in 2017. Just watch the 5 minute video and remind yourself that this is what the country would look like if we gave these psychopaths control.
We had some fupacomputer issues so the YouTube video seems to be cutoff. Listen to it on SoundCloud or iTunes instead.
17 Comment(s)
When spring comes I think it’s time for another TB bone ride.
Ware, Lawrence, Southbridge, North Adams, lots of great places to see!
Don’t fret, Federal charges will be coming soon from the US Postsl Inspection Service and FBI for sending himself that hate letter via US Mail. They don’t take kindly to that. Jussie gonna do Federal time.
Smollett has a new career at the Ramrod Room for $1,200 a week. Ass reaming is also a benefit.
Alexandra Cotex told Jussie that his paycheck was insulting and that he was being Amazoned.
She sdvised him to resist and persist. Empire cast members will take a knee before every show because Jussie was oppressed depressed repressed and every other kind of pressed.
125k for each show is racist. How can a brutha live on chump change like dat.
True one day in jail but for the rest of his life he will be taking a BBC right in his smelly fart blaster. Forever being turned on to another man’s dingleberry asshole. That is punishment enough. And to top it all off he will always be waking up with splooge breath from swallowing loads . My name is Barney Frank and I approve this message.
Hey A what ever happened to the YouTube video of you getting your ass kicked by a paper towel dispenser?
“Sloshed Douchenoozle Fist Fights Paper Towels, Destructs Public Property, and Brags About it Online”
Would a made a great TBS blog post. Shame you had it taken down.
Let us not forget that Loonie Lizzie and Kamala want reparations for slavery. Slavery ended over 150 years ago. None of us were alive when it was legal. Just keep fanning the flames for the white supremacists and remember, you are only going to help them recruit mainstream members.
Someone’s cranky. Wifey not putting out? Trouble on the home front?
Awww poor guy, don’t project your anger at your inability to control your own wife, on these little feminists.
“The [Turtleboy] is a bewildered soldier of outrage culture, deeply emboldened by complex and contradictory pseudo-sociology pepper by meaningless terms dressed up as serious fact. [Turtleboy] is obsessed with picking at the scabs of [society], trying to draw fresh blood, and are often seen lumbering around, finding [issue] at every turn. [Their] causes have no credibility, no clear motivation, and no semblance of logic. Now that the well has all but dried up, the sediment that remains are perpetually miserable shrews expending boundless energy in making other [people] as brutally unhappy as [turtleboy].”
Did Worcester have another snow day today? Or did the kids at Sullivan Middle hack their iPads to troll TBS?
You are the only reminder we need of a dangerous cultural atmosphere. But sure keep raging like a preteen while you complain about other people’s rage.
The people who eat up your shit, are real winners. Glad you won over the same scum you mock. I guess it takes one to know one.
Keep riding the hypocrisy train … the end of this fucked up entertainment style will come. … and so will your mortgage payments.
Hope your cool moving the kids back to scary Worcester (watch out they might get woke, the bubbles not as thick as it is in Holden) … hope you didn’t piss too many GBV people off when you get there.
Feel the power if these woke comments! Now I’m pumped. I was thinking that leftists who misuse words like “equality”, “racism”, and even “exist”, were the ones that were hypocritical.
You’ve really convinced me, and now I just feel bad for being white. That’s why, this morning, I’ve got a noose on to show my solidarity with Smollett. As soon as I figure out how to make a noose overlay for my profile picture, I’ll really be making the world a better place.
Afraid you’re right UTB another leftists walks on a felony. Will the FBI approve him destroying his laptop and phone?
Yep…. Democrats and Communists we dodged a bullet named Hillary.
You’re wrong on this one UT. Even if he escapes Chicago justice which I doubt because they are pissed; he has the feds to deal with. The CPD in their presser made it clear they were working with the FBI and mentioned the ‘letter’ he sent himself. He is going to pay dearly for this unless of course he gives up Kamala and Corey.
Are those the same Feds that have been trying to overturn a Presidential election for the last two years? That have railroaded a couple people associated with Trump for process crimes? Like OG Turtleboy stated – yesterday was the only time he’ll do in jail.