
Turns Out Bootleg George Clooney And His Scam Artist Wife Spent All Of Junkbox Johnny’s $400K GoFundMe Scam Money That Johnny Was Probably In On Too And The Cops Have Raided Their House

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The south Jersey scam artists who used a homeless guy to raise $400K with a sob story that only a moron would’ve believed, are in trouble. You’ll recall that Kate McClure claimed that she ran out of gas with her husband Mark D’Amico on I-95, when all of a sudden a homeless guy with $20 saved them by going to the gas station and spending all his money on gas for them to get home. This alleged act of kindness warmed people’s hearts and led to a massive fundraiser:

They got on TV.

But then it was revealed that Johnny the Junkie didn’t get the money, the house, or the car he was promised from his new best friends. They did buy him a camper and let him live in it on their property, and they claimed they weren’t giving him the money because he was still doing drugs.

Of course we were the only ones who seemed to understand what OBVIOUSLY happened here. Johnny the Junkie and these two idiots made up this story to get a GoFundMe going, played it perfectly, agreed to split the money, and then they stiffed him to go on exotic trips all over the world and blamed it on the fact that he’s a junkie.

Shit happens.

Everyone’s all mad about this because Johnny’s being portrayed as the victim here. But don’t get it twisted – Johnny is just mad that the scam only worked out for them. What kind of junkie spends his last $20 on strangers for gas money? They could’ve put $5 worth of gas in their car, gotten themselves to the gas station, and then used their own money to fill it up. You’d have to be willfully blind to not think this one through and actually donate to this scam.

And that’s who’s ultimately mad about this – the idiots who donated. I say fuck em. That’s what you get for being maroons. You gave your money to two strangers because you’re the type of ding dong who believes everything they see on the Internet. I hate these people because they’re the ones who call us “hateful” or “mean” when we call these scams out ahead of time. Sorry people, we just know how ratchets operate and can smell them from a mile away. This one stank to high heaven from day one.

Anyway, they went on Megyn Kelly earlier in the week and lied their asses off. They claimed that there was $200,000 left over and that they hadn’t blown it all on vacations and trips to the casino:

(Megyn Kelly is so bad in this morning show. She was fine on Fox News, because she’s a political reporter. But watching her try to be Oprah is just plain uncomfortable.)

How can anyone watch that and even come close to believing them? Just look at this sad white girl face:

And just look at this hair. Be douchier. You can’t.

Johnny the Junkie isn’t relenting and he’s got a bunch of pro boner lawyers working for him who brought the grifters to court. And their lawyers in court revealed that there is no money left to give Johnny the Junkie. In other words, they lied to Megyn Kelly and she believed them.

Then this text message from bootleg George Clooney to Johnny the Junkie was revealed, suggesting that he’s got money hidden somewhere, and he’s willing to give it to Johnny the Junkie if he backs off….

Then yesterday the cops raided their house while bootleg George Clooney stood outside hitting golf balls in a flat brimmed hat like the asshole that he is….

LOL. It boggles my mind that people gave money to this clown and now want to act like they were victimized. Bitch, you deserve to lose your money. That money was never meant for you in the first place.

Oh, and Johnny the Junkie is getting paid either way:

So just to review. The scammers got paid and went on a bunch of trips, Johnny the Junkie is getting paid, and the only people who got screwed over are people who deserve to be screwed over for giving their money to an Internet meme that they were dumb enough to fall for. I say no harm, no foul. The GoFundMe was in their name. They never signed a contract with Johnny Junkie. If they wanna blow it all on Disney trips then good for them. Shame on the people who haven’t figured out how to smell a scam when they see one.

15 Comment(s)
  • Thepretender
    November 15, 2018 at 2:52 am

    All I have to say today:
    Who called this bullshit first?
    The turtlegram nahhhh
    The instagram nahhhh
    May not be the worst
    But to fuck this shit up is
    Not the equivalent of a gaffe(ney)
    Y’all loyalists know what I mean
    It’s part of a bigger problem
    Not trying to start no drama
    And it aint about your mama
    Turtleboy first yes yes
    I’m so grateful for my Turtleboy
    Fuck yes

  • Fo Sho
    Not wid my dick
    September 8, 2018 at 9:22 pm

    Obvious that hubby’s chocolate starfish already been stretched……………I got nuttin……

  • Kim Un Jong
    September 8, 2018 at 3:01 pm

    her dark hair will go better with prison orange than her old blonde look.

  • Captain Trips
    Captain Trips
    September 8, 2018 at 8:34 am

    The wife is a poor liar. When asked if $1 more than the $500 was spent her face went blank and her entire demeanor changed. Read the frightened guilt on her face.

    I also like the text from the husband. He ADMITS he spent the money – “What’s left is yours”.

    Anyone wanna bet that search warrant comes up with receipts and financial documentation that the money was all spent on themselves?

    The wife is shitting her pants. Her lawyer probably told her they better come up with the 400K in the next 24 hours or they are going to wind up either:

    1) in jail or
    2) with all of their assets seized.

    I hope both of the above happen. Useless yuppies deserve no less.

  • Manipulative Female and Male Pawns
    September 8, 2018 at 7:37 am

    Look at the pic on the helicopter both wearing headphones. Hubby looks 25 years older, gaunt, street addict. She looks young and healthy, she has the power in this relationship, hubby is her beard for her schemes.

  • fucking New Jersey and Gingers
    September 8, 2018 at 6:23 am

    From now on I’m gonna give gas money to any attention whore ratchet couple, nicely dressed, expensive vehicle…. no gas money or cc.. wtf? Here’s my last five dollars, I hope it helps you.. boo hoo.. for me. Now go start a GFM in my name, you attention whoring meth-head middle class phonies.

  • Not that Leah
    September 7, 2018 at 11:11 pm

    Doesn’t matter if they didn’t sign a contract with Johnny.
    GFM terms of us state the money must be used what’s its intended for.

  • Pete
    September 7, 2018 at 11:08 pm

    John Bobbitt?  He has the same name as that dude whose dick was chopped off in 1993?

    Why does John Bobbitt abuse his women?
    It’s the only meat he can beat these days.

  • Meghan Kelly's Camel Toe
    September 7, 2018 at 8:51 pm

    Her Vagina is raging, she is waiting for a man who she can surrender herself to, her labial mound is flashing through her slacks like a neon sign, fuck me! if you dare,. Her massive camel-toe is not a mistake on her own national tv show where wardrobe, stylists and personal assistants check everything.

    Meghan Kelly is a horny woman, she wants the right man to fill her mucous pit, is there a right man. Nope and that’s the catch she’s a crazy cunt determined to never be happy.

    • Meg
      September 8, 2018 at 12:01 am

      Like when she tried to seduce / interview alex jones. Alex jones recorded her and she lost her job when he recorded her hit job. And published it on the net. I bet she wanted a bit of push push. You’re right.

  • Gingers Bukake 4 Cash
    September 7, 2018 at 8:27 pm

    Pro Bono I got Boner for Kate, she looks better as a brunette, needs better styling, she should try for a Kate Middleton or Catherine Zeta-Jones look would work with her face . I’d be happy with the camper, some cash and steady bj’s from Kate. Kate is a ginger she shouldn’t mind blowing for cash, her hubby looks like the real junkie he’d be passed out on the floor high af until he od’d at which point Kate would be mine. Let’s be honest who’s the junkie here?? All three of these people, every one of them would do anything for a pay day as we now know.

    Scheme went amazingly well, downfall was greed. Through the junkie 200k in a trust and make yourselves the fall-back recipient. You dam well he won’t survive 6 months and he does get it together good for him. You still have 200k you didn’t have before and shit load of good will.

  • ElJefe72
    September 7, 2018 at 7:20 pm

    Guaranteed that the junkie will blow through that $400K in less than six months. 

  • ncfoothillbilly
    September 7, 2018 at 7:09 pm

    GFM is going to remunerate Bobbitt. I cant get the link to post, though.

  • I See Dumb People
    Scam clowns
    September 7, 2018 at 6:58 pm

    I guarantee those 2 douchebags are just as much into drugs as the veteran only differance is they probably only do tge exspensive blow you stick up your nose where as tge veteren probably does crack or heroin cuz its cheaper … They probably new him prior to him “getting them gas” …ie he was thier middle man hook up for thier exspensice drug deals… Never give your money to strangers if you want to do something nice find a friend or family member in need be smart people

  • LumbergFuckedHer
    September 7, 2018 at 3:47 pm

    I wish the chick would make a porno…with me.

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