
Turns Out Kevin Blackmer’s Gang Name Is “Street Sweeper,” He’s Planning On Killing Everyone, And Worships Jesus, Satan, And Bruce Lee


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Yesterday we called out one of Ware’s finest, named Kevin Blackmer, for typing this insensitive post on Facebook:


Not good.

Well somehow we missed by far the most hilarious part about Kevin’s (why is every dooshnozzle we write about named Kevin?) Facebook page – the About section:

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Let’s just break this down one piece at a time……

My name is Kevin Michael Blackmer, some people call me Blackmer, GHO$T, Black Bear, Street Sweeper The Grim Reaper, K.B. Eemiani, KBlack, Kev, Kevo, ect, ect.

One of your many street names in Ware is “Street Sweeper?” I’m sorry, was “Garbageman” already taken? That might be the worst street name in the history of wannabe gangstas.

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I grew up and lived in a whole lot of Cities, Town’s and so on and so forth… I grew up in and outta Ware, Mass as well and im a wildboy straight out of the 413-757-804-508 & many more.

Translation – my Mom once made me sleep in  sleazy motel room in Southbridge when she was on one of her benders.


I’m all about God, a Higher Power, & Practice many beliefs.

Interesting. Didn’t know you could practice many beliefs. Thought it was kind of a “pick one” deal. But I guess when you’re the Street Sweeper you can practice as many religions as you want. So what does he believe in?

Including Buddhism, The Philosophies & Studies of Bruce Lee and many more.

Ah yes, the philosophies of Bruce Lee. Because the studies of Jackie Chan are just too mainstream.

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God put me here to please all Women, make bank, and retire at a young age with the right Women when the time is right.

Nice. Got that ladies? God put this man on earth to please you:


ALL of you. Things are obviously going great for him, as you can see by his grasp of the English language and residence in Ware. He’ll be making bank and retiring at a young age in no time. Better go to him for pleasure soon before he rescinds his offer.

I can’t wait to settle down and have a Family. When the time is right. I lived my whole life in the fast lane and still do.

Thank God he hasn’t reproduced. Phew. Was worried there for a second.


Just in smarter aspects and quiet action. As well as live(d) a constructive life in a destructive way. It’s time for a change. Continue to monopolize my Business and sit back and retire at a young age on a beach with a beach house too.

Man, this guy’s got life all figured out. As soon as he works on monopolizing his nonexistent business he’ll be ready for a beach front retirement where he can live off his nonexistent 401K.

When I meet a Woman who deserves it. I’m going to give Her, our families and I the life we all want need and desire straight up and I got everything it takes to do so.

Yea, don’t rush it into it or anything. It’s not easy finding a woman who deserves all of this:


You gotta sell high, and the price is still going up.

I can’t wait to get back into playing Hockey, Bmx, Fixing Car’s, Boxing & Brazilian Jujitsu again. There’s nothing better then the natural high’s in life. I love knocking mother fuckers out or breaking their jaws legally in the ring.

So many life goals, so little time. Wish I had life figured out like this.

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He’s also started firing back at his critics who weren’t too fond of his homophobic Facebook posting:

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Yea, no one is ever gonna kick his ass, because he’s protected by God, Jesus Christ, AND Satan. Because they’ve been known to work together to protect loud mouthed nudniks with bad facial hair.

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Hail satan. Wait…..I thought he was a Buddhist/Bruce Lee follower. How many masses and goat sacrifices does this guy attend on a weekly basis?

And rants like this seem really normal:


For real yo. If you stop Street Sweeper from raising the $15 he needs to get a copy of his birth certificate then he’s literally gonna kill you. Luckily he’s got it all planned out and he’s going to plead temporary insanity for a reduced sentence. Although I’m pretty sure this post would indicate that the hypothetical revenge murder was premeditated. Might wanna delete this one Gho$t.


Oh yea, and if you guys are looking to have someone taken out by a true professional, you’re in luck:


Seriously inquiries only. He’s a very busy hitman who doesn’t have time for bad leads. Although as a commenter pointed out when he saw this picture of Street Sweeper:


This doesn’t exactly pad his resume:

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Good point.

I also don’t like it when my hitmen get arrested:


And yea, as hilarious as this guy might be, someone might wanna let the Ware Police Department know about some of these posts:

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Yea, he just might be a complete psychopath. Plus, you tell me who this picture resembles:


Just sayin:


Just like Omar Mateen, the Street Sweeper would probably be a lot more chill if he just came out of the closet already. It’s not normal to hate gay people that much while simultaneously being controlled by Jesus, Satan, Buddha, and Bruce Lee. Oh, and mother nature too:

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Last thing. We got an email from an anonymous Ware resident who had the misfortune of knowing Street Sweeper. Here’s what they tell us:

He’s wanted in 3 states Ma FL and VA, and took off to AZ to be with his mommy. He never leaves her side…ever. He grew up smoking crack with her. He has another man raising a kid who doesn’t know he even exists. Funnier for a gay bashing homophobe because he checked himself into a psych ward for superseded memories of molesting his own brother as a kid and he himself was molested at 3. He claims he’s in all kinds of gangs 2015 it was Aryan brotherhood 2016 he switched to bloods…oh and used to be Folk? He is on the run from police so lives in Arizona in a little mud shack with his mommy, a toothless crack head.

Looks like Street Sweeper doesn’t have to turn his life around at all. He’s living in a wigwam in the desert and getting ready for retirement in the Bahamas. Sucks to be everyone else!!


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31 Comment(s)
  • Micky Shitz
    June 16, 2016 at 10:07 am

    Don’t mess with this guy. I ran with him in the E.F.P. gang. He is totally out of his freaking tree.

  • Joseph Schmo
    June 16, 2016 at 6:18 am

    Can’t get enough of these scumbag bathroom selfies! And furthermore, this guy sounds like a regular Boy Scout! Probably has merit badge gor his intense knowledge of the martial arts and cryptic writing!!

    • June 16, 2016 at 6:21 am

      Sorry, the word is “for”…
      Sorry for the typo!

  • Jack Frost (not really)
    June 16, 2016 at 3:17 am

    Might wanna check out that makayla yarkin girl that took the picture. She a hoe and a half that I would love to see am article on her. Claims to have slept with over 500 guys in the Palmer and ware area (wouldn’t put it past her due to my first encounter with her at a household in three Rivers wanting to get me naked and fuck me right when she walked in the door. 2nd encounter she blew a guy in the Macy’s bathroom at the Holyoke mall. Palmer and ware have their share of scumbags and hoes.

    • Micky Shitz
      June 16, 2016 at 10:09 am

      What’s her number? I have a graduation party coming up.

  • Bill P.
    June 15, 2016 at 9:36 pm

    This is what you turn into when your life has been completely bereft of a father, nor any positive male role models.

  • Kay
    June 15, 2016 at 9:25 pm

    He has reproduced feel bad for his kids mother. I’ve known him since I was 8 he’s been nothing but scum since but hey momma raised him right hahahaha

  • Reddog
    June 15, 2016 at 8:22 pm

    Life in the fast lane,,,sure to make you lose your mind. Yup,he succeeded.

    • A. M. Wood
      June 16, 2016 at 6:05 am

      Ware’s not even an off ramp.

  • Worc Taxpayer
    June 15, 2016 at 6:30 pm

    He lived his whole life in “the fast lane”!? In Ware??!! ROFLMAO!

  • ProfessorM
    June 15, 2016 at 1:19 pm

    Hahaha! I made the blog! I made the blog! I’m totally going to work with a smile on my face tonight! Although, I think I might wear pink… As everyone seems to think I’m a man! Lmao! This absolutely made my day!

    • For real?
      June 16, 2016 at 1:16 pm

      Turtleboy do not give any acknowledgment or credence to this rabble rousing SJW hag or her SJW lesbian girlfriend FiestyLawyerLady……….They spent all day and night lurking after regular commenters and then start shit with them……….They are no good idiotic fools and the two of them should be banned……….

  • Ryan
    June 15, 2016 at 1:15 pm

    WRCH (Former Worcester State Hospital), Our Doors are always open. I’m sure he wouldn’t do well with some of our Attendants.

  • Wabbitt
    June 15, 2016 at 1:13 pm

    That about section reminds me of the episode of The Boondocks when Riley was listing his aliases. “Yo I’m Riley Freeman, aka Riley Escobar, aka H.R. Paperstacks, aka Young Reezy, aka Horse Choker, aka Pillsbury Doughboy…”

    And as for the whole Bruce Lee thing, he DID create the martial art Jeet Kune Do, which is largely a philosophy of guiding thoughts and less of a strict form based art. So maybe that’s what the doughy dumbfuck means.

    • Fyoursafespace
      June 15, 2016 at 5:59 pm

      “Pillsbury Doughboy” – I was actually thinking that would be a great nickname for this guy.

    • lobrojr
      June 15, 2016 at 8:21 pm

      He only says he practices the bruce lee shit because his step dad used to have a book about him and that jeet kun do stuff so he decided to read like one sentence from it *Surprisingly, don’t ask me how* and out of nowhere boom reincarnation of bruce lee. If you were to ask him who bruce lee was he’d probably say its a type of chinese fried rice

  • Rational person
    June 15, 2016 at 1:11 pm

    I hope he doesn’t have an AR15.

    • Sal Monella
      June 15, 2016 at 4:09 pm

      I hope he does and he can reach the trigger with his toe.

      • FiestyLawyerLady
        June 15, 2016 at 6:17 pm

        The creativity behind this comment is quite amazing. A+

        • Sal Monella
          June 15, 2016 at 8:39 pm

          Well, thank you! Only the truly gifted, and sober, would understand it.

          This kid is very troubled and needs an intervention of some sort, either medical or legal. Either that or he is completely full of shit.

  • FiestyLawyerLady
    June 15, 2016 at 1:10 pm

    I thought the other post about this guy scared me, but this puts icing on the cake. So traumatized my own uterus walked right out and told me to go fuck myself.

    Thanks Kevin!

  • Jay
    June 15, 2016 at 12:49 pm

    That low income housing really did wonders for Ware.

  • Joe Max
    June 15, 2016 at 12:28 pm

    Just imagine a couple of generations ago, ” Street Sweeper ” would be off the streets. Would be in a state hospital for the duration. Must have the same DNA as the low-life from Florida pictured !

  • wondering
    June 15, 2016 at 12:27 pm

    I wonder if he will pass a background check to buy a gun.?

  • Wwy
    June 15, 2016 at 12:11 pm

    Too many fake Christians been brainwashed,can anyone show me where Jesus says kill gays,treat them like shit etc,(not the inbred misspelled) I mean how do you fuck up a 3 letter abbreviation. Moses gave us Ten Commandments from God the other 3,000 “mosaic laws” were written by the assholes worshipping the golden calf. Jesus had one commandment. America has become more atheist/communist which brings us abortion,war,murder,fake news(CNN,fox,NBC,abc,cbs,Msnbc,etc) fake elections and a distorted view of religion. I tell ya it’s tough being an “anti-Semite” who accepts Jesus a Jew from Judah as lord and savior,lol. Yes he has free speech,so do I. I’m sorry no one ever loved you not even your father who 100% ran away,the inbred is just the apple that fell off the fucked up family tree. I love free sperch.

    • GFY
      June 15, 2016 at 2:56 pm

      The shit Apple doesn’t fall far fro the hit tree

  • Shackleford
    June 15, 2016 at 11:59 am

    I’d like to know who his financial planner is. Retiring early with no job or income, brilliant!

    • wondering
      June 15, 2016 at 12:29 pm

      It’s called disability. Thak you taxpayers.

    • Buttafuco
      June 16, 2016 at 5:58 am

      His crank dealer/financial adviser is one in the same

  • KimberlyS
    June 15, 2016 at 11:56 am

    Maybe he practices a different religion for each one of his aliases?

    Too bad I’m happily married, ‘cuz DAMN – what a catch!

  • John Wick
    June 15, 2016 at 11:56 am

    I’ve seen kittens that looked tougher than this retard. Why do white kids from western mass all think they’re like, super tough ninjas or something? He looks like one of the douches that cries about making $15 an hour at his fast food job…

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