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So here’s a pretty disturbing story out of West Warwick, Rhode Island, which made Turtleboy’s list of the Top 5 biggest dumps in the Ocean State.
Source: Two men are in jail Wednesday night, facing the possibility of years in prison in connection with kidnapping and sexual assault charges against a teenager. Robert L. Perry, 57, of Coventry is charged with kidnapping and first and second degree sexual assault, while Lloyd “Paul” Baker, 53, of West Warwick faces a charge of third degree sexual assault. Rhode Island State Police are looking into the possibility that there may be other victims. “Certainly troubling,” Rhode Island State Police Captain Kevin O’Brien said. “It’s unsettling just to know that they would target a 14-year-old female, certainly defenseless.” Police tell NBC 10 the victim was walking alone at night in the area of Harris Avenue in West Warwick when she was stopped by a man in a car, whom police later identified as Perry. “He had a dog in the vehicle, asked her if she wanted to see the dog,” O’Brien said. Police say Perry allegedly took the victim into his car and then traveled to several locations around the state with her for two days. During that time, the girl told police she was sexually assaulted by Perry and Baker. Both men have criminal records in Rhode Island. NBC 10 looked at court records and found most of the charges were misdemeanors or charges to which the men pleaded no contest.
This story was sent to us by a West Warwick turtle rider named Jay Messier. According to court documents both defendants are on home confinement while out on bail. However, many in town have spotted Lloyd Baker in their neighborhoods panhandling for money (thanks Tracy Novick). There was some question as to whether or not it was in fact the real Lloyd Baker. After all, it would be pretty ballsy to beg for money on the street corner in a community in which you were just indicted on rape charges.
In America we are innocent until proven guilty. But it doesn’t mean we can do all the things we wanna do if we’re facing charges for a serious crime. A teacher who was accused of raping a student wouldn’t be allowed to teach while awaiting trial. A cop who was accused of killing someone without cause would be put on leave. And someone accused of raping a 14 year old girl repeatedly over a 48 hour period probably shouldn’t be panhandling in the middle of town.
My question is, why is this being allowed? I understand that slug rakes like Tracy Novick will sue a city like West Warwick if they try to make panhandling illegal. But does that mean you can still do it if you’re out on bail and awaiting trial for a heinous crime involving children? Where does it end? I mean, I guess it’s not illegal. But don’t the citizens who are considering giving money to this clown have a right to know who they are enabling? Shouldn’t this guy have to wear a scarlet R until he’s found not guilty?
Anyway, Jay Messier had enough. Since he has kids and he lives in this neighborhood he decided to go and confront the panhandler to see if it was in fact Lloyd Baker. Jay’s stance was the same stance any normal person would take – you’re innocent until you’re proven guilty but I’m gonna make your life a living hell if you think you’re gonna panhandle around here in the meantime. If he’s found not guilty then he can have his corner back. Until then, no panhandling in West Warwick.
Here’s what happened when he confronted him:
The video has been shared over 3,000 times and has gone viral…Rhode Island style. And overall the reception has been positive. Turtleboy thinks it’s great. Was it harsh? Yup. But the guy is a freaking rapist. I don’t care if he hasn’t been found guilty. All I need to do is look at his rap sheet to understand what he’s all about:
That’s like a resume for a professional dirtbag. I wouldn’t want him anywhere near Turtleboy Jr or Turtle Princess. So I gotta give Jay Messier props for the way he handled that. First of all, he was initially polite – “This is not a corner for a gentlemen such as yourself.”
But the guy made it clear he wasn’t going anywhere. That’s when Jay had to turn into a dickhead. He had no choice. Reasoning with this dingleberry wasn’t working and the only thing he understood was being publicly emasculated. Sometimes to get rid of a dickhead you have to be a dickhead.
Plus, when you throw in the fact that he’s panhandling it makes him a million times bigger of a nudnik than he already is. It’s bad enough you’re raping 14 year old girls. But there is nothing lower than a panhandler. They are the worst. Actually scratch that – the only thing lower than a panhandler is chucklefucker who gives money to them and makes you miss the green light. There people are lazy dooshnozzles who want money to fund their habits. They’re not using it to buy a new suit for a job interview. They’re doing it so they can get Burger King and a big bag of smack. They would not be there if people didn’t give them money. Stop giving them money and panhandling ends tomorrow.
That’s why comments like this are so dumb:
Oh no, he swore at the rapist!!! Not that!!! Anything but foul language!!!
This is the same complaint that a lot of people have about Turtleboy – we use foul language. Because spending all day exposing dingbats and dooshnozzles can get you fired up from time to time. Turtleboy and Jay Messier represent the common man. And sometimes the common man gets pissed off and says some potty words. If you’re focusing on the word choice instead of the overall message then you’re missing the whole point. The net result is all that matters. Turtleboy has gotten rid of scumbags like Tracy Novick and Mosaic, and Jay Messier got a rapist off the corner. Problem solved.
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6 Comment(s)
He is right in front of a daycare center. Sickening
Shocking a ditzy bitch who has to use two last names sticks up for a rapist..Super hippy that can not just take her married name.. Want to bet 100 she owns a Prius ??
Good on this guy for calling a scum bag out..The problem with this world is that not enough people speak up like this guy did…Everyone hopes the next guy will do it
Give him Tracy Noviks address in tatnuck so he can panhandle in peace
Now if only turtle boy Jr. was really turtle boy ‘s and not the latino’s that his wife was banging. Good article. Get all the pedophiles off the streets. Much respect to jay messier. Zero to turtle boys hiding ass. Lol
I was cheering Jay on!! Good for him .. Damn freakin good for him.. Got the job done! I can’t believe someone worried about him swearing!? Are you sh**ting me?! There’s a time and place for everything ! This guy wasn’t having tea with the Queen for God sakes .. He was confronting an alleged diddler to a 14 year old girl! Please don’t tell me you’d be civilized when confronting him even if you had the brass ones to do it in the first place like this guy Jay did!!
This is awesome…more of these consequences and rape and molesters would think twice. I mean everyone thinks,oh they go to jail and they are beaten daily…mope jails protect these sick fucks because of lawsuits and such,nothing worse than a panhandling molesters….get em turtle boy R.I.