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If you missed last night’s Turtleboy Live you’re gonna wanna set aside some time to listen. Shell Shocker made is Live debut, and we went down so many ratchet rabbit holes that my head’s about to explode. From Westerly to Warwick to Stoughton to Weymouth to the return of some legends, it was classic Turtleboy. And since we can’t count on Facebook all of our shows are now available on both our SoundCloud and iTunes channels. Make sure to give us a 5 star review if you think we earned it on iTunes. Here’s last night’s episode:
8 Comment(s)
Jealous rubes. I crab bigger’n you all. Plus, you all fund me GFM via section 8, ssi, EBT, and MassHealth… Snicker.
Oh my fucking God, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not use Shell shocker again as your sideman, what a fucking useless brainless fucking tool. Guido there would make he most obvious setups and “Bang” he would fuck it up every time. For example, Guido is like “what do Waverly Wenchtrench pictures remind you of.” OBVIOUSLY he wanted a “Backpage classic selfie” reply, does Shell Shocker handle it swiftly? HE is like Der, Duh, Umm, haha she’s taking these pictures to take to a dealer, err, trade, “like what a fucking IDIOT, my god. Guido, this is a common theme of failure throughout the TBS Live. Seriously, you had to come back with extra zingers to make up for his fuck ups. Think long and hard before using this fucking nimrod again. That clown has to, HAS TO, still be living home with momma and I would not doubt there something incestuous going on there.
Oh, and I know of this fucking chick, the gentle mental giant, believe me, you aint that far off on the Backpage plug. Ericha and Lyssa Goldberg love to go over to Foxwoods or Monhegan Sun and turn tricks, They fucking love the Hindu guys, because they pay more and they cum faster. They would have a nummie name Tyler Upton lurk around for protection and have INDEED ripped a few of these guys off with strong arm robbery and blackmail.
You were way off on projecting that Justin had ditched Charlotte Sullivan for Ericha. Actually, Charl ditched Justin for a fucking creep named Chris Banks. Banks ended up severely beating her daughter and putting her in the hospital. I know DCF took the daughter and another kid, but not sure if she got them back. She was at work at the time. I think she did get them back. Banks is fucked, getting beat senseless all the time now.
absolutely love it if you hate niggers this is required listening
DeDe will likely report your crappy podcasts as being offensive. Buh-bye! Besides, podcasts are so 10 years ago; people use FB Live now… Snicker.
Fuck off Hugh you pussy. Meet me at the Summer street Dunkins 3-7 you pussy so I can fuck you up.
Brian, first you PM me to ask me on a date, now you’re threstening me?
DeDe is so 2017, her unintelligent white minions probably ate a bunch of tide pods and died, she has no power
More of the same boring shit.
As far as trolling is concerned, your game is fucking WEAK. As far as being lame is concerned, you’re an Olympic Champion.
Gold Medal performance for being an irrelevant douche. Congrats!