
Turtleboy Live Is Back Tonight at 9:30 With Bret Killoran, Merrmiack Valley TB, And Uncle TB, Here’s The Agenda

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Hey fam – if you’d like to support Turtleboy and what we do here, feel free to hit the donate button at the top. We basically have to run this site like a Bernie Sanders campaign now since we’ve been blacklisted by Google and Facebook, due to the fact that rabid SJWs keep reporting our posts. Getting blacklisted by Google is a death sentence for most websites, since it’s much harder to monetize. And we all know the damage Facebook has done. We’re never going to stop fighting for free speech, but in the meantime the best way for turtle riders to fight back is to donate to the cause. Without you people none of this is possible. We love you all. 


Hey fam, Turtleboy Live is back on tonight with Uncle Turtleboy, Bret Killoran, and Merrimack Valley Turtlbae. We’ll be going live at 9:30 on the Turtleboy Sports Forever Facebook page. It won’t show up in your news feed because all of our pages are shadow banned. But we’ll be there, and so will the ride or die turtle riders. If you can’t make it, we still love you, and we upload all shows to our Youtube, SoundCloud, and iTunes channels. Here’s what’s on tap for tonight:

Gonna be a good one. As usual all ratchets who have appeared in our blogs are hereby invited to add Uncle Turtleboy on Skype so they can call into the show to give us a piece of their minds and/or defend themselves/tell the “real” story/threaten deformation lawsuits. See ya then turtle nation.

8 Comment(s)
  • Y
    May 26, 2018 at 8:30 pm

    What about YouTube live?

  • Manchester Turtlette
    May 26, 2018 at 2:46 pm

    Question for Uncle Turtle, can you talk more about the rebranded new site, Turtleboy News and when it might launch? I’m stoked for it!

    • Lt Dan
      May 26, 2018 at 7:14 pm

      Long time turtle rider here..

      You guys need to fix the site. It is borderline unreadable on mobile. I had to hit reply on this comment as the pop ups blocked me from creating a new post.

      At least offer a subscription for ad free. I’d fucking pony up a few bucks a month for ad free and I doubt I’m alone.

      You’re going to lose your readers over this sketchbook pornsite like ad attack.

      • Y
        May 26, 2018 at 8:31 pm

        Why don’t you pony up now and donate to help keep the site alive, ya cheap fuck!

      • Bret
        May 26, 2018 at 8:46 pm

        Get the app, never have a problem again!

        • F U C K I N G R E T A R D
          May 26, 2018 at 11:25 pm

          Well, if there’s anything consitent on this blog and Cloud show, it’s ol’ Brett is consistent showing us how fucking retarded he is. “You want my take on ……”, Uncle, “yeah, sure, can wait o hear this one …” and as usual, dub-gub-blah-blah, gub , raaatchet, gub, blub, fuck, ratchet, gub, blah. Every fucking time. It’s like Tyrion talking about the Beatle killing cousin, “kill the beatles, haha, kill the beatles.”
          F U C K I N G R E T A R D,
          Momma must have beat you like a drunkin uncle when you was growing up. LMMFAO

          • Bret
            May 27, 2018 at 11:30 pm

            Poor gutless pussy has to post with his fake name, because he secretly wants our dicks….lol
            Sorry Chuck Johnson, stick to ducking that dramahag Lisa Girard

  • da_413_beast
    May 26, 2018 at 2:35 pm

    Does Turtleboy have a take on the Nathan Carman story?

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