We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible: Wormtown Brewery, Union Tavern, Scavone Plumbing, Michael Gaffney, Bennie’s Cafe, Craftech Restoration, JJM Insurance, Smokestack Urban Barbecue, Attorney Michael Erlich, H-S Trading Firearms, Smitty’s Tavern, Julio’s Liquors, HomeWarrantyReports.com, The Gun Parlor Range, 3B Auto, Pepe’s Restaurant, Firesafe Chimney Services, Attorney Anthony Salerno, North End Motor Sales.
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Cruisin Bruce and Radio Turtelboy had a lot to talk about on this week’s episode of Turtleboy Tuesdays. Here’s the link to the condensed 17 minute podcast if you missed it. Topics of discussion were the hilarious luxury hotel that is being built at City Square, the cop who arrested the girl in a South Carolina high school, and of course the Patriots rolling again. We had a bunch of callers into the program today, because apparently this hotel is a hot topic. Feel free to call in at 508-799-7453 during our weekly 8-9 AM program on 100.1 FM the Pike.
We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible. Click on any of them to check out their sites or Facebook pages.