Update on the story we reported on yesterday about the Korean war veteran and retired cop who was fired from his job as a Tisbury elementary school crossing guard and had his guns and LTC confiscated by an overzealous police chief after a nosy waitress reported him to the cops after eavesdropping on a private conversation at Linda Jeans which she misrepresented.
Public shaming works folks. You fine people read that blog in large numbers and voiced your opinions to the Town of Tisbury. You let them know that this blatant second amendment violation would not be tolerated quietly and you forced them to do the right thing. It was patently absurd that this happened in the first place. Does this man look like he’s a threat to the safety of children?
Only if those moves can kill.
According to the article he had no idea all this outrage was going on because not only does he not own a computer, he also doesn’t own a phone.
The villain continues to be this BLT-123 looking pinhead.
Police Queef Mark Saloio wrote this tone deaf email to the MV Times:
“The town, collectively, has expressed an outpouring of concern about Mr. Nichols, and his employment as a school crossing guard. We as well share those concerns. We wish to make you aware that today, Mr. Nichols was informed that he may return to his crossing guard duties tomorrow morning.”
He “may return”? Who the fuck are you to think it’s up to you to grant him the right to return to this job? This guy thinks that rights are granted by him, as opposed to being God given and inalienable. You gave in because you had no choice, and I hope his lawyer sues the fuck out of you and your fake police department.
This is the statement in its entirety.
One important fact that’s not being reported is that Officer Scott Ogden is married to the school’s vice principal Melissa Ogden.
She heard that an 84 year old man had the AUDACITY to criticize the job her husband was doing, IN A PRIVATE CONVERSATION AT A FUCKING RESTAURANT, and she couldn’t let it go so she conspired with the police queef to violate this man’s first and second amendment rights.
Oh, and the waitress has a child that goes to this school according to the manager, AND she waited two weeks before saying anything, so clearly she wasn’t the least bit concerned about the 84 year old man being a threat.
Just for the record, the concerns that Stevey voiced in a private conversation between friends at a restaurant were completely valid. If the school resource officer is leaving school to go and get coffee then he’s leaving his post.
Still would love to know the name of that waitress though. I’m counting on my Martha’s Vineyard turtle riders to come through on this one. I know you’re out there because I’ve sent books there. Hope to hear from you all soon! turtleboysports@gmail.com.
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53 Comment(s)
Linda Jeans facebook page has photos of the five waitresses
The chief looks like he just sucked his boy friends dick
That school resource officer has town meathead with a badge written all over him. And his wife — whoo fa. After a night of sex I’m sure their bedroom smells like an October Monday morning Buffalo Wild Wings.
the police chief looks like they gave a New Bedford junkie a career. I don’t know what’s worse…the missing and gross teeth or the burned and melted face
The police chief plucks his eyebrows…probably cross dresses on the down low.
What are the odds that the waitress is “involved” with the resource officer…or his wife. Or both, it is MA, after all.
Let’s blame Charlie Baker for this law…
What a cabal of douchebags, from the snitch to the SRO (and his +1) to the Chief. I hope the crossing guard finds a concerned attorney to work pro-bono so that the politician-with-a-badge ends up as just a sad former politician.
Seizing firearms for “public safety” and keeping them after allowing that allegedly dangerous owner back onto a job dealing with kids is an admission you screwed up and want this to both: go away quietly and look like you’re tough. Pick one. Make the crossing guard whole or stick with your original charge. That chief is a giant pussy compared with the crossing guard.
What a maroon for leaving his post to go stuff his face with a cruller and a large regular with extra sugar. Screw the kids I was hired to protect, I need my coffee fix! For God’s sake bring a thermos and a lunch box, or is that too difficult?
Hey Chief! No dentists on the island?
Still got money it was the half-wit ogre towering in the middle of the staff picture.
It’s as if Shrek and the Donkey, you know, mated.
Officer Ogden shouldn’t even be working for the Tisbury PD let alone watching children. His lack of judgement and gross negligence led to a child being raped on his watch.
He turned a blind eye to a teenage babysitters safety, NEGLECTED his duties, abandoning (what should have been) his post, leading to this girl being raped!
…they put him in charge of protecting kids?!?
Gramps is certainly in the right to be concerned
For the daft ones not comprehending my comment
Very telling article on our dear resource officer
Don’t be daft, click the article
Thanks for the link. Hindsight aside, why on earth did they take the wife to the hospital and leave the poor babysitting relative, who the wife saw being sexually assaulted by the husband, behind? Nothing to investigate there? Who leaves a 15 year old in charge of 4 kids, especially when SHE just got assaulted?
AND…what’s up with ma and pa moving from Arkansas and bringing a 15 year old relative to be the “live in babysitter?” Child labor laws, anyone? Anybody bother to check out the story of who this poor girl was and how she ended up being a live-in babysitter instead of being a 15 year old?
I suspect lots of dots to be connected in that crappy town.
HOLY SHIT! Someone from TB needs to pick this up and run with it. This is the guy who should lose his job, not the harmless old vet.
Did I forget to mention Ogden’s brother is the Island’s Sheriff?
Kettle meet black.
These are the same women who complain about white men abusing their power under the guise of the “Good Ole Boys” club. Looks like they have no problem following suit.
Get Fucked,
Theres a website called shitsenders that sells a variety of animal shit to mail to your ‘friends’. It would be a shame if one of you locals didnt send this copper and the restaurant a nice, anonymous package.
TB is going to need another acre of land for their grave yard. BOOM.
Holy crap batman, the chief resembles Pee Wee Herman!
Can’t wait to see the waitresses fb pics.
Wish I was in MV just so I could NOT go to Linda Jeans. Keep posting the business name until the owner gives up the big mouth nosy bitch.
Never been to Linda jeans but can guarantee I never will nor will anyone I know or love. Usually visit MV once a season but Fuck Tisbury.
Correction: we need people IN Linda Jeans to get these names of the offended parties.
Come on Turtle Riders
Unfortunately, no pictures will be coming. The waitress isn’t on FB.
That cheddar-faced, Yngve Malmsteen-looking cow is married to the school cop? Figures. How did she find out about the phone call? Sounds like her and the snitch waitress were in league for a few weeks.
Jesus Christ!!
I laughed out loud……she does look like Yngwie Malmsteen!!!!
Q on the Chief — is it me, or might he have been a woman at one time? Looks effeminate just enough. Maybe he’s just doing a gradual transformation.
hard at work.
does not seem to be any conflict of interest there at all.
noooo. not at all.
so if you have a problem with the way the school is run and voice your displeasure, will you have Andy and Barney at your door to harangue you and take your guns as punishment? The town shakedown
Small town politics–who is sleeping with who.
It’s like Hick Sopranos
I’m shocked an old white guy won his battle with the elitists. The scorecard now reads Bad guys 199 good guys 1.
But did he really win? They still took his fucking guns. That doesn’t sound like a win to me AT ALL
True, but at least he got his connection to the community back. I would have been mad as hell if he wound up dying or being put in a home because the one thing that kept him going was taken away.
Are you sure Mark Saloio really isn’t Marsha Saloio? Kinda looks like a transgender to me.
school resource officers. several years ago at dinner my cousin told everyone that he was the new school resource officer in his town. my brother chuckled and asked him how he fucked up to wind up as the school resource officer? my cousin was not happy but didn’t really have any answer. they almost fought later watching football.
well it could have been worse He could have ended up as a mall cop
Damn.. This dickhead Chief has no idea how bad his reputation has been destroyed by all this. He has completely lost all respect for anyone in law enforcement, that’s a veteran, or anyone who appreciates guns..
Any upcoming law enforcement event, whether it be a fundraiser, volunteer event, funeral etc., no one will give this dipshit the time of day. Hell I hope another cop socks him in the face somewhere down the line..
I wonder if this guy went to work this morning and opened his office door only to find it completely trashed by his fellow officers.. That would be good.
The chief is now qualified to run departments in places like Wellesley or Newton. Perhaps he hopes to be finding a high level job in the Justice Department if Elizabeth Warren becomes President.
The Red Flag law is another Gov Baker fck up. Guilty until proven innocent and they just take away your LTC and firearms until you can prove yourself. Read up on what commie California Governor Newsome just passed last week. Anyone can Red Flag a person, its a dangerous side step on the path to eliminating the 2A rights of an individual with nothing but hearsay (like this case from TBS) to up to a five year waiting period to get your rights back. Total government overreaching suppression of your constitutional rights.
The last sentence in the letter from the Police Chief says,
“We are grateful this matter has been brought to the proper resolution”.
Excuse me Chief, but unless his guns and LTC have been returned it hasn’t been resolved.
“not only does he not own a computer, he also doesn’t own a phone”
Losers on here would be fu&^ed up and kill themselfs. I suppose it doesn’t matter now that another layer of greasy lard has wrapped itself around they weak hearts.
Oh, do fuck off, there’s a lamb.
Is that cop the creepiest looking fuck or what ? Talk about a bad vibe, I wouldn’t let this stroker loose with a badge and cuffs . He’s like the crooked cop villain in a crappy 70’s teen-horror movie.
Or the Police Chief who owns a haunted amusement arcade in Scooby Doo.
And he woulda got away with it if it wasn’t for those damn kids!!!!
Oh, Dick. You complete me.
What about his LTC? Has that been reinstated? Hopefully it has
yeah Gramps needs to protect himself on the means streets of the Vineyard.
Plenty of illegals living on the Vineyard. Give him his guns back so he can shoot some..
Ain’t the point. They’re HIS guns, confiscated by the Gestapo for no reason. We use to work hard in this country to avoid that situation, now we enable it and get fuckwads endorsing it.
My guess is you don’t need yours on the mean streets of Sudbury either.
Why do you care where Gramps lives or how he protects himself, cunt?
I didn’t ask where he lived or why he has it. It was revoked illegally.
How about you eat a bag of spicy, cheesy, genital wart encrusted dicks?
Shall not be infringed, period.
I’m sure the island has plenty of dirty little secrets on two legs running around but you don’t know about them so they don’t exist in your world.
Youy probably belong to “moms demand action but they never get any due to their being insufferable cunts”.
Added you to the list of those who need their cunt punted.
You rancid fuckhole.