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According to Masslive.com there is a peeping Tom you need to watch out for if you go to UMass Medical School, and he’s a doctor!!:
When a woman confronted a man she believed took a photo of her while inside a UMass Medical School bathroom stall, he allegedly told her, “You have no idea who I am. If you did, you wouldn’t be doing this.” Court records now identify the man accused of taking the photos as Dr. Marcus Cooper, an assistant professor of medicine at UMass Medical School’s cardiovascular division.
The woman, a 26-year-old medical student at UMass, said she was using the second stall of a woman’s bathroom at the Albert Sherman building on Sept. 1 when she heard something, according to the statement of facts written by UMass Police Officer Michael A. Tarckini Jr.
“She then observed a shadow in front of the stall,” Tarckini wrote. “At that time she looked up and observed what she described as ‘knuckles and a cell phone camera lens’ pointing down in her direction.”
The woman told the officer that she heard a “click” and believed someone was taking a picture of her, as she was partially nude with her shorts down. She told police she screamed and chased the man out of the bathroom, confronting him as he tried to enter a nearby men’s room. She asked the man to see his phone to show he hadn’t taken a picture. He allegedly pulled out his phone, but then put it away and said the incident was a misunderstanding, the officer wrote. The woman asked the man to come with her to the UMass Police Department, but he allegedly declined and said he was offended, according to court records. Cooper allegedly ran from her and a second woman helped her chase him, but they lost him.
Cooper later went voluntarily to talk with UMass police officers and said the incident was “all a misunderstanding” and that he walked into the wrong bathroom while checking emails on his phone, according to records on file in Central District Court. He allegedly said he was “offended that she would even imply he would take pictures,” the officer wrote.
“She kept implying racial overtones,” Cooper wrote in a statement on file with police. “She kept saying that a ‘strange black man’ was trying to photograph her.”
Court records indicate police checked his phone and found no photos, but have a search warrant to further examine the phone for deleted images.
When I first saw this headline the first thing I thought was – nah, that can’t be right. Why would a doctor do that? I mean, he’s a freaking doctor. If he wants to see a woman naked all he has to do is schedule a physical. But the fact of the matter is that he’s being charged so it’s obviously kind of legit.
The guy’s story is hilariously bad too. He’s claiming that he just walked into the woman’s bathroom while on his phone reading emails. Yea, that happens to me all the time. I’m reading the latest Bret Killoran rant on the Facebook page and the next thing I know my hands and phone are reaching over a stall where a woman just happens to be taking a dump at that exact moment. Yea, definitely.
What I don’t get it, who gets off on this stuff? I never understood the whole upskirting thing. Don’t these people realize how much free porn is out there? Literally, you can whatever nasty thing you want out there. You don’t actually have to do the filming yourself. It already exists. And why would ANYONE want pictures of some woman they don’t know taking a smash?
You gotta love that this guy’s playing the only 3 cards he’s got: 1) you’re coming after me because I’m black, 2) I’m offended, and 3) it wasn’t me!! The worst part for this guy is that he did all that work and now he has nothing to show for it because he deleted the pictures. Oh yea, and he’s probably gonna lose everything he worked for and have to register as a sex offender. Man, this guy must really like looking at pictures of women dumping.
P.S. This guy is insane for not using the greatest card of all cards ever invented – I’m tranisitioning into becoming a woman. There’s literally nothing anyone can say to that and if they do then you get to be the victim and you’ll get a 30 minute montage at the ESPY’s.
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8 Comment(s)
Not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Everyone knows that first you put your phone on silent, THEN you snap the picture!
I’m still laughing at the ‘black doctor’ part. Hilarious!
if a reggin lips bees movin, itz lyin ….. nomesane
He forgot the fourth card-“Why would I risk my career for something like this?”
Every card he plays can be shot down with logic, though.
But in all honesty, I don’t agree with the “I’m transitioning into a woman” bit. You can’t say that *after* the fact. Anyone would call complete bullshit.
Besides, transitioning into a woman or no, it’s not like it’s legal for one woman to photograph or peep on another woman being naked, especially when taking a dump. No matter what, if this guy was peeping, he is a sex offender. Open and shut.
This guy is the Ben Carson of UMass – a brilliant black doctor who happens to be a complete fucking idiot.
I don’t think even Ben Carson is idiotic enough to think this would turn out well.
But a good comparison, nonetheless.
How exactly did this creep think things were going to go down? Not only a creep, but an idiot creep.
Being “offended” today trumps the race card, by a long shot. He has a two ‘er going.