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Jim McGovern is a 22 year incumbent congressman who hasn’t even had a challenger since 2010.
That changes this year as Tracy Lovvern, a Grafton small business owner is putting up a challenge. So you won’t have to do this in 2018:
Uncle Turtleboy sits down with her to discuss where she stands on the issues, and why she thinks she can take down the boss of the McGovern Crime Family.
And yes, we are definitely 100% endorsing her. Jim McGovern is everything that is wrong with politics today. He wants to abolish ICE, he constantly divides Americans along racial, ethnic, and gender lines, and he thinks the seat in Congress belongs to him. He is a career politician and it’s time for a change. Definitely vote for Tracy next November if you live in the 2nd congressional district.
Like her on Facebook here.
8 Comment(s)
That communist chick in New York with the crazy eyes won a primary over an establishment Democrat on a platform of abolishing ICE. Now the whole fucking party is for it because they think that’s how the tide is turning. Next they’ll want borders abolished along with the country.
Sargon of Akkad did a video about her brand of democratic socialist and how it does wonders for countries like Venezuela. Search YouTube for “Sargon of Akkad red Cortez” and it should be the first result.
I like this chick.
McGovern alwasy gets 80% of the vote in Worcester and the ghetto shitholes like Webster Fithcburg but the working class towns were turning red So when redistricting was done in 2010 his district was gerrymandered to include happy valley Amherst and Northampton to guarantee his reelection
She has my vote. 22 years in office & he wants to terminate ICE too. Delusional hack to say the least!
I would give her my bullshit story about how I can make or break political candidates but she won’t fall for it. Only works on snowflakes. Wanna know a secret? That Jimmy McGovern thinks that I am important. I could get him to blow me. He is more than a snowflake. He is a blizzard. He is a feminist stuck in a man’s body. One confused moron. But hey, he blew Castro. Called his sperm a Red Army. Weirdo creep.
I like how they all of a sudden want to get rid of ICE because CNN told them to.
These people have no foundation to build any type of ideology or policies on.
Is it obvious that the Democrats got hijacked by globalists?
Obviously she’s never read a thing you’ve written, because if she had , she’d be a fool to sit down with your foul mouth ass. Maybe I’ll email her some of your”fine” journalistic samples, and watch her turn green.
Thanks for support mom but I am a big boy know and can handle this