
Unpopular Opinion: Your Guide To The Next “Addiction Is A Disease” Argument You Find Yourself In On Social Media

Hello, and welcome to Turtleboy Sports! If you find yourself reading this blog, it is either because:

1. You are one of our massively intelligent, physically attractive and extremely level-headed regular readers or

2. This link has been shared to a thread where you simply cannot stop obnoxiously insisting that drug addiction is a DISEASE and anyone who believes otherwise is an insensitive idiot, and someone wanted to set you straight with FACKS, instead of emotional bullshit.

If you are the latter, please be aware that the person who linked you here is exhausted by your nonstop virtue signaling and therefore has passed the torch to me, in the hopes that you’ll at least shut the fuck up for the five to ten minutes it takes to read this.

I’m not a medical or scientific expert, but I am practically an expert in triggering ultra-woke queefarinos like you:


Even in the Turtleboy Comments section, from time to time, does some butthurt half-wit feel compelled to cry out, “ERMAHGAWD BUT IT’S A DISEASE”.



So I’m pretty well versed in the core points that make up the “addiction is a disease” fallacy, and more than happy to break it down for you, with FACKS.





1.”Doctors, the AMA and the government call it a disease, so obviously it is one.”

Well, first of all, not all doctors concur that addiction is a disease. The American Medical Association (AMA) did, in fact proclaim alcoholism to be a “disease” in 1956 – however, it was the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) that proclaimed all addiction to in fact, be a “disease” nearly 50 years later. They may have a slight bias built right in to the name. The AMA did follow suit and label addiction a “brain disease” – 6 years later in 2017, but the DSM clearly labels it as “disorder”, mainly because, as by definition:

disease is a particular abnormal condition that negatively affects the structure or function of part or all of an organism, and that is not due to any external injury.[1][2] Diseases are often construed as medical conditions that are associated with specific symptoms and signs.[1] A disease may be caused by external factors such as pathogens or by internal dysfunctions. For example, internal dysfunctions of the immune system can produce a variety of different diseases, including various forms of immunodeficiencyhypersensitivityallergies and autoimmune disorders.


Wouldn’t ya know, a drug isn’t a pathogen, and doesn’t qualify as an internal dysfunction. In fact, as a growing number of those in the medical and scientific communities are contending, drug addiction is a side effect of an otherwise healthy brain doing what brains do – responding to, and learning from, stimulation of the pleasure-reward system.

Taking a blissfully misguided short cut to fast track a natural process the brain achieves through rewarding social interaction and activity doesn’t mean you are ill, it means you are short-sighted. Sorry.  Yes, smoking can cause lung cancer, or unprotected sex can spread STDS. But you can end up with lung cancer without smoking a day in your life, or fuck your entire college campus raw dog and somehow walk away without even a sniffle. Malignant tumors don’t just stop growing, however, when you decide to quit smoking. Nor does syphilis magically clear up the minute you decide to join a convent. Mystically, as soon as you stop using drugs, the symptoms of addiction disappear.

Besides, let’s all stay mindful, the medical community has been pretty all over the place throughout history with its stance on mind-altering substances.


Just sayin’.


2. “Yeah…but…drugs change your brain, man. It’s science. Maybe it starts with a choice, but once you’re addicted, there is no choice because it’s a brain disease.”

Ok, yes. Drugs do change your brain. And I do understand why this one feels so convincing. After all, you can easily pull up images of brain scans like this:

Irrefutable evidence! Case closed, that’s an altered brain. Right?

Well, not so much. Drugs change your brain, and so does literally every other experience in your life, from the moment that you are born. A disease requires a pathogen, or internal dysfunction, remember? Brain changes in addicts in does not constitute a dysfunction. It’s a typical, healthy brain function. Whenever we practice, do or think anything enough, the brain changes – different regions and neuronal pathways are grown or strengthened, and new connections are made; various areas of the brain become more or less active depending upon how much you use them, and this becomes the norm in your brain – but it changes again as you adjust how much you use those brain regions depending on what you choose to think and do.  This is a process which continues throughout your entire life, there is nothing abnormal about it. It’s called “neuroplasticity”, and it’s a completely typical neurological and biochemical process that occurs over a lifetime. 

In his book The Mind and The Brain, UCLA psychiatrist and expert on treating patients with obsessive compulsive disorder Jeffrey Schwartz scanned the brains of London taxi drivers and compared their brains to non-taxi drivers. He discovered a marked difference in scans, not only between the drivers and non-drivers, but also between the more experienced and less experienced drivers.

“There it was: the more years a man had been a taxi driver, the smaller the front of his hippocampus and the larger the posterior. “Length of time spent as a taxi driver correlated positively with volume in…the right posterior hippocampus,” found the scientists. Acquiring navigational skills causes a “redistribution of gray matter in the hippocampus” as a driver’s mental map of London grows larger and more detailed with experience.”

The AMA has yet to announce a disease that forces people to drive taxis until they die.


3.”Addiction is a genetic condition, and some diseases are genetically predisposed.”

You’re right. Genetic influence and third-party disposition do generate some diseases. But which one sounds more reasonable to you?

“So sorry to hear about your diagnosis, Ron. I heard about the lupus. Let me know if I can help.”

“So sorry to hear about your diagnosis, Ron. I heard about your compulsion to stick poison filled needles in your arm. Let me know if I can help.”

Although research has suggested that may be a genetic predisposition that makes some people more susceptible to addiction, no so-called “addiction gene” has been discovered to date. People get so blinded by genetic theories (read: THEORIES) that they can’t take in the facts all around them. Becoming – and remaining – addicted has a lot more to do with the groups people come from and associate with, and from their beliefs and expectations about alcohol or drugs, than from their biological makeup. How often have you heard someone say, “I’m more fun when I drink”, or something to that effect? Why are some types of people more likely to smoke than others based on work environment -i.e. about half of waitresses and car salesmen smoke, compared with about a tenth of lawyers and doctors?


4. “Nobody chooses to be an addict!”

I really, really want a brand new Toyota Corolla (judge me, I don’t give a fuck – those cars are indestructible and the new ones are loaded with options). The problem is, if I were to go out and buy one, I’d blow literally all of my savings. But suppose I did choose to buy one, I’d have the brand new car I wanted…and I’d be broke with one pissed off husband. I wouldn’t be choosing to be broke, per say, that would be insane. But it would be a (pretty obvious) byproduct of my choice.

How many light, social heroin users do you know? What are the benefits vs. risks of regularly sucking down a crack rock or two? Sure, nobody wants to end up giving discount blowies behind the Wendy’s dumpster to support a 2-gram a day habit – but I’d say the best way to avert that fate may be to steer clear of habit-forming substances. You have less control over a car accident than you do drug addiction, statistically speaking.

And if addiction is not a choice, no longer being addicted surely seems to be.

In 1974, sociologist Lee Robbins conducted an exhaustive study of US soldiers addicted to heroin returning home from Vietnam. While in Vietnam, 20% of servicemen became addicted to heroin, with only around 7 percent used heroin after returning to the U.S., and only about 1-2 percent had a relapse, even briefly, into addiction. 95% of addicted soldiers stopped using on their own, by choice.

There’s also the famous “Rat Pack” experiment, in which researchers from Simon Fraiser University observed caged, isolated rats administer themselves ever increasing—and often deadly—doses of morphine when no alternatives were available. Yet, when these rats were given a mate and alternatives to drugs they stopped taking them.

And as recently as 2013, Harvard University psychologist Gene Heyman found that just about 10 percent of people who use drugs end up addicted, and only around 15 percent of regular alcohol drinkers become alcoholics. He also suggests that around 80 percent of addicts overcome their addiction on their own by the age of 30, because the demands of their adult life, like keeping a job and home, parenting, are incompatible with drug use and alternatively stimulate the reward center of the brain, thus making drug and alcohol use less appealing, and offering incentive to remain abstinent.

Sure, its true that there is substantial evidence that addicts often relapse. But most studies on addiction are conducted on patients in treatment, and this skews the population sample. Suggestively, this is the minority.


Now, don’t get me wrong, I do understand the reason for the “disease” shift. Addiction is pretty clearly a major societal issue, especially the opiate variety. Calling it a disease removed the stigma so the socially acceptable response could move from kicking a smelly old drunkard out of the way on the street, to wanting to get him to rehab,….or something. But labels stick. Labeling someone with a disease has actually been proven to cause the symptoms of the label to persist. The more often someone hears they have a disease they will never be cured of, the more they tend to believe it. It offers a “loophole” for accountability – both for the addict as an individual, and society as a whole. The reality, if you think about it, is even less stigmatizing than the “disease” bullshit – we are all, through biochemistry and sociological factors, vulnerable to the lures of addiction. And likewise, we are all biologically capable of rewriting those ingrained learned habits, and replacing them with something far less likely to kill you in the bathroom of a 7/11.


Do you agree? Did I miss something? Do you want to kick me in the teeth? Keep this conversation going in the comments, or share to someone who needs to smarten the hell up!









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41 Comment(s)
  • Kate
    March 2, 2019 at 8:19 am

    When it is called a disease it is referring to active addiction. A disease is chronic, progress and possibly fatal. Without diagnosis and treatment it clearly fits the definition of a disease. Im assuming it’s been labeled a disease so insurance companies will pay for more mental health treatment and medications. That’s just my opinion.

  • mizzbigbooty92688
    Lost cause
    March 1, 2019 at 11:44 am

    I couldn’t even read all this!! Im a recovering addict and i personal don’t believe that shit is a disease. I CHOSE to use drugs. I CHOSE to pick drugs up everyday and make myself sick to the point i depended on the shit everyday. Nobody forced it on me. God didnt make me do it. It was my own fault. I asked for it. Its not like cancer or depression or anxiety or autism. I don’t even know why people bring up depression and anxiety and compare it to drug addiction. Yes i was depressed and i have anxiety and i used drugs to cope because i CHOSE to. Instead of going to the dr or a counselor i CHOSE to go to the dope man. Stop justifing addiction and drug use. Nobody ( including God) said hey you have anxiety and depression so you get to be an addict and zombify your ass.. Im sorry even being an addict i just dont agree that that shit is a disease.

  • Where has self accountability gone?
    February 28, 2019 at 5:59 pm

    I get it watching people self destruct and flush their lives down the toilet at the expense of whatever addiction they may have. I’m good with that. Its your life so do what you will with it.
    With that being said you should at least feel some sort of guilt knowing the effect it has on family and people close to you that care about you.

    The issue I have is with people who have children and do this. Sorry there is no excuse I am ever going to buy for putting anything ahead of your children especially drugs. If you put drugs or anything else in life on a higher plateau than your children then you are dead to me.

  • Complicated matters
    February 28, 2019 at 1:50 pm

    “Drugs change your brain, and so does literally every other experience in your life, from the moment that you are born. ”

    Absolutely true. And that is why abuse, trauma,neglect etc etc rewire your brain. Add that with the clearly genetic predisposition and i do believe there are obviously ppl who are prone to addiction. Now the cure to that of course, is to never pick up. But most people pick up a drink(which is very legal) at some point in thier lives. If you talk to those ppl who later became alcoholics they will tell u from the very first drink they were off and running.
    Addiction is much more complicated than TB gives it credit for even throwing the whole “disease” argument right out the window

  • JunkieMonkey
    February 28, 2019 at 12:08 pm

    We should maroon them on Caribbean islands with basic survival necessities ; tent, water purifier , fishing pole/net, shovel, knife and some rope. Love them there for a few years. Cured the disease without cost and save millions of us billions in tax money. Everybody wins.

  • Rana Harb
    February 28, 2019 at 11:24 am

    Best fucking article I’ve ever read

  • randiguy2006
    Randall Guy
    February 28, 2019 at 11:14 am

    Why do you keep labeling these thing “UNPOPULAR” when you know the mouth breathers here will agree will you 100%?

    You know…folks who will listens to C.C. DeVille rather than the AMA.

  • Y
    February 28, 2019 at 11:08 am

    “Mystically, as soon as you stop using drugs, the symptoms of addiction disappear.”
    Personally, I find this to be untrue…after stopping, you deal with the physical sickness (withdrawal, nausea, etc.) for another 3-5 days, and then you have to deal with the mental struggle (urges to get high, anxiety, etc.) for another few months. Yes, the symptoms become easier to deal with, gradually over time, but they don’t just mystically disappear.
    Just my two cents.

    • Acid Rock Allison
      February 28, 2019 at 12:16 pm

      You sound like a real winner. Do you want to shoot up and have sex sometime?

      • Y
        February 28, 2019 at 3:41 pm

  • don
    February 28, 2019 at 10:40 am

    so why wouldnt the government save all these addicts and put them in prison until they are ok? after all they cant get as much drugs in prison than on the streets. they should start a program that any addict that wants to get clean ( because they all say it, but dont mean it) can get locked away where there is absolutely no drugs to be found. i know there will be a few idiots that are going to lie and say there are just as much drugs on the inside (which is not true). if they want to stop these addicts so bad, just start a law that imprisons them into a full lockdown rehab. im sure most will be greatful. not just for a few weeks or months. im talking a year at a time. get caught with any addictive drug and automatic full lockdown rehab with no chance of getting out until your cravings stop. the problem i see is they go to rehab for a few days only to get out and start all over again. locked up for awhile will make sure their bodies are completely clean before they get out. im just trying to find a way to stop all these people laying in the streets with needles hanging out their arms everyday. if anyone else has a remedy that hasnt already been tried, then please comment.

  • Richy Rich
    February 28, 2019 at 10:37 am

    What about the dangers of porn addiction.
    Believe me I rub myself raw all the time and it’s very painful!

    • don
      February 28, 2019 at 10:42 am

      step away from animal planet

    • Richyrich
      February 28, 2019 at 1:19 pm

      If you lose your job because you’re to busy beating your meat to German shit porn, then you have a problem

  • Stoner Guy
    February 28, 2019 at 10:30 am

    I like weed.

  • Dr. Kildaire
    February 28, 2019 at 10:27 am

    Of course medical professionals consider addiction a disease. If it’s a disease it can be cured! And diseases = more money for us.
    I have a fear of flying. If I fly I pop an Ativan. Poof / presto! My fear is gone. Don’t tell me Pharma couldn’t create a drug to eliminate withdrawal symptoms…

    • Y
      February 28, 2019 at 11:23 am

      They have, and it’s called methadone, suboxone/subutex, vivatrol, etc.
      If used correctly, they can help an addict manage their addiction and refrain from relapse and the ensuing aftermath (theft, etc.).
      The perceived problem is, you are substituting one substance for another.
      However, people take all types of medication daily (i.e., blood pressure pills), so what is the difference of taking one of the above medications daily?
      My stance, Don’t tread on me or to each their own; do what you have to do, as long as it doesn’t infringe on my life.

  • Hugh-Bo Mont
    February 28, 2019 at 10:25 am

    If drug addiction is a disease, then so is virtue signalling. Both are done because it makes you feel so good.

  • Independent Thinker
    February 28, 2019 at 9:31 am

    I’m not going to involve myself in the debate as to whether or not it is a disease. All I am going to say is please do not leave your dirty needles on the ground, on the floors of public buildings, or on the beach because I do not want to step on them. Also, please do not try to break into my home if you need money.

  • Rockets Redglare
    February 28, 2019 at 8:29 am

    Great short and to the point article Bristol. Proving once again why you’re my favorite blogger here.
    I think I’m in love! How many tats do you have?

  • Kim Wescott
    February 28, 2019 at 8:25 am

    I agree with almost everything, except ‘Mystically, as soon as you stop using drugs, the symptoms of addiction disappear.’

    That is false. The symptoms of addiction may never disappear. The cravings, the tricks your mind plays on you – they may never go away.

  • Whateva
    February 28, 2019 at 8:18 am

    Interesting and intelligent take.

  • Randall Guy
    February 28, 2019 at 7:28 am

    Hahahaha richyrich got called out within the blog. I’m addicted to being a fecalphiliac and necrophiliac and it’s not a disease, it’s my choice. I also choose to place my tiny testes into a vicegeip for pleasure. Giggitty goo.

    • Richyrich
      February 28, 2019 at 8:21 am

      I got called out, as in Bristol composed that blog post because of me? I think you give me too much credit, bud. I take it from your post that you don’t regard drug addiction as a disease. As I said, I’m not sure I would call it one either, although the medical profession generally calls it a disease. What I said was the tendency to become a drug addict exists is some people but not in others. It has little to do with your upbringing. I have seen people that come from ratchet parents that came out of it okay, and people that had a good upbringing that are six feet under due to their addiction. In terms of the science, it’s on the books how opioids physically change your brain. That’s not just CC Deville”s opinion, it is scientific fact.

  • The Permissive Government, Requires dependent adults
    February 28, 2019 at 7:16 am

    WTF…. Bars are full of addicts but the system requires the addicts to pay their own way. Cover charge, buy something, you can’t just walk into a bar with home brewed moonshine and enjoy the atmosphere while rocking your DISEASE of alcoholism. “oh but if we charge them they won’t come”… dumbass only a small percentage are going to travel across town with a bag of dope when they could do it right where they are.

    Have the pot dealers gone out of business yet because of competition from the pot shops???? No, it created more users, made drugs more socially acceptable.

    So the Government… said it’s ok to use drugs now.. they will even help us to use them “safely”… WTF…. is going on.

  • My life, my CHOICE
    February 28, 2019 at 5:37 am

    Had my taste of addiction via morphine after a couple of consecutive hospital stays..
    Went home with prescription for meds, had a gap before taking them and the horror show in my head started.
    Recognized it for what it was (withdrawals) and made my CHOICE right there and then to take the more difficult path to a better life rather than the easy road to further issues and the inevitable downward spiral.
    That was my moment, my fork in the road. Same as many others experienced.
    Didn’t overmedicate to get through it, actually took less and that was painful.
    The CHOICE was presenting itself with every impulse and every throb and ache from the physical injury I was recovering from.
    I stayed the course and today is a good day because of that CHOICE.

  • Richyrich
    February 28, 2019 at 5:37 am

    I see a couple of people that are former addicts adding their opinion, which to me, counts a lot more than some asshat saying we should “shovel them all into ovens”. I think technically, once you’ve become addicted to a substance, A light gets switched on in your brain that stays on for the rest of your life, you never get over it; you’re not a former addict when you find the strength to overcome that urge, you are in recovery. I don’t agree with every stance TBS has, and I think the majority of “people” leaving comments are pathetic bigots, but I keep coming back because I love the writing. Having said all that, I have observed front and center how opioid addiction changes someone forever. I have a daughter that descended into that hell 6 years ago and my family struggled to help her, I watched her linger between life and death for a couple of years. She lived out of a car one winter. She stole from everyone she could in order to get dope. I watched her get dope sick. I took her to rehabs. I had her arrested. I took her to jail and attended court hearings to make sure she stayed there. I called cops when she was in the run. I tired everything I could. Without Narcan, she would be dead. At least a dozen of her friends and acquaintances during this time or not so lucky. It was a terrifying experience. We are not a ratchet family and my daughter was not raised as a ratchet. We’re a typical middle-class New Hampshire family. While incarcerated in the county jail she was excepted into their drug court program, the first of its kind in this country. I credit that program with giving her the tools to start on the road back from addiction. That, coupled with the love she has for her son, gave her the strength to overcome it. She has been clean and sober for years now, I’m not saying she’s out of the woods, she still has a lot of problems, but so far so good. One of her friends has not found the strength yet and just lost her third child. Some people say it’s a lifestyle choice, I disagree, it may start with a bad decision like it did with my daughter, but soon enough you are in the thrall of addiction and it’s not by choice. All you think about is finding that next hit of dope, because with drawl is worse than any flu you could imagine. Based what I have experienced, my conclusion is that some people for whatever reason are susceptible to becoming addicted to substances more than others, and once it happens, it changes them forever. I believe that opioids do in fact change your brain physically. Because of my job I work with physicians all day, some of whom have chosen the field of addiction medicine. They refer to it as a chronic, recurring disease. Pretty soon, this field will have its own board certification. We have watched hope you with addiction sweep the country as an epidemic over the past 10 years, I think mostly because of over prescribing of opioid painkillers by doctors, some of whom were unscrupulous. We had a phony ass pain medicine practice in the next town the ad was handing out OxyContin like candy, one PA working there it was responsible for over 70% of the OxyContin prescriptions in the entire state one year, they even have the balls to set up an addiction counseling practice outback. They have been shut down. I don’t know that “disease“ is the right term, I just know what I have experienced, and that is that some people are susceptible, while others are not.

    • Carrol O'Connor to Richyrich
      February 28, 2019 at 5:52 am

      No disagreement here. Well said.

    • Kim Wescott
      February 28, 2019 at 8:19 am

      I’m sorry that you and your family have been to hell and back trying to help your daughter.

      I’m so happy that your daughter made her way into recovery.

      Thank you for sticking by her. And thank you for sharing your story.

      • Richyrich
        February 28, 2019 at 10:26 am

        It wasn’t easy and as a parent it’s hard to draw the line and tell your addicted child “stay away until you stop this”, which we had to do off and on. It was painful, and I don’t mind saying I shed a lot of tears during those years. One thing about the for-profit rehab places, they are bullshit. The patient is a revenue stream to them and they don’t hold them accountable. The drug court approach is a pretty good one, because simply incarcerating addicts doesn’t solve the problem. Ultimately the addicted person themself needs to make a commitment to get clean. It starts and ends with them. They need help and guidance, sure, but until they make up their minds, nothing else will work. This whole debate got started with Bristol’s blog post about a young woman that stole checks, with pics that showed her deterioration over time. The girl kinda looks like my daughter. I have pix just like that. I see a lot of people commenting on how they should all just die. I’d love to think these are just ignorant people that have not been touched by this scourge. I have a warning for those guys, sooner or later, it will, and it won’t matter how good of a parent or sibling or spouse you think you are, because shit happens in spite of you. Then you will change your tune. I would not wish it on anyone, not even the TBS trolls

        • Y
          February 28, 2019 at 11:15 am

          I don’t agree w/you often, but your stance on addiction aligns w/mine.
          Call it a disease or disorder, whatever you want, but the fact of the matter is, it’s not something you can cure in an instant.

  • White Lives Matter
    February 28, 2019 at 3:42 am

    OVENS FOR ADDICTS. Shovel them in!

  • Wicked Sobahh Duuude
    February 28, 2019 at 2:53 am

    Former heroin addict here as well, a daily user, minus the stays in detox/programs that I paid for with insurance from my job (a rarity amongst my peers). I also kicked the habit just after my son was born. I saw how our lives were going to play out if I continued to use heroin. While I do believe that genetics play a role, addiction is not a disease. A mental game yes, but refer to the points in the article.

    Millions of former drug addicts and alcoholic kicked their habits by following the principals of the “Book Book of Alcoholics Anonymous” and would you know that the word “disease” is NEVER mentioned in that book. It’s all about learning about yourself, how you deal with situations, your faults/fears/insecurities and then trying to better yourself everyday BY HELPING OTHERS!!!!!

    Think this works for actual medical diseases?

    Every single person addicted to drugs and alcohol has the capability of kicking that habit. It’s hard as hell, but that is not a disease

  • Anon
    February 27, 2019 at 10:08 pm

    Pretty great perspective on it. Beautifully written

  • Alice Cooper AARP
    February 27, 2019 at 10:04 pm

    All of these are logical fallacies; by means of appeals to authority or emotion. Otherwise known as, disingenuous debate tactics; sans the eye roll, emotive female expository or the usual “not all _______ are whatever.” Well written article, just streamline it by pointing out the above.

    • Junkies are heroes, working people are harvested for their labor
      February 28, 2019 at 7:05 am

      “sniffling and whimpering between cries” b b ba but Alice.. h h h how could youuuu! b b be sooooo CRUEL!!

      If if “supervised” shooting galleries save even one life… then the millions of dollars don’t matter MAN! (can we use the one life argument to build the wall?).

      • Alice Cooper' s AARP Agent
        March 1, 2019 at 4:18 pm

        What in God’s name are you talking about you incoherent troll-smith?

  • J
    February 27, 2019 at 9:58 pm

    That was great. Well said and facks to boot!

  • Karma Bus
    Your Stupidity is a disease
    February 27, 2019 at 9:49 pm

    Thanks for finally saying it with them facks TBS! This comment is being written by an addict who’s been in recovery for many years. It’s NOT a disease. For facks sakes.

    • dball31211
      February 28, 2019 at 12:29 am

      Agreed. I also have a history of addiction and almost 9 years ago I had my first child. I turned my whole life around because my kid was all the insentive that I needed. That was my choice. I have noticed that people online who call it a “disease” are okay with relapse and having their family pay for the aftermath. That’s just my 2cents about it.

    • TBS was DeBoosted, FB sucks, pepe speaks
      February 28, 2019 at 6:59 am

      Everything you need to know about FB, social media and the origins of Leftist ideas and why counter arguments appear to be few.

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