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This video from a UMass Halloween party this weekend proves why UMass is the greatest school of all time:
Fantastic. Somewhere Larry Kelly just blew a gasket watching that. Kids having fun? Open drunkedness in public? Noise? It’s always fun when someone else is the impossibly drunk guy at the part in sweat pants. It’s funny because it’s not you.
Nothing about this video is rare. It happens every single weekend, and it never gets old. They should use this as a recruiting tape for basketball and football players. Come to UMass and throw beers at some fat drunkard in sweat pants. Then tackle him, pound 20 beers, and make out with some girl who doesn’t love you. Welcome to UMASS baby!!!
It’s a victimless crime because the kid was having a good time. Plus, despite having what appears to be over 100 beers thrown directly at him, not one person was able to successfully hit him. And the dude picked up one of the beers that missed him, drank it’s contents, and then threw it back at the crowd.
Then, even after he got pummeled by the the kid in the green he got up and kept on dancing:
Legends never die.
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8 Comment(s)
yea looks like a real good time . . .
Not a thought about helping the kid. Lucky he did not get seriously injured or killed. Just need to hit a certain spot on the back of your head. Dead.
Note to self: Help son with homework more.
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go though life, son.
ahh a few, “I didn’t get that college experience” types commenting. Sucks for you, losers.
Not the Kelley who spells his surname with an extra e (It’s an Irish thing).
But I did have a full can of beer whizzed at my head at the 2013 Blarney Blowout and I can assure you it would have done damage had it landed. Just as this lucky nitwit would have found out if any had hit a vital spot.
Although in his case the head may not be all that vital as his brains were probably burned out a long, long time ago.
If they yelled THINK FAST you can only blame yourself
AAAAh. Our tax dollars at work.