We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible: Wormtown Brewery, Union Tavern, Scavone Plumbing, Michael Gaffney, Bennie’s Cafe, Craftech Restoration, JJM Insurance, Smokestack Urban Barbecue, Attorney Michael Erlich, H-S Trading Firearms, Smitty’s Tavern, Julio’s Liquors, HomeWarrantyReports.com, The Gun Parlor Range, 3B Auto, Pepe’s Restaurant, Attorney Anthony Salerno, North End Motor Sales, O’Connor Insurance 24-7, Monster Movers
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Can we take a minute to point out how Sam Allen continues to shamelessly bite off of Turtleboy Sports:
Yea, no shit Sam. That’s why we reported this story first thing this morning. Don’t cite your sources or anything. Just thought we’d point out that we found all about this guy from a quick Google search. The Telegram came up first, which incidentally is the newspaper Sammy works for. Yet somehow she needed Turtleboy to find out about this. LOL. The only thing funnier than her are people who doubted us when we reported that this guy actually was once arrested for trying to bomb a recruiter’s office:
Seriously, how long is it gonna take people to learn what a “reputable source” is? Because in case you haven’t been paying attention, there is nothing more reputable in Worcester right now where Turtleboy Sports. We are the go to source for news AND hot takes on said news, and second place isn’t even close. Anyone who goes to Sam Allen or the Telegram for news is doing themselves a disservice.
Why do you think Walter Bird was so defensive today about his coverage for Worcester Magazine?
Hey Walter – blocking Turtleboy does you no good. We are all Turtleboy and we can all see what you’re writing. Walter’s mad that we called him out on his insane election endorsements of Tracy Novick, Sarai Rivera, and Joe Petty. But I mean, come on now. We had no choice. Those people are all terrible. But apparently being in the media doesn’t give you a thick skin. Get this man a safe space!!
Newsflash Walter – blogs are the way of the future. Actually, nix that. The future has already arrived. We destroy every media outlet in this town in page views and readership because we have real news and smoking hot takes that you can’t provide. The only one who is “butthurt” in this relationship is you. It’s just politics Walter Bear. Nothing personal. No hard feelings from our side.
No one cares that you had a reporter and photographer inside and outside. So did Turtleboy Sports. We were all things Trump last night. No, we didn’t go to the press conference because our reporter on the scene was too busy eating pretzels and getting questioned by Secret Service.
Not even kidding you, our reporter was probably the sketchiest guy in the building last night. Walking around taking pictures of America-loving blue blooded jingomaniancs while wearing sunglasses, a hat, and a hoodie, was probably a bad choice on his part. According to him he was pulled aside by the WPD because the Secret Service deemed he looked suspicious. He rightfully admitted that he was indeed the creepiest, shadiest guy you’ve ever seen, but that he was just documenting the rally.
I actually heard it on the scanner. The Secret Service noticed him from a mile away and asked the WPD if they knew who it was. “Probably someone from Turtleboy.” I shit you not, that happened in real life.
Anyway, the best part about living in 2015 is that everyone has an iPhone. Our guy was probably 20 feet and three rows in front of Peter Rondon when he got up on his chair and started yelling “Donald Trump is racist, vote Sarai!!!” So his angle wasn’t the best. But I can’t stop watching these three videos of the same thing. First there’s the guy who was in the seat next to him:
Here's a video of a second protester being ejected at Trump's Worcester event. This was shot by an attendee. pic.twitter.com/WxumDAFET6
— Garrett Quinn (@GarrettQuinn) November 19, 2015
LOL. Then there’s the people in the nosebleeds who threw down obscenities at him as he was escorted out:
LOL. “You piece of shit. Get him out HERE!!!” Murica.
Then finally we got the best view from this one:
That guy looks like the bad guy from every plane hijacking movie I’ve ever seen. By the way, love the two women that put this guy in the place. Hey asshole, you wanna try to throw the race card around at Trump? How bout a face full of freedom instead?
Then there was this girl who tossed his ass out the club:
Are you one of these two women? Contact us and you get a free t-shirt for defending America from hippie invasion.
P.S. How bout this guy trying to earn SWJ points?
Yea, so I made a couple mistakes and tried to blow up a building – who cares? Shit happens when you’re mad. Not my fault. Doesn’t mean I can’t show up to a Trump rally, call Donald Trump a racist, and make a total fool of myself. It’s perfectly normal for you to go batshit insane because you don’t agree with Trump’s opinions about immigration. He “drove you to the point where you had to act.” Not your choice at all. 100% Trump’s fault. #ProtesterMentality
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Want to have your business advert seen by over 1.2 million people per month? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information, and check out our website about types of advertising we offer.
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26 Comment(s)
Awww Wyan Waaagirri is not entertained!! Turtle you really need to do more ground breaking news like his Twitter feed…”OMG I turned 25 today how did this happen”
Amazing stuff
I found this site by accident yesterday and man what a score. BETTER than the Blaze
You guys on vacation today?
He said HUMAN-BEINGS MATTER in his Facebook post. This is not acceptable, he did not point out the specific oppressed group du jour. He is obviously a racsexhomoislamoitphobic of the highest order.
I understand that Peter Rondon is Clive’s secret love-child, and that now Clive wants to marry him. This news brought tears to Ed Augustus’s eyes. The reception will be held at Pat’s Towing.
Turtleboy, you got your 5+ videos from other sources and your information from other sources……so what is this Turtleboy thing that you think Worcester keeps talking about. You actually talk about all the bad in Worcester and complain about everyone. Look in the mirror buddy.
you sound like one of the 10 clive readers
Good job Hermis. Why is this one protestor getting so much press. The protestors were a pathetic bunch. What happened to hippies threat of a big protest? the hippies seem to thrive on bullying weak college presidents and professors. Not up to a real challenge.
The hippies are legends in their own minds.
I took a ride down around the DCU just about the time the Rally ended..What a pitiful display the those against Trump put on out front ,It was actually laughable to see. A mix of a few hippys and the token punk with his face mask ready on top of his hat to pop it on in case the chance to loot arose..The look on his face was priceless..You could tell his soul was broken as he had big dreams of a band of fellow misfits looting midtown mall…Must have been movie night at the Mosaic
Looks like someone already DID loot midtown mall.
Look up the word “Asshat”, Peter Rondon’s picture is there. I swear
I’m the guy in the black jacket in the video releasing the terrorist Rondon’s arm as security arrived.
Concerned this as swipe might have been armed I, along with other concerned attendees moved on this chump to subdue him and prevent him from escalating the situation. We put him down three times before security arrived.
Americans must rush terrorists, especially if they are firing weapons, and stop them dead in their tracks! Enough of this running and hiding from spineless scumbags!
Nice job.
Trump didn’t say that all Mexicans are racists. He DID say that Mexico is not sending their best across the borders — that some are presumably good people, but others are criminals.
The 2009 Latina.com link above would seem to agree.
Is there a problem of people not understanding spoken and written English that is causing rampant confusion? Trump is relatively blunt and plain-spoken. People who want open borders should come out and say so, but discredit their cause by distorting (or misunderstanding?) plain English
Shocker, a hippie that plays the, “It’s not my fault” card. Agreed, why is he not in jail???
You saw his address right? Lakeside ghetto which is code name for full boat welfare package! He’s got welfare privilege that most of us could only dream of’
Dude’s on welfare and he’s dressed better than me.
But I’m white and work full time, so my privilege must be broken or something.
And what about the guy who robbed the armory whos reported to be homeless and unemployed yet is driving a BMW SUV! Where, oh where could his income be coming from? The usual double-whammy of welfare receipt and narcotics sales, like 1/2 of this city? Please do yourself a favor and check out the shear number of Escallades and other high end autos in Lakeside and the valley.
The mental illness is strong in this one…also, these are not the droids you are looking for..
Wow, trump did not say all Mexicans were criminals. He stated that he loved Mexico and the Mexican people. But this is what happens from the left
Why is he not in jail?
Did this jamoke ever do time, go to trial, pay a fine for the attempted bombing? This country is fucked up with dudes like this on the loose.
Walter Bird: “MassLive represented”. My, what cool, hip, urban, gang-slang ya got goin’ fo ya there, Walter! Where do you work again? Never heard of that “publication”.