Social Justice Warriors

Watching These Butthurts Whine About Maureen Binienda Being Named Worcester Superintendent Makes This Such A Great Day For Worcester

Watching These Butthurts Whine About Maureen Binienda Being Named Worcester Superintendent Makes This Such A Great Day For Worcester

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If you haven’t heard the good news, here it is:

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Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what a Revolution looks like. A year ago the Worcester Public Schools were in chaos. Vice Principals at North High were getting beat up on a daily basis. Almost a year ago to this very day, Joyce McNickles, Brenda Jenkins, Keesha LaTulippe, and bunch of other professional “activists” who profit by dividing us along racial lines, held a press conference in which they voiced their opposition to police at North. They backed Superintendent Melinda Boone because they controlled her and her anti-student policies. The teachers were upset all over the city. The parents felt their voices were going unheard. There was a pizza party at North High School that was held at the last minute and very few parents could attend. In short, Melinda Boone had laid siege to a once decent school system.

Then we forced her to resign. We let her know that we weren’t going to sit here and watch her destroy our schools in the name of her stupid charts. After a while she realized the gig was up and started secretly applying to other districts. The day she got that job in Norfolk, VA was a great day for the children of Worcester.

Ever since then we’ve been championing the cause of Maureen Binienda. A turtle rider began this petition to make her the superintendent. Her amazing work as principal of South High School even caught the attention of the Huffinton Post.

She was the choice of pretty much everyone. Even some of our greatest enemies like professional loser Steve Quist supported her. What was not to like? She knows Worcester. She’s a proven leader. She is widely praised by students and staff at South. She was the kind of candidate who normally would’ve been bypassed for some suit from another district with a briefcase full of data and charts. A Boone clone.

The only way to get someone like Binienda in was to change the makeup of the group that hires the superintendent – the School Committee.  The problem was that there were 3 on the SC who supported her (Monfredo, O’Connell, Biancheria) and 4 dooshnozzles who would never vote for her – Jack Foley, Joe Petty, Hilda Ramirez, and Tracy Novick…..that……woman.

So we did the only sensible thing with the Turtleboy Ticket – we urged voters to get rid of Foley, Petty, Novick, and Ramirez. Foley went from the 2nd place vote getter down to 4th. Petty maintained his seat but only after calling up the gigantic and powerful McGovern machine, led by convicted voter fraudster Paul Giorgio, to run his campaign for him. And of course Novick and Ramirez were replaced by pro-Binienda members Donna Colorio and Molly McCullough.

That is how a Revolution works.

The vote was evidently 6-1, with Foley being the lone dissenter. Even Petty voted for him. It’s such a classic Petty move. He realized everyone wants her so he was shamed into doing the right thing. But he certainly did not want her. He only did it because he didn’t want be THAT guy. Jack Foley could afford to be THAT guy though, because he’s a Clarkie loonjob who only appeals to other morons.

Anyway, the best part about Mrs. Binienda getting the job is the post-Binienda butthurt. Most of it comes from the same 4-5 people on social media. “Sean Duro,” “Ben Moore,” “Thomas Brennan,” Natalie O’Hayre, Nancy Smith, and of course Tracy Novick, who apparently hasn’t gotten the message that the citizens of Worcester outright rejected her.

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LOL. The minute you start saying good things about a Spanky McFarlane column is the moment every realizes that you are a nudnik.

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There’s nothing better than watching these butthurts whine. Newsflash – you lost. We won. This is how democracy works. Their argument is that she isn’t “qualified” because she’s never been a superintendent. Because apparently superintendents have to be picked off the superintendent tree, instead of hiring someone who has been on the ground and understands the effect that policies have in the classroom.

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Ya know who else subscribes to this theory? Everyone’s favorite loser:

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Check out her Twitter sometime. It’s insane. She tweets a billion times per day now. Taking her off the SC has clearly been bad for social media as a whole. Here’s some bits and pieces of her blog:

The most recent opening in Massachusetts in a district of similar sizewas Springfield, which hired Daniel Warwick in 2012 when Alan Ingram left to join DESE. Warwick, who had been deputy superintendent in Springfield for a number of years, was one of two finalists interviewed by the Springfield School Committee. The other finalist was the Monroe County School District (FL) superintendent, who prior to that job had been the chief operations officer for that district. 

Boston did a national search last year for its superintendent, which resulted in their hiring Tommy Chang, the Los Angeles local instructional superintendent for the LA school district. Their other finalists were all superintendents or deputy superintendents in their various school districts: Bedden the Richmond, VA superintendent; Guerrero the deputy superintendent in San Francisco; and Martinez as superintendent-in-residence in Nevada. 

Cambridge hired the superintendent of Weymouth Kenneth Salim for their superintendent last fall (he starts in July). Their pool of finalists (the search committee interviewed seven and narrowed it to three) also included Framingham superintendent Stacy Scott (who had been superintendent in Dracut before that) and former Holyoke superintendent Sergio Paez (who had been manager of ELL and students support in Worcester prior to Holyoke). 

Translation – school districts should spend lots of money on a national superintendent search and should only hire carpetbaggers who have spent their entire careers in administration. This mentality is everything that is wrong with the state of public schools as a whole. Manufactured, Broad Institute trained administrators should be running schools. People who know nothing about the community they are leading, and who know even less about teaching kids, should be the ones running the schools. Makes sense.

Oh yea, and to show you how off the deep end Tracy Novick has gone, check out the hashtags:

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The purpose of a hashtag is to unite people in a conversation who are using that same hashtag. If you search for #WPSsearch on Twitter, the only person talking is Tracy Novick. She’s literally sitting there on her phone, like in her profile picture, and talking to herself. Someone get this woman a doctor!!

Then there’s Natalie O’Hayre, queen of the butthurts:

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Quoting InCityTimes might be the only thing worse than quoting Clive McFarlane. It’s a publication run by a clearly unstable Green Island trash named Rosalie Tirrella. She features herself in her free newspaper’s swimsuit issue:


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She attacked City Manager Ed Augustus’ sexuality.

She made up a story about Dianne Williamson getting arrested for DUI.

She made up a story about the Worcester fire chief, alleging that he was a pedophile and had appeared in a gay pornography movie.

She published a story about a white person in blackface showing up at a Mike Gaffney fundraiser.

All of the stories were boldfaced lies. Only a complete loser like Natalie O’Hayre would ever share one of her garbage stories.

But the real story here is the testimonials and reactions from decent citizens of Worcester:

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A great day for Worcester. A great day for the Turtleboy Sports Revolution.


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29 Comment(s)
  • Amy
    March 15, 2016 at 6:28 pm

    She has teachers do 90 minute lunch duties, no sitting allowed! Tells teachers to read to kids even though they can read, low expectations! She does have good behavior management, doesn’t take any crap.

    • Whatsthebeef
      March 15, 2016 at 8:55 pm

      If a 90 minute lunch duty is a contract violation, no offense, but take it up with the union.

      As for sitting during lunch duty – it is lunch duty…not lunch. Sitting during lunch duty is setting people up for “incidents” to happen.

      FWIW – I am a teacher. Yes, lunch duty is lousy, but people not taking lunch duty seriously causes headaches for everyone else, including other teachers on duty.

      • Hoffa
        March 15, 2016 at 9:22 pm

        Worcester teachers do not belong to any union. They have an”association “. Completely different.

        • Whatsthebeef
          March 15, 2016 at 10:07 pm

          Same thing. How do you think they are different? Is this a matter of semantics?

          I was a part of XXXXXX Teachers’ Association – it was a union, associated with AFL-CIO. It had a contract and was subject to collective bargaining.

          • Hoffa
            March 16, 2016 at 5:56 am

            The EAW has NO affiliation with the AFL-CIO. The A stands for ASSOCIATION. Its. only affiliated with the MTA, where that A also stands for ASSOCIATION. A true LABOR UNION must be AFL-CIO affiliated. The EAW is not. The MTA is not. Sorry to tell you this, but facts are stubborn things.

    • Cmonnn
      March 15, 2016 at 10:07 pm

      Sorry you can’t sit down. I’ll feel bad for you on the Job site tomorrow……grow up, candy ass

    • O please!
      March 15, 2016 at 10:15 pm

      I highly doubt that any teacher is doing 90 min lunch duties. The union would be all over that . And kids are read to throughout the system- many have IEPS that call for it. Binienda will do a great job erasing the Boone/Broad effect. Best thing to happen to Worcester since the wrecking ball hit the galleria.

      • nitpicker
        March 16, 2016 at 9:41 pm

        Hoffa – You might want to tell the EAW and NEA that they are not unions, since they use “association” and union” interchangeably.

        Example: From NEA Web site; “Lily Eskelsen García is president of the National Education Association, the nation’s largest labor union. ”

        Maybe on some technicality, they aren’t “unions,” but in practical terms, they are.

        Maybe Smalltown Internet Lawyer can file a cease and desist for them to stop using the term.

        • Hoffa
          March 17, 2016 at 7:38 am

          They can CALL it whatever they want. Associations are NOT Labor Unions. They can call a giraffe a cat- it doesn’t make it a cat

      • Amy
        March 17, 2016 at 5:02 am

        I worked at South for 3 months, hated it and left WPS! Yes, they are doing 90 minute lunch duties!!!! I called the Union…Len stated….If every teacher does 90 minute duties, it’s equal…nothing in the contract against it! No sitting in a hot, smelly cafe …walking around….yeah makes sense to have professionals doing that!

        • StupidIsAsStupidDoes
          March 17, 2016 at 1:24 pm

          If you are a professional, with your non-existent sentence structure than I’m the Queen of England. I’m so sorry that walking around is beneath you. Perhaps you should go back to school, get a PHD and go to teach at a college, where they are more than happy to employ illiterate, whiny ass “professionals” such as yourself.

      • Amy
        March 17, 2016 at 5:03 am

        The IEPs rarely call for reading to kids everything, everyday, I taught resource not life skills. I worked in WPS for over 5 years as a special education teacher.

  • Whatsthebeef
    March 15, 2016 at 5:59 pm

    Congrats to Mrs. Binienda! I cannot believe that Worcester government finally did something right!

    Now, I would like to know what Natalie O’Hayre’s beef is. Does Mrs. Binienda not have enough minority asterisks by her name? I guess maybe this means for the moonbats that it is no longer enough to be “just” a (qualified!) female applicant…apparently you have to be a racially minority or LBTQG etc. as well?

    Who is this O’Hayre person and why does she think she ranks?

  • Joe Max
    March 15, 2016 at 4:18 pm

    She actually lives in Worcester. Did not do the system trick, to live outside of the city, like many do. Excellent choice and good luck to her.

  • juror seven
    March 15, 2016 at 12:43 pm

    Questions about the new superintendent.
    Does she live in Worcester?
    Is she married? If yes, did she have children that attended the Worcester public schools?
    The last name, Binienda, is she related to the late State Rep. John?

    • Wabbitt
      March 15, 2016 at 2:31 pm

      She does live in Worcester, but I’m not certain if she’s married or has children that went though the WPS.

      As for relation to the late state rep, I couldn’t tell you. I suppose it’s possible.

    • BobnMic
      March 16, 2016 at 2:46 am

      What does that even matter if she is the best qualified? And she is. She is from the WPS system, understands how things work, a successful Principal, and is not some idiot from Virginia that loves charts, pizza and hates Cops. This is a no-brainer.

      Wake the fuck up!

    • Retired
      March 24, 2016 at 11:47 pm

      Yes she does live in Worcester and always has. Also, she is a home owner not renter like Boone.

  • Common sense isn't so common
    March 15, 2016 at 9:56 am

    These people are professionally offended by everything just feeding this ridiculous grievance industry…

  • Areyouserious
    March 15, 2016 at 9:19 am

    All these people complaining that she has no experience were the same people supporting Boone who did not have any experience when she was hired. The biggest difference is that Binienda not only has experience as a principal but she has worked in Worcester. Boone was not only never a teacher, principal, or superintendent, but she couldn’t have picked out Massachusetts on a map, never mind Worcester

  • Big Pimpin'
    March 15, 2016 at 8:31 am

    T&G reported the vote was unanimous: Jack Foley said he wanted to see a broader search with candidates outside of the Worcester system, but in the end he voted for Ms. Binienda.

    Either way, GREAT decision for Worcester schools and the kids!!!!

  • Just Nick
    March 15, 2016 at 8:21 am

    Like Maureen, Sgt Majors don’t start off as Sgt Majors. They work they way up in the branch. You don’t see a national campaign to go out and find one. Binienda, has worked her way up. Now that she has the job she needs to deliver and shut up the nay sayers. You don’t have to know every answer or design every solution. You need talented people around you who will tell the emperor you have no clothes if need be AND know what questions to ask. Good for her, She has earned her stripes and deserve the opportunity.

  • Fawn Liebowitz
    March 15, 2016 at 8:02 am

    These people would have only been happy with a “person of color” being hired. Which would have been fine if they where the best candidate. But these race junkies keep the train moving in the wrong direction. Like Spanky, I can’t wait to see what racist crap he comes up with in his next column. But he can get away with saying all the racist stuff he wants….hmmmm.

    • Fillet O Fish
      March 15, 2016 at 9:09 pm

      Amen, Fawn. Weren’t you going to make me a pot?

  • Ted
    March 15, 2016 at 5:50 am

    Isn’t the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? So Jack Foley (Liberal, Clark U) wanted to repeat the process that gave us BOONE?? But he’d settle for Rodriguez? PC to a fault.
    If you’re having open heart surgery, do you want the most diverse surgeon or the BEST surgeon?

  • Wabbitt
    March 15, 2016 at 12:20 am

    I guarantee that NONE of these dipshits went to South. Anyone who actually attended that school and saw Ms. Binienda in action know damn well that she’s the right person for the job. Hell, if you look at the school staff listing it’s like a who’s who of my graduating class! That hell hole of a building had teachers who inspired a large number of kids to become teachers themselves! What does that say about her? Now imagine what she’ll be able to do with the district as a whole. It’s going to be fantastic to see where the WPS is a year from now.

  • JoeMomma
    March 14, 2016 at 11:22 pm

    Norfolk VA is a Navy town, you know who doesn’t put up with people messing with their kids education? Navy people.
    Boone will be unemployed again within the year. 🙂

  • Publius
    March 14, 2016 at 10:52 pm

    Novick had to go. She couldn’t help herself but get involved and force votes on all sorts of non-school business. Well she lost a few hundred votes at least from the sportsman in the City. We waited along time to seek revenge via bullet voting, no pun intended.

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