Masslive: The man accused of causing a fatal collision on Route 20 in Auburn told police that he had two shots of Hennessy around noon and “smoked two blunts this morning,” before the crash. DeJesus Amaro is facing charges including motor vehicle homicide by negligent operation, leaving the scene of an accident resulting in death, operating under the influence of marijuana, possession of an open container, unlicensed driving and speeding. Amaro, 24 of Taunton, was ordered held on $50,000 cash bail at his arraignment in Worcester District Court Friday. A not-guilty plea was entered on his behalf. Sutton police tried to stop a red Ford Explorer on Thursday but the car got away, according to a police statement of facts filed in court. That’s when an Auburn police officer saw the car on Route 20 in town, heading west in the eastbound lane.
“The vehicle was driving extremely fast, passing vehicles, lost control, swerved back into the westbound lane to avoid a crash, then struck the rear of a Toyota truck in the westbound lane, veered across the road into the eastbound lane, and struck the front of a Jeep Cherokee, head on,” the statement reads.
As the officer went to investigate, he saw a man get out of the Ford Explorer and “sprint” away. The man had blood “streaming” from his left elbow and ran off into the woods, where he was found hiding inside a concrete drainage pipe by a Massachusetts State Police K-9 and Auburn police, the statement read. That suspect was identified as Amaro, police said, noting that Amaro’s breath had an odor of “alcohol and burnt marijuana,” according to the statement of facts. Police found a partially-full bottle of Hennessy below the driver’s side door of the Ford Explorer, the statement of facts reads.
A passenger in the Jeep — identified by family as 54-year-old Michael Robidoux, the owner of Central Mass. Towing — was taken to the hospital and pronounced dead. The driver of the Jeep was taken to the hospital with injuries, authorities said. A state trooper noticed Amaro showed signs of marijuana use, according to the statement of facts. That’s when Amaro admitted to having the two shots of Hennessy at noon and smoking the two “blunts” in the morning, police said.
The owner of the Ford Explorer reported that Amaro stole the car after getting access to the keys without permission, according to the statement of facts. Amaro does not have a license to drive in any state, police said. Police discovered Amaro had two outstanding warrants from Taunton District Court for probation violations on charges of possession of Class A and B drugs, disorderly conduct and felony breaking and entering. Amaro is currently on probation, according to the statement.
DeJesus Amaro is arraigned in Central District Court on charges including motor vehicle homicide by negligent operation. He is accused of causing a crash that killed Michael Robidoux of #Auburn Thursday. @telegramdotcom pic.twitter.com/JFkoJ8j7a0
— Rick Cinclair (@RickCinclair) June 7, 2019
UPDATE: Worcester County DA identifies driver accused of causing fatal Auburn head-on crash as DeJesus Amaro. He is expected to be arraigned sometime Friday morning. https://t.co/n6fKAZ9Y7Q pic.twitter.com/ONZyN6cB9J
— Boston 25 News (@boston25) June 7, 2019
I know a lot of people are going to blame this on the fact that he smoked pot before getting in a car and killing someone. Pot doesn’t kill people; criminals kill people. However, if you wanna outlaw Henny, I’m all for it. It’s a known fact that the only people who have ever purchased a bottle of Henny are either on probation, have active warrants, or owe at least $5,000 in child support.
As usual, a Massachusetts judge will face no consequences for getting an innocent, well respected member of the community killed. Last July this waste of space was arrested not once, but twice in 24 hours in Taunton:
The first was for drugs:
DeJesus Amaro, 23, last known address 209 Washington St., was arrested Monday and charged with illegal possession of fentanyl, heroin and crack cocaine; conspiracy to violate a drug law; disturbing the peace; and disorderly conduct.
He was released and was arrested the next afternoon for felony breaking and entering.
Amaro was arrested again on Tuesday when police say they were called to 193 Washington St. at 12:20 p.m. to investigate a breaking and entering in progress. Police said they found Amaro lying down on a bed inside a Ford Econoline camper. They said he ran off but was quickly caught by an officer after running through backyards. Amaro allegedly claimed he broke into the camper because he is homeless.
His reasoning for running from the cops after they woke him up from his nap?
Amaro also allegedly told police that he ran off because he had failed to appear in court that day for arraignment on the previous day’s drug arrest, which police said resulted in a warrant being issued for his arrest.
Because…fuck court.
I really hate judges in general (except for the Leominster judge, he’s good shit). They’ve been granted God-like status in our society. They’re the only people who are NEVER accountable for their actions, don’t have to answer to anyone, get a lifetime appointment, AND their salaries are paid for by the taxpayers. They don’t give a shit about being criticized in blogs like this because the know it doesn’t really matter – they’re protected no matter what, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. If I was President the first thing I would do is completely eliminate Judges and replace them with computers that automatically hand out sentences by the book. They really serve no other purpose.
Meanwhile this shithead:
NEW: Angel Velazquez says his friend, DeJesus Amaro, took his car without permission yesterday. Amaro faces several charges, including motor vehicle homicide by negligent operation. #NBC10Boston #NECN https://t.co/MqEKJPbDBP pic.twitter.com/Fa7lQ8mEXb
— Mike Manzoni NBC10 Boston (@MikeNBCBoston) June 7, 2019
Oh please. No one’s taking my car without permission except for my wife. And anyone who even associates with a slugpump like this killer is a douchebag by default.
Such a tragedy because as usual the guy who provides nothing to society gets to live, and the person who actually had value does not. Michael Robidoux was a grandfather, business owner, and by the looks of his page a highly respected member of society. He rubbed elbows with some powerful people, and a cursory look through his Facebook page shows us that he was a steadfast supporter of law enforcement, an advocate for safer driving, and his business has donated plaques to both the Weymouth and Yarmouth Police in honor of murdered cops Michael Chesna and Sean Gannon.
Based on things he’s posted on Facebook he would’ve been the first person advocating for stricter sentences for people like the excrement who ended up killing him. If you’d like to donate to his GFM you can do so here.
Some idiots are doing exactly what he wouldn’t have done – blaming the Auburn Police.
Hey dipshit, you no read good?
Don’t answer that question, but allow me to explain. The Sutton Police did call of their chase on him, and the Auburn Police then saw him driving into oncoming traffic before crashing. They weren’t chasing him. He was just driving like a lunatic and a cop happened to see it happen because Route 20 is a really busy road.
The only thing that should’ve been called off are those swimming trunks and the collection of pubes hanging from your chin.
Our sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Mike Robidoux.
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61 Comment(s)
Yeah no shit an owner of a tow truck company sucks up to to law enforcement.
Gotta get those calls first!
Not even close. He at one point was a member of the Worcester police. Also his tow company didn’t work for towns or police. He hustled scrapping cars working for auctions and dealerships moving trad ins and donates. Know your facts you clown
Another great human from the Dominican Republic smh , they are the worst !!!
I can definitely attest to that
Right now that POS illegal alien is with 20 greasy haired fucks speaking Spanish while another one ” of his people” is giving him cornrows..Tom another POS illegal useless fuck will walk in with 20 grand ( all Fentynol profits gained while killing our kids).Grab that fuck take our money arrest him / deport him back to his hut by Tom. night!!!! Why fucking not? A good man is dead do to this untouchable SPIC.
Id give a POC probation for a more serious crime and risk the life of a middle age cracker in the name of equality. Whites are a problematic plague
Who taught u those BIG words ? One of brother and sisters father’s????. Get a job STEPANDFETCHIT
He is a POC and should get multiple chances as he has faced more adversity than his white male counter parts
Hey fucktard, white is a color…
No offense to the deceased – I don’t wish what happened to him on anyone that has a decent family and friends. RIP.
But this guy (Robidoux) was no choir boy, a well known bully in town, plenty of Google trophies, questionable business practices, and was banned/RO’d from Auburn Town Hall for threatening employees & a senior citizen – a few years back.
As for the perp – death by slow torture in public.
Why a story like this doesn’t get into local MSM is the reason why TBoy remains relevant. Keep up the good work, folks. Let nose-in-the-air MSM be truly stupid in criticizing you, because they are TRULY the problem when a good person is killed by a predictably bad one who the system ALREADY has in its grasp! Another example of what should be publicized rage all over…but is only here. Kudos to you all!
Very racist not much else to say here
There’s a little more to say, actually.
Fuck yourself off.
All said now.
Down south we routinely give people 60 years for this shit not probation.
Maybe jail wasn’t working out for him
Blame the cops? Blame the judge? Blame the Hennesey?
Blame the two blunts! He was wasted on pot!!
Driving Impaired.
Pot kills!!
Filthy Dindu just doing tbe things that Americans dont want to do like kill people.
Scientology may be an awful cult, but they have some fantastic strategies for destroying enemies that might be useful against some of these judges. Look it up if you don’t know what I’m talking about.
I agree with UT here. Judges are the scum of the earth. They stroll into court late, take extended lunches and breaks and don’t give two shirts about the consequences of their decisions. They can’t be helld a accountable for bad decisions, they are compelling immune. How did they earn such a cooshy gig? Did they bust their ass as an attorney? No, they played the game of thrones with political donations and get appointed by politicians. It’s almost like the position is bought…
Are you tired of the liberal, lenient judiciary in Massachusetts?
Tired of hearing these stories of liberal asswad Judges allowing these cretins to walk free, time after time?
There is a very simple solution:
I swear that Massachusetts voters must be masochists at heart!
These same liberal Dems that keep getting elected and reelected are the same ones who appoint these liberal judges !
These same liberal Dems are the ones who legislate those same liberal laws and policies that allow for lenient laws and lenient judiciary.
These are the same politicians who want to tax the working class into poverty to support non-working malingerers and malcontents.
Nothing changes if nothing changes !
Want change? Give the Massachusetts Legislature an enema and vote them all out.
Want change?
Stop myopically voting the (D) !
They vote myopically for the (D) because it’s the only D these ugly liberal women are ever going to get.
Who is this Taunton judge? For shame. She should be publicly called out.
What kind of society have we become?
No article on how worthless the sub-human shit-eating fags were on fag day today?
I was flying my freak flag today and was in my comfort zone with the fellas. I will stay in the closet because I have national aspirations politically even though my reach definetely exceeds my grasp. Peace out bitches.
I used to enjoy Hennessy years ago, but once I found out it was the preferred beverage of hoodboogers I stopped buying it. It’s a damn shame.
Fuck law abiding citizens, we have the lowest incarceration rate in the country!
Ironic he’s in a picture with the guy who signed the terrible criminal reform bill that makes working in law enforcement dam near impossible in Charlie Baker
Not to mention the pic with Early…
When the shitbag ran behind the building, It would have been nice if he hit his head on a bullet.
Immigration status please
Number of welfare accounts please
Number of children they he refused to support please
Amount of tax dollars his children cost the taxpayers please
Can you see the never ending cycle?
Those are just anecdotes
Tim Rodgers – shut up and go get some more tattoos – I have free Hep C infected ink you can use
You’re on a roll. Enjoying your comments.
Sort of like Kevin Quinn down on cape…courts failing citizens who aren’t in the game.
Those are some pretty amazing noses the Auburn police have that can detect an odor of alcohol when the poor bastard blew a zero point zero.
I wonder when they’ll release the video from the dash cam that recorded the crash.
The above commentary coming from Nadia Trainwreck
aka DeJesus’s baby mama
A Google search shows that his wife, Brittany, passed away in February 2018. Wonder if it was that fentanyl he likes to deal.
No it was AiDS that he gave her for a wedding present.
You are a negative person How about some sympathy for the man who was killed. How about some anger about the guy who killed him that should have been in prison.
You smell bad through the internet Nadia.
Don’t make us out your ratchet life.
Good luck “outing” me. Of course, you can always listen to those rocket scientists who say I’m Mike Gaffney.
A good person was killed by a bad person so I’m sure that your team is happy to celebrate the win but it will come around one day.
Nadia shut your fucking cock polisher you worthless slut
Actually the test came back with Henny znd semen in his breathe. Looks like in addittion to being an illegal alien he is a practicing sodomite.
You’re an idiot. So one day you get arrested for some crazy bitch claiming abuse or rape and “ bam” automatically in jail?
Don’t talk with your mouth full.
Now get back to the business at mouth
I blame it on the guy who died, it’s his fault for being an upstanding citizen and minding his own business that day…says every worthless fucking judge in this state. My condolences to everyone who knew him and to his family
Its dey culture and you best respect it.
Pill poppers Drunks are the bottom rung. Impossible to get lower than that. Yes, I rate heroin and crack and meth higher.
We don’t need more high rise apartments, hotels,and restaurants in this state. What we need is more JAILS being built. We also need Judges that stop feeling bad for all the dangerous criminals out there and just giving them a slap on the wrist!! If they can’t afford bail then they stay in jail not get their bail lowered. JMO but this man should still be alive enjoying his weekend but instead his family has to plan a funeral ☹️!!
A decent hard working business owner with ethics gets killed by some career criminal POS who staggered up here from the island so he could get welfare, deal drugs, not work, and drink Henny at 9 AM.
Something seriously fucking wrong with that.
A thousand thumbs up
If liberals keep planning these covert assassinations against decent, law abiding tax payers like Michael Robidoux, then who is going to be left to pay the welfare of these ratchet failures?
Tbats the way ah huh ah huh I like it ah huh ah huh. My boi didnt do nuthin. Racist white cops be harrassin him on rt 20 when he be gettin his He ny on and on and on lookin for another baby moma so white tax payers can pay for his bastard offspring. I say dismiss the charges PRONTO.
Aint no stoppinn us now
Reconquistador. In my excitement and haste, i made a spelling error but hey its my culture
Time for instant, public executions. Drag him into the center of Auburn and hang him. Why waste taxpayers money while giving another liberal activist judge a chance to screw the rest of us in the name of social justice. Do not pass go, do not collect $200
Bring back the death penalty for this piece of shit
kill the fucking spick (oh that’s so racist, fuck you) turtoo boy doesn’t like certain words cause they’re so racist
whoever left the thumbs down are venereal disease spreaders that pick their nose in public. vile scum everyone of you