So this happened in my backyard on Thursday morning:
The Holden Police Department received information that a resident was in possession of child pornography. Based upon this information, the Detective Bureau initiated an investigation in conjunction with the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC). On Thursday, January 23, 2020, members of the Holden Police Department, with the assistance of the Worcester Police Department, the Massachusetts State Police, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Homeland Security Investigations conducted a search warrant of the Holden residence. As a result, Mr. Mark Aucoin, was arrested and charged with three counts of possession of child pornography. Due to the ongoing investigation, no further comment will be made.
People get arrested for kiddie porn all the time, but Mark Aucoin just so happens to be the former principal of Davis Hill Elementary School in Holden:
Aucoin was let go by the Wachusett Regional School District in a controversial move back in April of 2014.
More than 100 people, including former selectmen, union representatives, parents, teachers and students held signs and wore shirts in support of Mr. Aucoin and Mrs. Dennis, and pleaded with the school committee to explore further and question Mr. McCall’s decision.
“Davis Hill has a rare quality that is difficult to put into words,” said parent Robin Chapman. “Several parents in town have told me they wished their kids went there. It’s the result of rare leadership. To the school committee — you hire, fire, evaluate and oversee the superintendent. You are elected officials. I stand here with many parents deeply shocked and concerned about the dismissals and the manner and timing that they were carried out.”
Two months later it was reported by Masslive that he took a job at Stanley Koziol Elementary School in Ware, one of the lowest performing districts in the state.
Kind of makes sense since Ware is notorious for its incredibly high concentration of level 3 sex offenders that choose to move there after getting out of jail.
Selectman Alan Whitney said at that meeting the town had become “the go-to spot” for sex offenders.
Prior to working at Davis Hill he was the principal at Richer Elementary School in Marlboro, and taught in the Worcester Public Schools Elementary for 15 years (I believe at Heard Street).
Mark Aucoin lives directly behind the Davis Hill Elementary soccer fields where my crotch fruits have soccer practice, and he’s been bailed out for $2,500. News of this has not been reported yet so I figured it’s something the public should know about. To my knowledge he’s never acted on his sick fetishes, but if I were a parent whose kids ever dealt with him I’d be having a conversation with them.
He seems to be married with a teenage daughter, which makes this even more tragic. I truly believe that people who are attracted to kids have a sick disease. They have to. How else can you explain people who are willing to throw away EVERYTHING – home, family, reputation, job – in order to get off? My thoughts are with his family and more importantly to the victims of child sex abuse in the images he was downloading.
P.S. A guy who downloads kiddie porn shitting on the President for the way he was handing out paper towels in Puerto Rico is just epic levels of hypocrisy.
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87 Comment(s)
Why is this guy still walking free?! And No one has said anything else about him again…
His douchebag wife is an enabler
Hey Cheesemo you don’t even know his wife! God I hate people who are assuming narrow minded
A filthy pedophile talking shit about president Trump
I hate fucking liberals
I hope he gets the piss beat out of him in jail
The police never arrest the innocent. And false charges are never filed. Gimme a break. Most of the guilty ones will eventually make a plea. But these cases can be very difficult to actually prove at trial. But the internet legal experts here already know that.
Looks like we no longer have due process in this country. Many pathetic posters.
We’re not a fucking jury here you pompous pathetic nitwit.
As a former student of Mr. Aucoin’s, this is truly shocking. He was an amazing teacher, always professional and I would never expect this. Very sad to say the least.
Eva I just read this story and the whole time I had no idea how to say his name and its bugging me now, can you please tell me how he pronounces Aucoin. Weird I know but its bugging the shit out of me lmao
A sick perverted child molester virtue signaling by criticizing president trump
What a total piece of shit
Could have saved a bunch of time and writing by simply posting his picture. We’d all have been able to figure out he was a pedophile.
I hope he gets his teeth kicked down his throat in prison.
Fuck, I hate liberals.
From Darryl McCall…
” Dear Wachusett Staff and Families,
On Thursday, January 23, 2020, Mark Aucoin was arraigned in Leominster District Court for child pornography charges. Mr. Aucoin was employed by the Wachusett Regional School District as a principal at Davis Hill Elementary School from 7/1/2006 to 6/30/2014. Massachusetts General Law prohibits employers from releasing details related to personnel matters including the decision in 2014 to not renew the contract for Mr. Aucoin. During his tenure with Wachusett, there was no evidence of improper conduct, including but not limited to the current investigation and charges. The District will work with law enforcement and make ourselves available should they request the District’s assistance. The Wachusett Regional School District takes all issues related to child safety very seriously and any allegations or suspicions would immediately be reported to the proper authorities. The District utilizes internet content filtering in accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and regularly engages in training for mandated reporters. We will have counselors available to assist students and staff during this difficult time.”
Let’s get this straight. McCall knew about this last Thursday and made no effort to communicate about it to district families. He did find the school committee important enough to tell. Then Darryll’s biggest ass kisser Julie posts a rant on the local Wachu-chat page insisting that all the mommies in Holden shoud also kiss Darryll’s ass because she thinks he is now vindicated for firing Aucoin. When the mommies didn’t buy that, McCall responds with this letter. This letter is 5 days late. He failed in his responsibility to notify the community. We all leared about this from Turtleboy. Good thing we have Turtleboy because our local rag is just that and the school administration doesn’t care to tell people what’s going on until they have no choice but to say something.
Anyone else troubled that no one else is reporting on this? I guess Telegram only cares if it is about a priest.
I totally agree that he has a sick disease. Luckily there is a cure and it comes in the form of .45acp hollow points that you inject directly into your skull.
TDS and pedophalia. Nasty combo. I agree with your assessment.
Grown men who post photos of themselves with other people’s children cause my right eyebrow to raise. Something fishy about that kind of thing.
This fucking Leon Twatsky deserves an ice pick in the ear for the child porn and merely a jaw breaking brick slap to the face for acting like a self righteous cunt about President Trump.
Invariably when these pedos get sentenced their lawyer will make a plea for leniency based on the perps “years of doing good for the community in teaching and counseling and as a cub scout leader etc.
I say that was all a means to an end; it was done to get access to kids. Kids are pretty much a chore most of the time. When a grown man wants to sign up for that he should be vetted pretty carefully
if not put to death, this degenerated lump of genetic pus, and all other pederasts, need to be put asea for life to scrape out a living on an island.
PS… after Saudi 2nd Lt. Mohamed Alshamrani killed three U.S. service members and wounded eight others….the Pentagon expelled 21 Saudi military students for ties to jihadism and child pornography, found on their phones. WTF are we doing?
I took care of Kobe like I did Epstein.
So you killed an L. A. nagger I mean naker
The breaking wheel is the only suitable death for such a heinous crime.
Fact: Pedophiles can NEVER be fully cured of their sickness, only restrained. If given the opportunity to strike again they always will. Anyone who preys upon children or gets sexual satisfaction from watching them being abused deserves to have their balls burnt off with a blowtorch.
Who needs kiddie porn when you can just get the real thing?
We’re coming for you Jeffery
in nomine iustitia
Some of these kids are asking for it though.
You’re just jealous that you weren’t one of the diddled
A teacher from Northborough who was an adjunct at QCC just got in trouble for some shenanigans.
Hey, little glass house dweller,
This man is obviously a very sick /twisted human being.
But of COURSE you’d somehow manage to bring politics into this. Jesus ..
What kills me is the pic of him sitting while surrounded by little girls. I can only imagine his thoughts!
He looks more like a pee-pee smoocher.
2010 people have not caught up to 2020 people things have changed drastically and they aren’t adapting well. Mentally. What an old friendless faggit.
I actually heard about this from someone last week, but didn’t see anything in the news so I wasn’t sure . . . . word gets around quickly
All the unpunished diddlers are changing the topic to Kobe.
On a different note, they let the chimps out at the Franklin Park Zoo and there was 3 stabbings
Lucky you got fired before they found yours,
Todays lesson of the day is dont freebase when you are trying to fly a helicopter.
Naw naw fuck dat shit.
Dat racist helicopter wasnt respectin yo azz
Perhaps this will put an end to the Thurman Munson jokes…
The TB mafia will unite to destroy a douchenozzle who tried to get a toothbrush for free. Yet another public school pedo gets arrested, change the subject. Really makes me wonder about you people.
Well he didn’t leave his family to fight in jew wars like chesna the terrorist. That monkeys kids have no father but lots of boyfriends,karma.
Aint gonna be no money left Partner. After the helicopter crash lawsuits for negligence and then the 10 or 15 baby momas coming out of da woodwork to get theirs.
His wife better start hiding whats left now.
He was taking his daughter to basketball practice you prick
What what, say it aint so lil boo got got
If he was using a laptop or home computer it’s usually an open and shut case. Tunnelbear and Tor-VPN and alternate browsers don’t hide you from local or government agencies, it just shows them where you are physically and online, and provides evidence that you were trying to evade detection.
You sound pretty familiar with downloading child porn…
That’s what you get from that? Or did you copy and paste that message on accident?
Where all the white women at
Not on your helicopter.
put https: at the beginning and replace dot with .
Have some respect. Kobe died in a helicopter crash today. At least wait until tomorrow.
someone dont learn to fly easily
Why put off to tomorrow what you can do today.
His FB page says he’s a Guardian Ad Litem? Seriously? I can see low grade teacher’s colleges hiring him (esp. in MA) but Court Appointed? What the ever living fuck?
Considering the courts had a judge’s step daughter working in the probation department while giving info to criminals about witnesses. And judge Willblow Baggans victim witness advocate daughter trying self advocate with a tonsil tickling on the roadside.
Hey it’s mr. mark! He said I could stay after skool for extra credit! Just haveta help his little friend feel better! : ) i be so sad they put my new dad in jail toooooo
I always thought Ware was just that gas station people stopped at on the mass pike to take a shit on their way to the Berkshires. You’re telling me it’s a town?
A perv diddler with Trump derangement seems about right
I truly admire this man for being true to himself and finally coming out of the closet.
Hi Dad! It’s a shame he got caught. He’s a good friend of mine.
We most definitely watch different videos but I see principal Aucoin’s point. Why was Trump handing out rolls of paper towels in Puerto Rico when their Internet wasn’t even working yet? It’s like he’s rubbing it in their faces.
What did you hand out in Puerto Rico? Just stupid opinions I would guess
There you go automatically associating Puerto Rico with handouts. Disgusting.
They should be handing out extra does of cyanide pills in PR.
The entire population is ugly as sin.
Paper towels? I woulda dropped some blankets off in Dominican republic.
you do know the place was a corupt shithole and had major power grid failures before the storm hit?
corrupt…damn it
Why did the Puerto ricsn governor hide supplies that Trump provided in a warehouse. Why did the governor never hand out these supplies.
you should have gone down and fixed their internet you vapid cunt.
Look up “Maslow’s hierarchy of needs”.
Not everyone that works with kids is a diddler, but most diddlers like to or try to work around kids.
Castration should be the punishment for first offense. While a percentage would still reoffend, the amount of children that would be spared from these scum bags would be greatly increased. The most egregious and heinous crimes should be met with a similarly horrific punishment.
Agreed. Rapists and kiddie diddlers absolutely should be castrated. They’ve demonstrated that they do not have any self-restraint and common sense judgement. The decision gets made for these perpetrators. Period.
Another liberal child predator arrested Well done
Apparently Daryll McCall had some information that he was not allowed to disseminate. In the face of unpopular opinion, he chose what was right for the children’s safety.
I don’t know the guy, but I love a good vindication story.
Should anyone be tipping their cap to Maccall if he knew anything about this and let the guy move along to another school district? Isn’t that what got cardinal law booted out of the country? What did he know and when? I wouldn’t declare him a hero until the facts are know .
If it is true that Maccall has information and he didn’t act on it then he is a jerk, no better than Cardinal Law, passing off bad men to another organization where they can corrupt some more. What did Maccall know and when did he know it? He was quick to get rid of this guy. He has some explaining to do now.
My wife and I immediately thought the same thing. But I didn’t even think Aucoin knew why he wasn’t renewed? Is it possible there was an incident that occurred, that was easily explainable as “innocent” that McCall didn’t like? Had McCall told the public “well… this happened…” could he have been accused of overreacting and possibly had the district sued? Maybe McCall just had a bad feeling about this guy, but no real proof to back it up?
Whatever it was I expect an email from McCall saying that his decision on Aucoin had nothing to do with the recent charges, and it was based purely on what McCall thought was best for the school.
I wouldn’t rush to judgment until more facts are disclosed. If there is incontrovertible evidence he purchased child porn somewhere, that’s one thing. But anyone can easily be framed for unknowingly having child porn or anything else on a computer these days. And the consequences of such a charge are so devastating.
Framed? Really? Nice try Mr. Principal.
Are you serious? So all those different agencies are going to investigate this and then just make an arrest when they can? You’re a moron
Someone is going to download kiddie porn and put it on someone else’s computer to frame them….sure
Actually I can see a scenario where he’s getting a divorce and his wife wants the house. Not saying she did plant it but it isn’t that far fetched.
I mean it’s possible right?
I’m with Fast on this one.
Ever been to a porn site? And if you did, ever clicked on a vid thinking its one thing and instead you get someone underage doing whatever? Guess what, you now have kiddie porn on your computer. Don’t believe it? Go through your browser cache.
The government has worked real hard to stockpile whatever it can on every citizen, to be used whenever it fits their needs. Doesn’t mean it applies in this case, but given the ‘epidemic’ of these types of cases in really only the last 10 years or so, it should give everyone a bit of pause as to why that is.
You make the most insane anti-government and anti police statements of anyone on here. Which story is about you and.why did you not get hired?
If they found the offending files in a folder labeled “WPS Proposed Sex Ed Curriculum” then there’s a logical explanation for all of this.