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This is Mitchell Martinez from Weymouth:
He’s well known around town because he’s extremely active in the Everything Weymouth Facebook page, where he’s basically an obnoxious charity case. He often asks for help, or passive-aggressively brags about helping people in need (Dutra-style), and then he gets cunty with the people helping him. For instance….
A bunch of people offered to help him out with his paper, which is a weird thing to ask people for help for on a Facebook page, but whatever. Then poor Janet here tried to help him out too and he threw a mini bitch fit….
Well then, go fuck yourself Janet. That’s what you get for being nice!
Or that time he bragged about bringing a lost elderly man with Alzheimer’s home after nearly getting run over by a car…
He was loving the pats on the back from strangers in town, who had treated him like an adopted son…
But the second someone mentioned that it might not be someone’s fault that this guy ended up in front of Mitchell’s house, it was that time of the month again….
Nevertheless people still rushed to his defense.
And he constantly came to the group soliciting his landscaping business
with help finding internships in IT
He was REALLY interested in computer and IT stuff….
And after the news that came out today, we all know why….
A Weymouth man is facing an additional charge of child pornography possession after investigators say they found more explicit images of children in his online accounts. Mitchell Martinez, 22, of 126 Lakehurst Ave., Weymouth, was originally arraigned on one count of child pornography in Quincy District Court on Jan. 31 after police say an anonymous tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children led investigators to images on Martinez’ electronic devices.
Around that same time, investigators served a search warrant on Dropbox, an online data storage company, seeking electronic records connected to an online account labeled with an alias traced back to Martinez. Dropbox responded on Feb. 20, granting investigators access to an account where they said they found an additional 285 videos displaying explicit content.
“I viewed most of the videos, and in my training and experience, they meet the requirements of child pornography,” a State Police trooper wrote in the arrest report.
The documents provided by Dropbox proved the account was accessed through an internet protocol address traced to Martinez’s Lakehurst Avenue address, according to investigators. Police sent the files to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which told investigators on March 20 that its child recognition and identification system had identified 48 video files and one additional file that contained known child victims.
Martinez was arraigned on the second charge of possession of child pornography on Wednesday. A judge imposed the same conditions that were imposed under the first charge, releasing Martinez on his promise to return to court on Aug. 8. He has also been prohibited from contacting children under 18, leaving the state, using the internet and possessing pornographic material.
Yup. He was learning IT to master his craft. The crazy part is his first arrest on January 31 got zero publicity. No one in town knew about it, and he felt so comfortable in this fact that he was still posting on the page for months afterward.
Obviously these people are sick. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again being sexually attracted to children is a real disease. I honestly believe that. To know what the punishment is for consuming this shit, and to still go ahead with it anyway, that is one powerful attraction right there. But it’s still up to the individual to seek therapy and learn how to NOT exploit children who are being forced into a life of sex slavery.
Don’t get me wrong, I certainly don’t feel bad for him at all. Especially after what I saw he did to poor Janet, who was just trying to help him out…..
Karma’s a bitch.
Oh, and even though the judge decreed that a condition of his release was he can’t use the Internet, he’s still messaging people in the Everything Weymouth group….
“I just came across it one day.”
Alright, fuck this animal. Bitch, you had hundreds of files stockpiled. Hidden. You didn’t just randomly take a wrong turn on Pornhub. This is your thing. You get off on watching other people’s children having their innocence stripped of them. You don’t care that for the rest of their lives they will be emotionally damaged beyond repair, becuse your urge to bust a nut took priority. There wouldn’t child porn on the Internet if there weren’t a market for it. So yea, have fun in jail. I heard they love sex offenders there Mitchell.
19 Comment(s)
There is NOTHING more sick and perverted than a pedophile, thank goodness there’s Google among other resources nowadays for HR departments to find this stuff on job applicants in 30 seconds. And remember; pedophiles are never “cured”, they will ALWAYS strike again if ever given a window of opportunity.
I want to go to jail just to fuck him!
Yummy boy
I’m risking everything to fuck you behind my husband’s back, and now you want this kid????
Yes, a library contains a vast wealth of info, but there is something called “The Internet” that contain a vast wealth of info, too. He obviously knows how to use the internet… He should’ve been using the library all along. If he had, he wouldn’t be someones future bride in prison.
Fuck me? No, fuck you Mitchy!
If half the people did half as much as they could do in a day the world would be so much better.
Layabouts with too much time on their hands and no ambition turn to evil just like the old folks said “idle hands are the devils tools”.
Who watched his grandma while he was locked up or at court?
His hidden camera
The “everything Weymouth” page is comedy. People bitching about biker kids, arguments over every little thing, and people who clearly only know the Rachet language. Love it
They’re all a bunch of sawft ass liberals.
Weymouth = New Quincy
Oh Dearest Mitchell…what a sad, sad girl you’ve made me today…We can’t play together.
Crying emoji face.
We could’ve had it all!?…I LOVE Adele don’t you?
You are my kinda guy! I love playing hide and seek in the woods with corpulent, pasty white piggy’s! It doesn’t even have to involve bears!
(Methinks you will become very familiar with bears in the pokey)
I’ll hide and you seek.
*Don’t look up in the trees though you’ll ruin all the fun
It’s a disease all right… And the only cure for these fuckers is castration
“Geene, go out back and fire up the wood chipper for me please “
I saw this guy running around Weymouth with a bloody clown suit on. He’s also big into Halloween where he poses like a scarecrow with a plastic pumpkin with a hole in the bottom on his lap. Sorry kiddies that isn’t a mini tootsie roll your grabbing.
I hope this dudes a fanook, because if he ain’t, he’s gonna be when he gets out of prison. He better start stretching his asshole now….before the main event. They’re gonna love that sweet baby-face . Hint: don’t drop the soap. Karma ! Sweet karma !
He is going to be the Kid in the Kiddie Porn.
He has already talked to me.
Brooksie, I called, but you didn’t answer. Please call me back. – Mitchell xo
I need to erase my history, I mean share with school