Social Justice Warriors

White Police Chief From White Town Of Wellesley Says That Cops Have To Apologize For Past Mistreatment Of People Of Color

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WCVBThe president of one of the largest police organizations in the United States on Monday apologized for historical mistreatment of minorities, calling it a “dark side of our shared history” that must be acknowledged and overcome. Terrence Cunningham (chief of police in Wellesley, MA), president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, said at the group’s annual conference that police have historically been a face of oppression, enforcing laws that ensured legalized discrimination and denial of basic rights. He was not more specific. Cunningham said today’s officers are not to blame for past injustices. He did not speak in detail about modern policing, but said events over the past several years have undermined public trust.

Wow, this guy is like the definition of a climber. A cop who went into law enforcement so that he could rub elbows with the President. Seriously, just search for him on Facebook and you find stuff like this:



When was the last time this guy actually walked the beat? Meanwhile we’ve got cops all over this country getting shot at (including most recently in Boston) and this numbnuts is over here blaming the police for provoking this due to past injustices. Here he is at a ceremony for the five Dallas cops who were killed:


Hey dipshit – those five cops were killed by a black lives matter supporter, fueled on by the lies and mistruths that you are perpetuating for our own personal gain. You dishonor them with your words. And guess what? A Dallas police sergeant agrees with this and is suing BLM. Oh yea, he’s black too. A black cop who works in an inner city environment, or an old white guy who hasn’t walked the beat in decades and works in an all white affluent town – which of these two do you think is better suited to talk about race relations and the police?

How could any cop every feel comfortable working for this dooshnozzle? You know he doesn’t have your back, and you know he’ll sell you out in a second for the chance to make a name for himself. 

His comments come as police shootings of black men have roiled communities in Ferguson, Missouri; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; and suburban St. Paul, Minnesota; and as black shooters have targeted officers in Dallas, the St. Louis suburb of Ballwin and Baton Rouge. “While we obviously cannot change the past, it is clear that we must change the future,” Cunningham said. “We must forge a path that allows us to move beyond our history and identify common solutions to better protect our communities.

Here’s a solution to better protect our communities – stop dealing drugs and shooting each other. You know why the cops don’t have a heavy presence in the good neighborhoods? Because there’s no crime there. It’s a waste of time to police there. So the best way to stop the cops from shooting people, is for people to stop committing crimes and cooperate with law enforcement. If this guy actually cared about the cops under his command he would’ve said this. But he’s more concerned with climbing up the ladder and kissing ass. This is the atmosphere that President Obama’s DOJ has created.  

“For our part, the first step in this process is for law enforcement and the (International Association of Chiefs of Police) to acknowledge and apologize for the actions of the past and the role that our profession has played in society’s historical mistreatment of communities of color,” he said.

Wait…..apologize?? You want the cops to apologize for the actions of the past? So a cop in Wellesley is supposed to apologize to ALL black people, because Bull Connor’s police force was running wild in Birmingham in 1963? Oh yea, that makes TONS of sense. 


He has been police chief since 1999 in his hometown of Wellesley, Massachusetts, an affluent, overwhelmingly white, low-crime suburb near Boston. He served three years as vice president of the police chiefs association before becoming president in 2015 for a one-year term.

What the hell does this idiot know about policing black people? He lives in one of the wealthiest towns in the state. A town where white people like him move to because they know black people by and large can’t afford to live there. All of a sudden this white bread is an expert on race relations in America. 

Leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement were less enthusiastic. Campaign Zero co-founder DeRay Mckesson said he looked forward to Cunningham’s comments being backed up by deep, structural changes to policing and the criminal justice system.

Charlene Carruthers, national director for Chicago-based BYP100, said an apology didn’t go far enough. She said a major step would be taking financial resources away from law enforcement and redirecting them to community-based programs.

Garland Pruitt, president of the NAACP’s Oklahoma City branch, said the apology was “way overdue.” A 40-year-old unarmed black man was fatally shot by a Tulsa officer last month.


See that? That’s why you don’t kiss ass to BLM or SJW’s. Because it’s never enough. These are perpetual whiners. They only know how to be victims. They don’t want things to get better because then they’ll have nothing to complain about. They are not reasonable, so smart people should just stop trying to reason with them. They are a joke. Ignore them and let them do their thing. Arrest them when they break the law. Simple.

Of course the end goal is the same end goal it has been since day one – reparations. That’s what this is all about. BLM doesn’t want apologies or solutions. They just want cash. Orange Julius Jones and company want Turtleboy to give his lazy, unemployed ass a reparations check because some white people who lived ocean away from my ancestors enslaved black people. It’s in the official platform for BLM. 

The bottom line is that cops don’t have to apologize for shit. Especially cops who work in cities with crime rates, who probably could give a shit less what some honky career climber from a rich white town thinks about anything.


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10 Comment(s)
  • Devils Mouthpiece
    October 19, 2016 at 8:22 am

    Fuck black lives matter. Nothing more to say….

  • Wwy
    October 19, 2016 at 12:52 am

    Why is the Jew George soros(Schwartz) funding this terrorist group. Divide and conquer says the kikes.

  • Publius
    October 19, 2016 at 12:36 am

    Misplaced white guilt. Until black males take a scintilla of personal responsibilty there is little reason to listen.

  • Chibbs
    October 18, 2016 at 10:57 pm

    It would take this distinguished public servant until Christmas to track down a person of color in Wellsley. But when he does he can apologize and shake his/her hand.

  • Stu Pidazzo
    October 18, 2016 at 7:18 pm

    This guy has $250k/year liberal arts college director of security written all over him when he retires from the force. Good gig- you can double up on your pension while sitting on your ass in an air conditioned office.

  • Mediocrity
    October 18, 2016 at 4:42 pm

    Elwood: Illinois Nazis!
    Jake: I hate Illinois Nazis!

  • WTF
    October 18, 2016 at 4:00 pm

    Aren’t welfare payments for life apology enough?

  • Reddog
    October 18, 2016 at 2:46 pm

    Public housing in Wellesley? I’m sure that someone somewhere would be paid off by someone so this would never happen. Imagine if it went in in Howie Carrs neighborhood?

  • KimberlyS
    October 18, 2016 at 1:42 pm

    I think I’ll ignore this idiot, and instead listen to what Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke has to say about BLM instead:

    “It’s (BLM) dangerous, it’s hateful, and I wish the Southern Poverty Law Center would add them to the list of hate groups in America,” Sheriff Clarke said.

    “A war has been declared on the American police officer, and it’s been fueled by this anti-police sentiment.”

  • Independent Thinker
    October 18, 2016 at 1:30 pm

    Wellesley needs some diversity. Put in some public housing in order to attract some hood rats and let’s see if they still feel the same way.

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