
Woman Mentions How She Witnessed Thug City Councilor George Russell Assaulting A 17 Year Old At A Fundraiser, Thug Mayor Joe Petty Shuts Her Down And Has Cops Kick Her Out

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Last week a 17 year old Worcester student named Dylan Azari made the following accusation against District 3 City Councilor George Russell:

3 years ago I attended a fundraiser at the Compass Tavern for George Russell City Council, invited by a friend who made a donation on our behalf and I was 14 at the time. Tonight I was invited by the same friend who again made a donation on our behalf. As soon as I arrived at the Compass, I signed in at the table and George approached me asking if we could talk for a second. I said ok and he began to speak to me in a rude manner accusing me of coming to his event, eating more than I should. Then he threatened me by saying to get my food and leave (public restaurant btw). He should get a new eyeglass prescription because he must have the wrong person. I saw people taking multiple helpings yet his attention was on me for no reason. His event was ending at 7:30 (restaurant is still open til their close time) and he again, walked over to me at 7:40, grabbed my arm sternly and told me it was time to leave. That is an assualt to a minor since it was an unwanted touch, he had no right to do that. There were witnesses as well and before I could call the police, he got in his car and took off shortly after. I’m posting this because everyone should know that this guy is disrespectful and doesn’t even deserve his seat in the City Council. 

In fairness, George Russell has good reason to be angry. He’s always the first guy to be identified in Guess Who?

We saw Dylan post this when it allegedly happened but couldn’t print anything because it was an unconfirmed anecdote. But then at this week’s Worcester City Council meeting a witness emerged who claims to have witnessed the assault, and she was summarily silenced as Mayor Joe Petty got the police to remove her the moment she mentioned Worcester’s version of Jaba the Hut….

Thug. Behavior.

That’s what that was right there. A woman speaks out about a thug City Councilor attacking a child for eating food at a restaurant in which a donation was made to the thug City Councilor by the child’s friend. And for that she gets kicked out of the people’s chamber by the thug mayor. If you can’t address deplorable behavior from an elected official at a public meeting then when can you?

For the record I 1,000% believe this story. George Russell is an angry, bitter, and quite possibly racist man. He tried to force his opponent Davis Assare out of the election in November because a black man had the audacity to try to take HIS seat. Dude is a pompous ball of goo who thinks he’s in the mafia or something. Hey George, you’re fat, bald, and win in a district where no one votes. You’re not Rahm Emmanuel. Sit down and eat another pie instead of assaulting kids and hiding behind your goon mayor.

2 Comment(s)
  • Rochambeau
    June 1, 2018 at 5:47 am

    “serving his fourth two-year term as District Three Councilor” Jesus. That’s enough for him. People like this make term limits attractive. It sounds like he’s depleted the usefulness of his BS in Urban Studies.

    Do politicians with a (D) get some sort of carbon credit to assault people?

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