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WCVB: A Tulsa, Oklahoma man has been arrested after a victim identified him by his facial tattoos. Paul Terry and the victim’s ex-girlfriend, Sonja Marie Moro, were both arrested after an investigation into a home invasion and armed robbery. The victim reported that Moro and a man, identified as Terry, forced their way into his home Friday, according to court documents. Terry had a knife and demanded money, or he would stab him. The victim gave his wallet to them and told Moro he would call police after they left. The victim described Terry’s horn tattoos on his face, which helped police identify Terry as a suspect. The pair were arrested on complaints of robbery with a dangerous weapon.
Sweet baby Jesus. The he is ladies and gentlemen, the dumbest criminal who has ever lived. To any prospective murderer, home invader, bank robber, etc, please listen up. Make sure that you are not making yourself easily identifiable. For instance, devils horns and “F cops” tattooed on your forehead is usually the first thing a witness would report to the police after being robbed at knifepoint.
This guy is obviously a psychopath, but what I don’t get is the other tattoos. What are those things on his right cheek? Are those lightning bolts? Racing stripes? And what complements horns and “F cops” better than a lipstick kiss tattoo. Apparently those can go on places other than a porn stars ass. Who knew?
The bottom line is that if you’re gonna go around invading homes and robbing people at knifepoint, make sure to put on a ski mask if your face is covered in the most recognizable tattoos ever.
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9 Comment(s)
That is one individual not destined for glory. I bet he could not even get a HJ from that joint up in Tewksbury. Proprietor would say, “No no no – me not love you long time.”
They appear to be backwards ss lightning bolts. What a fucikng loser POS.
We need pictures of the girlfriend..I can only guess they are epic
On the cheeks? Looks to me like Nazi or SS insignia of some fucked up, sorry ass Oklahoma white asshole “supremacist” loser variety.
But hey, one can’t be sure.
I thought it was the SS insignia, too. In this case it stands for “Stupid Shithead”.
You are correct. The SS symbol is a common tattoo among neo-nazis. The 88 is also common in place of the SS symbol.
Think that guy is originally from Webster. Sorry Wabbit.
Hey, I’m Worcester born and raised. I just live in Webster now.
Frankly, I wouldn’t bat an eye if I saw this whack job walking down East Main St. I WOULD cross the street, though.
What all those tattoos really spell is…LOSER!