
Worst Person Ever: Weymouth Scrotumtoad Joseph DiBlasi Makes Facebook Cover Photo Of Cop Killing Maggot Throwing Rock At Police Officer

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Just wanna take a moment to clear something up. Yesterday one of the maggots cheering on the cop killer in Weymouth claimed he worked at Deterra’s Landscaping:

However, DeTerra’s wants to make it clear that that they are not affiliated with this cretin:

Here’s a link to their Facebook page. If you live in the South Shore and you want some landscaping done this summer, hit them up because they shouldn’t be dragged down by this asshat falsely claiming he’s employed with them.

Look, we like shaming people who do bad things. But after a while there’s just too many scumbags to expose, and we could write blogs about this all day.

However, with that said, we did find someone else who posted something so awful that we have to make him Turtleboy famous too. One more for old time’s sake. These people are intentionally trying to hurt grieving families and police officers. When you do that we will do it right back to you. We will make sure that the first thing that comes up when your kids Google your name 20 years from now will be your lowest moment on Turtleboy Sports.

Today’s asshole of the day is….

Joseph DiBlasi of Weymouth.

Joseph DiBlasi

Joseph DiBlasi

Joseph DiBlasi

Joseph DiBlasi

Joseph DiBlasi

Joseph DiBlasi

As you can see he changed his background photo on Facebook to an image of the maggot cop killer throwing a rock at a police officer. Just to be a scrotum toad. Why would he put up such an insensitive cover photo? Cuz he hates the WPD for arresting him:

Oh right, it’s the cop’s fault that you have warrants. Cops are the ones who issue warrants. Hey asswipe, here’s an idea – don’t drink and drive or assault police officers and you might have a better relationship with them:

He was warned of his inevitable Turtleboy fame, but instead of realizing what a poor life decision this was and correcting it, he elected to go a different route…..

Finally Keith came in as the voice of reason by letting him know that he’s “better than this.”

I disagree. This junkie slugpump isn’t better than anything.

According to Keith his son would be disappointed in him. Sounds like he’s reproduced. Can’t wait for your kid to get old enough to figure out how Google works, so that he can realize what a complete waste of space his sperm donor is.


16 Comment(s)
  • Fred Rogers
    July 18, 2018 at 2:20 pm

    Posterboy for the initiative to bulldoze Lake st and replace it with condos that have a right-sized “affordable housing” ratio. Something like 5% would be be acceptable to replace the current cesspool on Lake St.

  • Hughbo Mont
    July 18, 2018 at 1:29 pm

    “…who haven’t liked or commented before.”
    What high standards! LOL

  • dog man
    July 18, 2018 at 12:51 pm

    i eat dog food

  • Mike N
    July 17, 2018 at 9:46 pm

    He is the biggest piece of crap that ever walked on this earth. Ever since the early 90’s he always been in trouble. Typical lake shore drive kid. Always seen him bullying people . He should of been a bj that should of been swallowed. It would of saved the taxpayers a lot of money. For his son my heart goes out for him. I pray he grows up to be a real man and nothing like his father. Hope he has a real shot at life to be better than him and the rest POS family .

  • Class of 99
    July 17, 2018 at 8:47 pm

    I remember this piece of shit from high school. Nice to see that he’s overcome his white trash, Lake Street, uneducated, poor, welfare, drug overdose upbringing to be come a 37 year old, with no house, no job, no family, no education, no career prospects, white trash, lake street, welfare, drug overdosing piece of shit that he is today.

    Imagine wasting your life like this drug addict has?

  • Moron
    July 17, 2018 at 6:07 pm

    What a moron. It’s always somebody elses fault with guys like him. I assume he too has open matters with the court but (you guessed it) he continues to walk amongst us.

  • hank
    July 17, 2018 at 1:31 pm

    ““There are men in this world,” he said, “who go about demanding to be killed. You must have noticed them. They quarrel in gambling games, they jump out of their automobiles in a rage if someone so much as scratches their fender, they humiliate and bully people whose capabilities they do not know. I have seen a man, a fool, deliberately infuriate a group of dangerous men, and he himself without any resources. These are people who wander through the world shouting, ‘Kill me. Kill me.’ And there is always somebody ready to oblige them.” -DC

    Also, Bababooey called. He wants his teeth back.

  • not me again
    July 17, 2018 at 12:55 pm

    regarding DeTerra, maybe do basic FACKS CHEX befor brining in third parties? least you can do now is write a nice article about them to give them some of that good H1 seo.

    • WeAreFucked
      July 17, 2018 at 3:47 pm

      Hey Fuck You Again… I don’t buy it. He just made that up out of the clear blue? Nope. So maybe he did work there? Either way, the only person doing damage to DeTerra’s is Birdy. If TBS readers were calling them, that’s over now, as a short clarification/explanation has been posted.

  • Donald J. Trummp
    July 17, 2018 at 12:44 pm

    What a disgrace. Unapologetic piece of sh*t.

    Boycott his arborist business, and hound this son of a b**** out of town and out of our state.

    • y
      July 17, 2018 at 1:14 pm

      He doesn’t work; he’s on house arrest.
      Leave the businesses alone.

      • Can’t make everyone happy
        July 17, 2018 at 2:20 pm

        If you live in the South Shore and you want some landscaping done this summer, hit them up because they shouldn’t be dragged down by this asshat falsely claiming he’s employed with them.

        Did you miss this part.

  • Fat Pete
    July 17, 2018 at 12:35 pm

    Joe seems like a huge fag.

    • citypoint
      July 17, 2018 at 1:50 pm

      Joe looks as gay as pink ink.

  • y
    July 17, 2018 at 12:32 pm

    Joey D, man have you fallen. This is NOT the way to get your son back in your life.

    • Give the kid a chance
      July 17, 2018 at 3:12 pm

      You think he really wants a kid? He will ruin that kid. If he cares about him at all he will walk away and never bother that child again. Let a real man be his father. Just because he blew a load, don’t mean he cares

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