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Now that Melinda Boone has skipped town and brought Booneghazi to the Norfolk, VA Public Schools, we have just one question – why does Jen Roy still get paid by the Worcester taxpayers? Boone created this position of “communications specialist” because she was too gutless to face the press after her many documented fuck ups. Jen Roy is paid to create websites that act as Melinda Boone’s online cheerleader, and message Turtleboy at 3 AM to see if he’s still awake. Obviously we don’t need to pay someone $50,000 a year to do that when our schools are underfunded, so why is she still here?
Apparently the answer is, to accuse everyone on the Internet of being Turtleboy and pretend like she has some sort of copyright on images she posts on Facebook. At least that’s what we found when looked at a random post on Worcester Magazine’s Facebook page:
LOL. Internet restraining orders. That’s a new one. Lew Evangelidis is the Sheriff of Worcester County. I’m sure he will be dropping everything he is doing to find out who this “Samantha Herman” person is. Definitely.
She’s also obsessed with Internet copyrighting the pictures she’s posting on her publicly viewable Facebook page:
I think you’re right Dianne:
Once again, I just love the fact that her position is called “communications specialist,” and she literally can’t get any worse at communications.
Oh sweet Jesus.
Oh good, more lawsuits.
Other people have reached out to us with stories of similar imaginary lawsuits:
Just a reminder that we pay this woman. $50,000 annually. To do this. Obviously this is a very stable woman who should have a lifelong job working for the Worcester Public Schools. This is why Worcester can’t have nice things.
Oh, yea, by the way Jen, you still haven’t figured out who Turtleboy is because there’s way too many of us. But hey, if you wanna keep accusing everyone on the Internet of being Turtleboy, more power to ya. Just know that the good folks up in Colrain have already cracked the case:
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Want to have your business advert seen by over 1.2 million people per month? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information, and check out our website about types of advertising we offer.
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35 Comment(s)
A few months ago I was inspired by a butthurt NFL fan and decided to start a GoFundMe page to raise $25 million to fight to shut down Turtleboy. On second thought, I no longer plan to pursue that. Starting today I will be setting up a new GoFundMe to raise $25 million to help “support” Turtleboy’s legal defense fees that will arise from Jen Roy lawsuits. Seeing she is somewhat of a smokeshow, I may or may not also use some of the proceeds to try and take her out to dinner.
This is pure comedy gold. “That’s gold, Jerry! Gold!”
After the absolute destruction you gave her in 2015 why would she come back for more. Have a little common sense. Keep quiet and hope that nobody notices you and your no heavy lifting job.
No Jen you can’t get a restraining order unless you are related to, living/lived with, or are/were in a relationship with Turtleboy. Hey maybe she is a closet turtle rider in more ways than one if she thinks she qualifies for a restraining order! Also Jenny, no matter how much you pester Sheriff Lew or any of his deputies, they cannot help you, they run the jail. You get restraining orders at the court or from the police.
I keep looking at those pictures and saying where have I seen that look before? Then it came to me. I think it is a guy that likes to cross dress as a female. certainly has the fragile mental make up to fit the mold.
Love the internet lawyers. Experts of course. JR is very dissapointing. Did not realize she had “issues”.
She’s going to hide in her safe space.
I have know Jen Roy for a number of years
She has always been nothing but kind and professional
I don’t understand why bloggers have to just be mean
There is enough out there to cover and judge.
You seem to have a handle on a number of debatable issues , stick to those and the facts.
But please, leave people alone to live their lives .
I knew her back when I interned at WCTR-TV3. She was a psycho back then. The other reporters just avoided her and after one trip out on a story with her, I begged to never go again. I volunteered to go alone to get footage if I had to do one of her “stories”. She would report fluff and didn’t help carry or set up a thing. She just couldn’t do the job. And seriously, that job consisted of reading the T&G, picking a story and getting people to spit out exactly what they already said to the paper, but now in front of an aging camera. She’d bitch me out if something didn’t go right in her precious day and I’d have to do her work, not just intern stuff. We all just kinda learned to avoid her, even all sitting in that tiny-ass news room. She really does scream at least “drinker” if not full blown alcoholic. Self-centered, “off” judgment, lashing out oddly online, threatening people any chance she gets, seemingly a manipulative freak, and can’t get along with many people at all. Just surrounds herself with people who eat her crap because she’s too fragile to take any criticism or reality. I’ve known my share of alkies and they all do that. All of them.
Clearly you didn’t get hired after your internship hahaha
This bitch screams alcoholic.
Hey, Little Miss Communications Specialist, it’s “whose” not “who’s” you moron. Also, it would be “any way,” not “anyway.” Wow, you really are not qualified for this job, Jen.
Oh Lew, Lew, Jenny is calling for help from Lew. Don’t bother calling the jail Jen. Lew is an absentee sheriff who spends more time in schools and nursing homes than he does at the jail. Never voting for Lew again.
Lol this was the most entertaining 5 minutes of my day. This girl is a fucking psychopath. Additionally, she’s employed as a “communications specialist” yet she cannot spell, string together a coherent thought, or show any measure of maturity or diplomacy.
But I guess when you give hummers to every crusty fuck in the WPS, a job like “communications specialist” isn’t that hard to get. I wish I knew that years ago.
This was pure comedy, turtleboy. Thank you.
Catering to the lowest common denominator now, eh TB?
You gonna use your bully pulpit to shame more low level city employees?
50K/yr isn’t exactly “movin’ on up” money.
Must be slow crisis-wise now that Boonedoggle left. Gotta fill column space. I get it.
Shit, I should copyright “Boonedoggle” so just imagine the C ball.
Boonedoggle© Sorry nanny, but according to all these copyright experts here, since I was the first to put that on there I think it’s mine now.
There are a lot of us making less than 50k that act more appropriate than this “public servant,” don’t downplay 50k.
She sounds like a freshmen or sophomore student. WTF! Chicks sucks, she’s a waste of taxpayer money. If the fire her maybe they’ll plow the streets again.
Jen come bang out your frustration at my place
WTF is wrong with you? I don’t know, or care who this woman is, but certainly considering you make money off this blog thing you have,you should know and understand copyright of images. You can’t legally take a photo, even from a social media site to use for your own monetary profit. I had someone steal my photos for use on their blog a d successfully won a judgement against them. Keep doing what you do, it’s an enjoyable read, but learn the dogs a d donuts of taking someone’s photos without permission I on first. No disclaimer is even needed so any picture you don’t own or was not taken by you isn’t free game.
Ill disclaimer the dogs and donuts comment is a strange autocorrect from dos and donts on my tablet!
Once you post it on Facebook which is a public place it can be used by any person for any reason.
By signing up for facebook you waive any rights you may have had.
That is absolutely not true. Do your research.
We did our research and even posted a link on this very blog. Bad day of internetting for you.
i was going to refute your “judgement” with several legal facts. instead i’ll just call bullshit.
That is absolutely not true. Do your research.
It’s not my judgement. It is legal fact. COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT is not a joke. Research it yourself. Even facebook has a section on what to do when you are faced with copyright infringement.
There is zero fucking chance that someone took a photo of you from your Facebook, posted it to a blog, and you won against them in court.
I saw her story in “Shit That Never Happened Weekly.”
Are you even following along? Did you read this post and its screenshot of how facebook copyright works? Maybe she can claim the pictures were part of her job, but even then it would be a hard case to make, because clearly, she doesn’t do much.
“Maybe she can claim the pictures were part of her job, ”
She is a public employee, so if they were part of her job then they would be public record posted to the public domain.
I am turtleboy.
I am turtleboy!
You’re both wrong. I AM TURTLEBOY!!!!!!