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Hey Old Balls, you still think the Turtleboy Sports Revolution isn’t getting to Joe Petty? Watch this minute long clip from his meltdown at last night’s School Committee meeting:
That right there is a defeated man. A man who can’t believe that a boy on a turtle has put an abrupt end to his four year reign of terror on the city of Worcester. A man who lets hippies hoot and holler and turn his city council meetings into a circus, but at the same time won’t let an elected official because he’s incompetent. A man who clearly has issues with sexism, as he thinks it’s OK to blatantly yell over a woman who has the floor, simply because he’s part of the good ol’ boys network.
You know who doesn’t get mad like that? A guy who thinks he’s gonna get re-elected. He’s been in crisis mode lately, throwing three fundraisers in the last two weeks, and furiously knocking on doors. Because apparently his no-show job in Boston comes with 30 weeks of vacation time.
And I guarantee ever since he’s been knocking on doors this summer he’s been getting a lot of “sorry we’re voting the Turtleboy ticket” from people he used to consider firmly in his pocket. Sorry Jumpin Joe, the people are actually paying attention this time around. It’s not enough that you got to march in the parade with Timmy Murray and Jim McGovern. That won’t cut it this time around.
They saw that you purposely tried to prevent cops at North High. They saw that you cow-towed to the hippies time and time again. They saw that you let City Council meetings turn into a circus. They saw that you gave all that money away to Mosaic. They saw that you sided with Lisa Dyer and basically spit in Janice Harvey and every Worcester Public School teacher’s face. Your time is up. Consider yourself lucky that you can look like this and still be the mayor of the second largest city in New England:
Basically Jumpin Joe was confronted with the fact that he took five million years to finally do the right thing and agree to put cops in schools. Everyone knows there should be cops, especially since we all know the recent Summer of Love isn’t gonna magically end when the school bell rings. Logically then Tracy Novick wasn’t very happy that Worcester’s children would have protection from savages and criminals who would otherwise be inclined to do them harm. Here’s what she said at the meeting last night, as reported by our reporter at City Hall:
“If you had asked me to vote on this, I’d vote no.”
Then she cited a bunch of handpicked studies that show that schools with cops end up having more arrests of kids. Well yea, obviously. That’s because cops aren’t being put in Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School. Because they’d never be needed. Cops are being put into schools where arrestable offenses are occurring. And then they arrest students who make a choice to break the law. Because laws don’t magically cease to exist simply because you walked through a set of doors on Harrington Way. It isn’t a sanctuary city for savages.
Any normal person views this as a good thing. Scumbags who break the laws and disrupt the learning process should be cuffed and arrested. At least that’s how civilized people view it. But not Tracy Novick. She’s bought and paid for by the hippies. She’s all in on the “school to prison pipeline” nonsense that Gordon Davis has been whining about. And ultimately she cares more about pleasing Joyce McNickles, Chris Robarge, and Kevin Ksen than she does about making sure your kids have a safe place to go to school.
Of course it’s easy to do that when you’re living in West Tatnuck. But it’s not so easy to say that when your kids go to North High.
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17 Comment(s)
Lest we forget, living tax-free in West Tatnuck.
I almost spit out my drink when I read Novick’s bullshit in the T&G. You know why there are more arrests? Because the cops are there to make them! The administration isn’t able to just sweep it under the rug and welcome the criminals back with open arms after a 5 day suspension.
Mayor Pudstick owes Diana a public apology for losing it on her. Whining about “busting his rear end” is hilarious. Maybe if he didn’t waste three months listening to the likes of that hideous Eaton dame scream about racism from her dung heap front porch he wouldn’t be feeling so “anxious.” Petty shoved his base into a sinkhole with his spineless reaction to a bunch of grandstanding big mouths. He’s going to wake up a lame duck in November- he’s already half of that now.
I’ve never looked forward to November in my life. Buhbye Bitch
We look like such dorks in our broomball outfits!
The picture of Petty with the broom ball uniform on is his Dukasis Tank moment.
And gangbangers that put a name of a useless gang member on a cross in tattoo form, you are the worst people to associate Jesus with your despicable way of life, start using satanic tatoos for dead gang members it fits better, Jesus was for peace period. Unless your gang is called the oxymorons.
If petty wants to do something, he can kick the section 8 drug dealers out of great brook valley send them to a homeless shelter and let our Vietnam,Iraq,and afghanistan veterans of war live there, the community will show great interest in cleaning all the needles and garbage created there in a short 25 years. Let’s get OUR veterans out of shelters and put the useless in. Common sense Mayor Joe.
Exactly, the known drug dealers living there need to be made to stop leeching off the working people. It’s also pretty obvious if you can afford a brand new luxury car, you can afford your own place.
“It isn’t a sanctuary city for savages.”
It is, but NOT FOR LONG!
I am humbled. Whoever had what cards he would still win at bullshit.
That’s real?
Bro do you even do sports anymore. What a joke…
Sox Suck, Deflategate, Celtics and Bruins off season.
Take your pick.
Some write ups on the Bravehearts and the effects on Worcester would have been appreciated though.
Still miffed over lack of the late Sharks coverage. Hopefully as the search for another hockey team comes to light, we’ll see pieces.
So you the kid in tights, the peanut butter, or the bus for geriatrics?
I’m a new reader here and I’m thinking”sports” can also mean the politics and shenanigans of WORC.! Lol
Petty has never yelled at a man like this on the School Committee. His sexism was on full display at that meeting. Vote him out!