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Turtlegram: Two children will face charges in connection with a bomb threat in June at Dudley Middle School. According to Dudley police, a 10-year-old and an 11-year-old were the alleged culprits who sent an automated call June 3 to the school’s main office warning of a possible suspicious device. Dudley Police and Fire departments went to the school at 70 Dudley Oxford Road. The building was evacuated and students were temporarily sent to the nearby Shepherd High Regional School. The building was searched, but no suspicious devices were found and school resumed early that afternoon.
Police investigated to determine if the call was an isolated incident or connected to a string of similar calls in the area in the previous months. Several days later, police got information about the two potential suspects. Police said the children used an online computer program to place an automated call to the school. Charges were filed this week at Worcester County Juvenile Court, Dudley session. The children face charges of disturbing a school assembly and reporting a false bomb threat. They are scheduled to appear in court in July.
Good. This is exactly what needs to happen to every kid who thinks it’s funny to call in a bomb threat. I don’t care how old you are. If you call in a bomb threat, you’re going to court. Bomb threats are the new way for kids to pull fire alarms. I feel like half the schools in this state were at one time evacuated because of bomb threats. Other schools had to cancel entire days because of it. Can’t allow that to happen. They’re stealing entire days of learning from other kids and thus denying them their basic civil rights. And they’re doing it because they know the consequences will be minimal since they’re just kids.
Well, good for administration in Dudley for laying down the law. Let this be an example to any little turdlingers out there who wanna get out of a quiz by calling in a bomb threat. If you do that then you’re not better than ISIS, and we will treat you as such. Start doing this more often and Turtleboy guarantees you that bomb threats will stop.
Oh yea, and it’s kind of insane that 10 and 11 year olds from the burbs know how to call in a bomb threat using a computer program that autogenerates a call. I thought I was slick as a kid when I figured out what *67 was. Kids these days can launch a rocket ship from their iPhones, but instead of using them for practical purposes they use them to tweet selfies and dick pics and download programs that let them call in bomb threats “anonymously.” Hey kids, try playing sports or being normal. Life will be a lot more fun and everyone won’t hate you.
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10 Comment(s)
They did not steal any quality education time, oops I thought you were talking about public school in Dirtyburg, sorry
This is no joke especially with the current climate of the world. School Bomb Threat in MA:
Defintion: ”School”, any public or private preschool, headstart facility, elementary, vocational or secondary school, college or university.
Punishment: Shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not less than 3 years nor more than 20 years or imprisonment in the house of correction for not less than 6 months nor more than 21/2 years.”
M.G.L., c. 269, s. 14. Want to take this risk you little fuckers? They are currently sentencing less to the minimum and more to the maximum in cases like this these days because of what is going on in the world these days. Good luck fuckheads…
P.S. Absolutely love the “Office Space” meme Turtleboy. That movie is a cult classic! Laugh everytime I see it. I look at staplers very different after that flick. “Um yeah, why don’t we go ahead and”…
Fuck you and your girlfried with the feisty crotch.
How many accounts is it that you have made now? To pretend…?
Future punks of America.
I think it was my sophomore year of high school; so 1995-1996. Some asshole pulled the fire alarm every day for two weeks during the middle of winter. Now, South High was cold enough without having to go outside with no coat on. I swear half the school was out with a cold the next week.
Back in 1997 or 1998, some jerk who thought he was cool called in a bomb threat to a school in Shrewsbury. He and his little friends were caught because they called a cab to pick them up (this was before every kid had a cellphone). He called before the school was evacuated, so the authorities knew right away he had to be the one who made the threat Those who knew the kid already knew he was an asshole. It was not a public school, so he was immediately expelled.
That was all before 9/11, of course, so he wasn’t charged with terrorism. Too bad.
I remember that. The poor bastards in Flavian got stuck in their classes getting taught, but us in the main building got to basically play. Someone decided crowd surfing was a good idea.
Also, remember the Flavian deuce? It was as long as an arm and as thick.
Stupid little fucks…throw the book at them.