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Washington Post: “Need a bun in the oven?” says the Web site “Fake a Baby.com. “We can help.” Billing itself as the “Home of the $9.95 fake Ultrasound,” it purports to sell the “Best Gag Gifts on Earth.”
But according to Fox2 News in Wyandotte, Mich., nobody in that town thinks it’s funny that a teenage girl pretended for months that she was pregnant with triplets, no less, using “Fake a Baby” products.
As word of her impending good fortune spread on Facebook — through a group she joined called “Moms of Triplets” — gifts started “pouring in,” according to the station. A church got involved, a nonprofit group in Dearborn chipped in and relatives threw her a baby shower.
“She got tons of help,” Jessica Adams, an aunt, told the station. “The gifts, they couldn’t even open at the shower there was so much.”
She looked pregnant, too. Her abdomen expanded appropriately. She had ultrasound pictures confirming the triplets. And her 16-year old boyfriend, informed that he was about to become the father of three, was “excited,” or at least said he was, but also a little “scared.”
“I started looking for jobs the best I could,” he told the station, WJBK.
The young man’s mother started to get suspicious, however, when she could not locate the doctor who was supposedly tending to her son’s girlfriend.
And things got really strange when, even after 10 months, not a single baby — let alone three of them — arrived.
“Ten months?” the station’s reporter asked the young man. “I mean, she would have had the baby by then.”
“That’s what I thought too,” he responded. Asked why he hadn’t grown suspicious at that point, the young man said “she gave me the story of micro preemies and how her doctor thought time would be better in there than time in the incubator.”
It happened, the station reported, that the young woman had posted pictures of her ultrasound on the “Moms of Triplets” Facebook page, where someone discovered the photos were identical to ultrasound images of triplets sold on “Fake a Baby.com” and got in touch with the family.
Meanwhile, attention has focused on “Fake a Baby.com.”
Its wares include the “Silicon [sic] Fake Pregnancy Belly-Twins,” reduced in price from $299.95 to $149.99; the “Silicon Fake Pregnancy Belly” for the “20 to 25 week stage to the 38 weeks stage,” and “Silicone Breast Pushups” in a variety of colors.
And, of course, “Fake Ultrasound Sonograms, Personalized,” and “personalized fake prescription” bottles.
I think the saddest part about this is that there are actual 16 year old boys out there who can be duped into thinking that micropreemies and 10 month pregnancies are a real thing. Clearly sex education in Michigan isn’t working out very well. This poor kid is gonna get cheated on so much when he’s older because he’s gonna believe every lie any woman ever tells him. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if this kid never even had sex with his girlfriend and still got conned into this. Because he seems like he’s just that dumb.
And let’s be honest, the fact that neither of these kids is gonna be bringing a child into this world is probably the best news I’ve heard all day. The boy is obviously a complete moron, and the girl is likely possessed by the devil. I mean, it takes a lot of minerals to fake a pregnancy. But she wasn’t just content with that. Oh no, she had to pretend that she had Goddamn TRIPLETS!! There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever, that someday this girl will be the subject of a Lifetime movie.
But seriously, what was her end game here? How did she envisioning this one ending? Was her whole plan to take out the fake belly one day, say “Oops, I must’ve miscarried,” and then carry on like nothing ever happened? And what kind of scam gets you a bunch of baby toys? What did she wanna do with all those onesies and formula? Sell them on EBay? If you’re gonna run a fake scam like this, the plan should obviously be to get gifts that are intended for you, not your imaginary triplets.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that she’s so dumb that it was actually her plan to pretend that she gave birth in an elevator, and carry on pretending like she was raising triplets. Erika Murray somehow found a way to hide four or five babies while carrying on like a normal mother on social media. I bet you this girl already had some baby pictures lined up, ready to share on Instaface, or whatever the kids are using these days. She probably heard the news that the government will just give you free shit if you’re an unemployed teen mom. So why stop at one? Three kids, three times the free shit.
Anyway, this doesn’t surprise me in the least bit. The world is filled with crazy people, 90% of which are teenage girls. What I’m mad about is that I never thought to tap into this untapped market of crazy women. I mean, fakeababy.com is charging $300 for the fake pregnancy set and people are buying them like hot cakes. What are their operating costs? Some foam and a couple fake ultrasounds? They’re probably making 20 fold per unit sold. How can anyone blame fakeababy.com for this? All they’re doing is supplying a demand. Hate the player, not the game.
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4 Comment(s)
I was a ten month baby. And supposedly so was Julius Caesar.
Though, unlike this girls triplets, I actually exist.
Or DO I?
Triplets was a bold move.
BTW, the company advertises these elaborate & costly products as ‘Gag’ gifts. That’s how they ease their conscience knowing they are enabling folks with mental illness or criminal scam intentions.
The girl obviously has psychological issues, as would any patron doing business with this company. Although I find the company & it’s product’s to be despicable, it’s legal and they are making money. I hope these people get the mental help they need. Nothing surprises me anymore.