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Source: A 911 dispatcher with the Albuquerque Fire Department has been reassigned after hanging up on a frustrated caller attending to a dying gunshot victim, NBC News reports.
In a released audio recording, dispatcher Matthew Sanchez can be heard saying “I’m not going to deal with this, okay?” in response to the caller’s vulgar language before ending the phone call.From KOB-TV:
Caller: (inaudible) I’m keeping him alive.
Sanchez: Is he not breathing?
Caller: Barely. (inaudible) Stay with me. Stay with me, ok. Good job Jaydon.
Sanchez: Is he breathing?
Caller: He’s barely breathing. How many times do I have to [fucking] tell you?
Sanchez: Ok, [you know] what ma’am? You can deal with yourself. I’m not going to deal with this, ok.
Caller: No, he’s going to die.
The call ends there.
According to KRQE, fire department units had been dispatched before Sanchez disconnected the line but the victim, 17-year-old Jaydon Chavez-Silver, was later pronounced dead at a hospital.
On Monday, Albuquerque Fire Department Chief David Downey released a statement saying he was “taking the allegation very seriously.”
“After learning of the alleged misconduct, Driver Matthew Sanchez was immediately removed from the dispatch center and placed on administrative assignment,” wrote Downey. “An internal investigation has been initiated.”
What a friggin jagoff this guy is. Hey numbnuts – your job is to answer phones at the other end of 911 calls. What do you think people are gonna sound like when they call you? Smiles and gumdrops? Ummmmm, you’re pretty much ONLY gonna get phone calls from people who are gonna be freaking out. And when someone you love is dying in front of you, you might accidentally let an F bomb out and lose your cool a little bit. It’s your job to recognize that and still help them. Don’t like it? Cool. Don’t be a 911 dispatcher.
Here’s another thing that kind of relates to TBS too. People need to stop being so butthurt about swear words. People swear. Get over it. We’re all adults here people. We all watch rated R movies. It’s OK to drop F bombs in the right context. This isn’t church. I mean, you don’t wanna overdo it, because it just seems like you’re trying too hard. But when the moment is right, and the emotions are running high, it’s perfectly acceptable to tell someone to go fuck themselves.
This is why I don’t trust anyone who criticizes this blog for being too “crass.” Because if you’re focusing on the words that we’re using to describe situations instead of the message that we’re trying to send, then you’re a poopsmooch and no one likes you. People who don’t like it when we use foul language are the type of people who find everything offensive and would rather let someone bleed to death than get over their delicate sensibilities.
But, in the dispatcher’s defense, what he did isn’t criminal. And all these vigilantes who want blood need to simma don nah for a little bit:
Look, the kid wasn’t going to live anyway. The dispatcher had already done half of his job by dispatching an ambulance. So he had taken the appropriate steps to help the victim. But what he didn’t do was help the victims emotionally deal with this traumatic experience. He let his butthurtness overcome him. That doesn’t make him a criminal, it just makes him an asshole.
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7 Comment(s)
“This is our FUCKING city” – perfect example of the right time to use it.
Love that one GW.
A friend of mine that works at WPD dispatch told me once that people actually call 911 asking for directions. Those are the ones you want to hang up on but the kid I know is a professional and first and foremost found out if that person was in any kind of trouble. Some people panic when they get lost so this kid actually talked them onto a road they recognized.
That’s patience.
911 what is your emergency? FUCK OFF……………………
LOL! I just laughed in a customers ear reading that!
I have only had to call 911 once for my then 4 yr. old, but I thought 911 operators were to assist the caller with CPR instructions or provide instructions on what to do until assistance arrived?? When I called 911 I was panicked and wailing and the dispatcher went through a list of questions for me, and basically helped me BEFORE assistance arrived. She didn’t hang up on me and I can promise you this I was swearing left and right. I am CPR and First Aid trained, and the operators on the other end are supposed to be as well–what if the people calling weren’t? This 911 operator should not have been acting like the Dean of Charm School.
Simmmma down nah Ahaha needed a laugh.