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If you like free speech and want to support what we’re doing, feel free to donate to the Turtle fund:
Hey fam – if you’d like to support Turtleboy and what we do here, feel free to hit the donate button at the top. We basically have to run this site like a Bernie Sanders campaign now since we’ve been blacklisted by Google and Facebook, due to the fact that rabid SJWs keep reporting our posts. Getting blacklisted by Google is a death sentence for most websites, since it’s much harder to monetize. And we all know the damage Facebook has done. We’re never going to stop fighting for free speech, but in the meantime the best way for turtle riders to fight back is to donate to the cause. Without you people none of this is possible. We love you all.
Quick story about why we fight at Turtleboy Sports.
Old school turtle riders from the 508 (and parts of the 860 and 978) know that we’ve been doing a show called Turtleboy Tuesday’s every Tuesday from 8-9 AM on 100.1 FM the Pike with Cruisin Bruce Palmer. Well this week Uncle Turtleboy and Cruisin Bruce were talking about the Kavanaugh vote and the insanity that came along with it after he was confirmed.
Well, evidently this rubbed one listener the wrong way who called up several times before finally getting through. In between sips of soy milk he informed Cruisin Bruce that he was looking for the advertising department. As soon as we heard that it was plainly obvious what was going on here. Without even being asked, this beta male stated that he was an advertiser looking to cancel his advertising because a woman (presumably a “survivor”) had called him and informed him that the opinions she was hearing on the radio were so offensive that she permanently injured her hand from clutching her pearls so hard.
Of course he’s not really an advertiser because
- He wouldn’t need the number for the advertising department
- He would’ve called his sales rep instead of the direct line to be on the radio
What really happened was this triggered little bitch heard something he disagreed with about a controversial political topic (in this case the outdated belief that people are innocent until proven guilty) and instead of just changing the channel he lied by pretending to be an advertiser in order to try to scare the station into silencing Turtleboy.
This is why we fight folks. This is why we do what we do. Because this is what we are up against. Let’s call these people what they are – Social Justice Nazis. Their goal is to silence everyone they disagree with. They will use any tactic necessary to do that – “boycotts” (which turn into harassment), mass reporting pages to Facebook, lawsuits, death threats, fake Craig’s List ads – we’ve seen it all.
And guess what? We’re still saying whatever we want to say. And the harder you try to stop up by pulling stunts like this, the louder we’re going to be. You will never, ever, ever stop us from exercising our First Amendment rights. We will be here until the day you die, your kids will be turtle riders, your coworkers will be turtle riders, and you will have to sit there and hate every single minute of it. Because we LIVE to beat people like you. And we will win.
6 Comment(s)
Seth’s Vegan Market, Rape Whistles, and Sensitivity Training LLC will be taking it’s ad business elsewhere!
Chrome browser with uBlock Origin solves the ad and redirect problems
The old redirects were way more annoying. The new redirects are annoying but tolerable.
Awesome work on the website guys!!
Now not only does it redirect you mid-story, we get an infinite scroll of ads when attempting to reach the comment section!! And then if you can actually make it to the “post comment” section you have about 3 seconds before it re-directs you again!
I actually had to type this in notepad & paste it in to post.
Go back to barstool, soy boy, and read about boys sucking cock on saturdays. Don’t worry, they won’t offend you or say Mariah Carey is fat.