We had an update on the Chef Ployardee story, the New Bedford industrial toilet paper saleswoman, that was revealed on the live show last night if you missed it. If you’ll recall on Thursday Jill Martin told me that she was never charged with animal cruelty, so I wanted to confront her with this post she made on the same day she was charged:
I also wanted to interview Leroy about why he went midget tipping at Market Basket earlier in the month.
Come on Leroy. You just got out of jail after 16 years. You can’t be pushing midgets at Market Basket and blaming it on the n word.
Especially after discovering that these two love birds met through the prison pen pal program when he was incarcerated on federal drug charges in Florida.
“I am a money addict.”
Join the club asshole.
I also wanted to ask Leroy why he snitched on his connect, and asked his codefendant Beaman to do the same, if they didn’t have a guaranteed deal from the government for a reduction in sentence which they didn’t end up giving him?
So I guess the world will never know. Although she is vowing FBI prosecution now, so we will see what comes from that. Bret, Intern, and myself all had a lot of questions about how you go from banging a midget to Leroy, and the science of how that all worked out in the bedroom. Also, I did what some are calling an epic freestyle to DMX at the 1:39:31 mark to rap up the week in Turtleboy.
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21 Comment(s)
Kinda surprised that Leroy isn’t using midget guy like an Oompa Loompa Fleshlight when he’s not pounding Flabalicious Sweatfolds.
Snitches no longer get stitches
Snitches get FAT Bitches
Boy Leroy REALLY wanted out of prison…looks like he was trying anything to get out early…To bad he had such a lengthy and violent history. That certainly didn’t help on top of the MASSIVE amount of crack he was caught with. The REAL crime is this scumbag is walking free AT ALL. Good God ! NEW BEDFORD PERFECT PLACE FOR THIS WASTE OF LIFE !
Ok…I read the original post, I listened to the live show, and are 3 sentences into Leroy’s bio on prison pen pals. I had to stop….I just want to know how and why can a grown adult butcher the English language so horribly. Your going to tell me this asshole spent 16 years in prison and this dredge on society couldn’t learn TO FUCKING SPELL or nobody taught him to spell. Not big words oxycontin or hydrocodone . But worse like AD (ADD) and WEAR OR MAKEN…oh fuck it..to.many fuckups to count. My point is Americans tax dollars go to feed this wildabeast and her illiterate career criminal who I’ll bet is back in prison for probably killing her. Prison is supposed to rehabilitate people they say how so when they have this guy who cant spell cat in the hat correctly. Ya he’s going to get out and stay crime free…..get the fuck out of here…hes desperate enough to fuck this bag of smashed assholes…I would stake my life his crimes are far from over….watch out turtle boy this fucker looks like one u might not want to play with…he obvious has NO boundries or limits. You can gauge his decision making ability on being with this fine fine lady……LMAO! AINT SHE SOMETHING !!
She has great cankles!
This really is an urban love story at its finest. The prince survives 16 years in prison, only to find his long-waiting princess fighting off unwanted attempts by a cellar-dweller who wears green-turtled-neckties — recently rejected by his female understudy — to win her heart. All of this amidst a global pandemic that has otherwise brought human activity to a crawl. Cue the orchestra for the final scene!
How did the midget ever mount that whale? Did he just find a fold to fuck?
As for Leroy? His ilk will fuck anything.
Can’t we just napalm that place and call it a day ?
As a person of color using this quarantine time to finish converting to Islam, the behavior of the comments section on Turtleboy is repulsive.
You shouldn’t have told us how good we’re doing.
Just a heads up, I don’t think you will find the comment section any more bearable going forward. That would be like me hanging out on a BLM or Black Panther forum. Now off you fuck.
During conversion to Islam we aren’t allowed to fornicate. But thank you.
Filthy Muslim maggot.
Up yours,brother!
Remember the fall of Troy, Troy.
Did you get to the part of the toilet paper I mean koran that talks about camel jockies.
Fuck Allah and Fuck You too!
As a person of color myself…white. Well, more accurately ‘Ivory’ according to the makeup industry. I wanted to take this time to reiterate that any person converting to Islam of a much darker shade of skin is typically in prison.
So, I for one am shocked they get Turtleboy in Prison. Good luck on refraining from sex during this time!
As-salaam alaikum!
Oh my
Ratchet roundup.
These 3 are the ratchet trifecta……. Riiiiiight?