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I probably check the “Your Probably From Worcester, MA If…” Facebook page twenty times a day. It’s that entertaining. Every day Worcester’s finest come on there to say whatever nonsensical brilliance is brewing in their minds. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are a big no-no. Just let it all out. That’s the rule. Well yesterday there was a huge debate that was inspired by this post:
202 comments? Yup. It’s that divisive of an issue. I had no idea. I thought this was a pretty simple situation. The spot in front of your house belongs to you. If you shovel your car out then that spot is officially yours for the rest of the winter. It’s a rule. Everyone knows that. I don’t care if there isn’t any actual law saying so. Anyone who doesn’t respect that is a savage. We’re supposed to be living in a society. If I shovel all that crap out of a spot, then it no longer belongs to the city. It’s mine until the snow melts. I was the one who put my blood, sweat, and tears into it, so I get to reap the benefits. Pretty simple. The guy who posted this is the face of everything that is wrong with America. He can’t spell, he’s whiney, and his name is A-Rod. He’s got the welfare leech mentality – doesn’t wanna work for anything but expects handouts from the people who actually do the work. But hey genius, I’d love to hear more about your plan to give tickets to a bunch of chairs. Because that makes a shit ton of sense.
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18 Comment(s)
I did what EVERYBODY ELSE thought was right (even though I oppose it).I put a chair in “a” spot,went to work,came home at midnight & guess what,chair vanished (this was 3 days ago & still hasn’t turned up) & a car was parked there.I don’t agree w/holding a spot so I couldn’t get mad.just had to find someplace else.
I did what EVERYBODY ELSE thought was right (even though I oppse it).I put a chair in “a” spot,went to work,came home at midnight & guess what,chair vanished (this was 3 days ago & still hasn’t turned up) & a car was parked there.I don’t agree w/holding a spot so I couldn’t get mad.just had to find someplace else.
It’s a “she”. Reverse the name and it becomes Dora Explorer
I’d add a line to that sign about being a health care professional: “No Medications on Board”.
Good point!
As the old proverb goes, “You reap what you sow”.
Probably what bothers me most about this is that I could never in good conscience join that group since it’s “You’re probably from Worcester” not “your”. ::shudder::
You’re = you are
Your = possession
Therein they have it right and you should be shuddering for making yourself look a fool by trying to clown on others;)
No, you could read the article, and see what the name is, or fully understand her comment before you try and make a smart response.
He is a she. If you read the comments.
OK, here goes- I and my fellow home health nurses/PT/OT/social workers want your input- what are we supposed to do when making visits?
We are frequently lugging heavy equipment, and need to park somewhere fairly close to our destinations.
Keep in mind, we are more than likely visiting a very needy and underserved population so are often in densely populated neighborhoods with parking issues.
I grew up in Worcester, and still live here… raised my son in a neighborhood full of 3 deckers so I am more than aware of the parking situation in Winter.
This Winter alone, I have had my car keyed twice and had a nasty note left under my wipers; keep in mind that I never touch anyone’s space marker and often park a distance away from where I need to go in order not to bother anyone (not that it worked!)
We make most of our visits in the daytime- when most folks are at work/school/etc. so we see plenty of parking ops but spaces are marked with chairs and such.
Our visits last, AT MOST, an hour.
So, what are we to do? Suggestions welcome!
Leave a note on the dash or on the inside of your window. Anyone that doesn’t respect a healthcare worker would also be a savage.
I’ll let you know how it goes- thanks!
My mom is a home health aide too! I have also been on her ride alongs. Honestly, she goes out starting at 6am and is done at 10am mainly to not deal with the nonsense! When it snows super bad, she’s lucky that my father in law who works for the school district most likely will have a snow day and can ride along with her to keep the car running. Believe me, for you guys it is total nonsense, you aren’t parking there all day long.
Maybe a sign on your window that says, Home Health Aid – BRB or something?
That sucks 🙁
Going to to try it- let’s see how it works 🙂
Steal the chairs and give them to the rec room of your local nursing home or school where they were probably stolen from in the first place. If someone key cars over on street parking, they need to a.) learn to be civilized. b.) move to a place with assigned parking, c.) not drive or d.) kill themselves.
I totally agree w/you CL!!!!!!