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Does the name Luke Gatti ring a bell? How bout bacon jalapeno mac and cheese boy? Yea, that kid. The world’s greatest villain for 2015 created a stir in October when he wandered into the UConn dining hall drunk as a skunk and ended up leaving in handcuffs after assaulting several employees who would not give him the bacon jalapeno mac and cheese he so desired:
Shortly afterward he delivered his bullshit apology on Youtube:
“And when I watched the video a few days later I couldn’t even believe it was me in it. Like, I was just watching it thinking, like, Oh my GOD, like, like, what is wrong with me? This isn’t what I’m all about. Like, I don’t treat people this way, and, I am ashamed. I really am ashamed of myself.”
LOL. “This isn’t what I’m all about.” Actually Luke, it is exactly what you’re all about. Being a drunken fool who gets bailed out by Long Island Daddy is what your entire persona revolves around. It’s why you were kicked out of UMass for assaulting a white police officer and calling him the n word:
But that was before the bacon jalapeno mac and cheese incident. I’m sure he’s learned his lesson now right? Oh wait, what’s that? You mean he got arrested AGAIN???!!! That’s what our boy Larry Kelley dug up over on Only In The Republic Of Amherst:
Arrested for battery on an officer firefighter EMT and resisting arrest with violence. Never saw that one coming!! Hey Luke, ya know where the last place you should ever go is? Florida. Florida brings out the worst in everyone and is a breeding ground for assholes. And as much as you belong there, it will only make you a more vile human being. If you think Luke Gatti is a dooshnozzle in Connecticut then wait till you see what he’s like in Boca Raton, Florida.
I’m sure Daddy bailed him out though. Because that’s just what Daddy does.
If he actually cared about his kid he’d let him rot in jail until he came out and decided that he’d rather not spend the rest of his life being Bubba’s play toy. But instead Daddy keeps giving him chance after chance and basically encourages his behavior. Can’t wait until this kid eventually gets locked up in a foreign country for violating their decency laws and gets sentenced to a caning. He better hope Hillary wins because there’s no way Trump’s State Department is bailing his ass out next time.
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5 Comment(s)
He’ll do jail time now, be ordered to enter a substance abuse program again presumably along with anger management. But he needs to do jail time the little fuckstain. The best part of him ran down the crack of his mother’s ass and ended a up brown stain on the mattress…
This kids father is a real f-ing a-hole and the son is worse. Can’t wait to see them both get the crap knocked out of them. Chickets on the ground.
He’s from Bayville? Say no fucking more.
Probably wasn’t spanked as a kid. He needs a bitch slap.
Just wait till he mouths off to the wrong person, then he will be begging for the EMT’s to show up.
I just hope somebody has a camera when he meets karma, I hear she’s a real bitch.