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Notre Dame is playing Boston College at Fenway Park tonight, because John Henry pimps out Fenway Park like it’s a high class escort. But this game is a little bit confusing because Notre Dame is the home team. It’s why their name is painted in the end zone:
Ya see, Notre Dame is the most popular team in the country and they have fans all over. Thus they play a Shamrock Series and pick a random place to play one of their home games so their fans from all over the country can have a chance to see them. Because no one ever really wants to travel to Indiana. They’ve played at Yankee Stadium before and now they’re playing at Fenway. Naturally BC fans aren’t too happy about this:
LOL. Alright first of all, Notre Dame is a million times more popular in this state than Boston College. That’s just a fact. They are Boston’s official college football team.
Secondly, BC fans are some of the most unlikeable people on earth. I don’t care how cold it is tonight, there will be plenty of BC fans there tonight in khaki shorts and boat shoes. No one who didn’t go to school there has any desire to root for them.
Thirdly, the game is being played in Boston, so it’s ridiculous to suggest that BC should be the home team. Because BC is not actually it’s in Boston. It’s in Newton. Therefore this is a road game for them too.
Most importantly, BC should be honored we are even playing them. Notre Dame is trying to win a national championship. We’re in the playoffs as of right now and the only game that matters is next week’s game at Stanford. This game is just a waste of time that we have to get through on our way to Palo Alto, followed by the ultimate revenge against Clemson.
So be happy that you even have the privilege of stepping on the same field with the most legendary program of all time. Notre Dame by 40.
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9 Comment(s)
Anyone watch the hurling on Sunday? Entertaining game.
They always give the Irish a game though.
Someone sounds bitter towards Boston College. You must have gotten rejected. Eagles envy how cute
The only thing more ridiculous than BC fans complaining about their sorry excuse for a team being lucky enough to get some exposure is UMass football being in the Mid-American Conference playing teams from OH, MI, IL. Those MAC schools have great programs and know how to put a good product on the field.
Yep, nothing gets me more excited than the old Eastern-Western Michigan rivalry on a Tuesday night
Too bad bc has no offense it be worth watching
Trivia Question. Boston College Alumni Stadium is in Boston, not Newton!
If you want to get into semantics, that was also not a question.
2 points for you!