In early January we blogged about how all these ding dongs were protesting the Lowell Police and blaming them for killing a man named Moses Harris, who was last seen running and jumping into the Concord River in order to avoid arrest on a domestic violence call. Harris had previously been arrested for domestic abuse 3 times in the last 2 years, and 5 times total in the past 5 years.
He was out on bail on domestic abuse charges on December 19 when a Lowell woman called the police on him, alleging domestic abuse. When the police arrived he was not there, but two hours later he returned and the victim called again. This time the police attempted to detain him in a parking lot, but since he didn’t feel like going back to jail he made a break for it and ran toward the Concord River where he went for a polar plunge and never came back. The family refused to look at the surveillance footage, and insisted that it was somehow the cops’ fault that their woman beating son chose to jump in a river in December.
Last week his body was found many miles down river, thus ending any speculation that the cops shot him or were covering something up.
LOL. Just kidding. That’s not how BLM rolls. Instead of feeling stupid and disappearing forever they’ve increased their protests. Over the weekend they held a rally outside police headquarters led by this beast lightning.
Tina Degree is quite possibly the most ratchet scam artist who has ever lived. Tina’s son Augusto was murdered in 2006, and it remains unsolved. But based on how they remember him I think I might have any idea why he was killed.
Can’t quite figure it out though.
Her son Devonte Degree was arrested in 2013 for assaulting a cop.
A Lowell police officer was attacked by a man after he became angry that his girlfriend’s car was being towed. Devante Degree, 21, ran towards Officer Charles Pappaconstrantinou’s cruiser Saturday morning when he saw that his girlfriend’s vehicle was being towed and began cursing at the officer, according to the Lowell Sun. When the officer tried to explain that the vehicle needed to be towed, Degree told him to remove his badge and fight. Degree’s girlfriend arrived on the scene and joined him in threatening the officer, according to the report. Back-up officers arrived and attempted to arrest Degree after he removed an object from the car’s trunk. He allegedly tossed an officer into a chain link fence, and was subdued with pepper spray.
Beast Lightning has mastered the art of using her shitbag family members to raise cash for fraudulent GoFundMe’s, including one to sue the police for arresting Devonte, which went nowhere.
She also claims her shitbag brother Michael Degree was retaliated against by the popo.
And those are just the “Lowell Police be racist for arresting my family and I’m all marginalized and shit” GuFundMe’s. She also does the “single Mom needs Santa” GoFundMe’s.
Then there’s the “muh niece ran out of unemployment and needs to travel across the country to go to muh nephew’s funeral” GoFundMe.
And my personal favorite – the general reparations GoFundMe for being black in Lowell.
You’ll just have to trust that she gave the money raised to unnamed families in Methuen, Leominster, and Fitchburg. Trust her, it’s not like she comes from a family of criminals.
At Saturday’s protest at LPD headquarters Beast Lightning brought a smaller crowd of 15, blocked the driveway where cop cars go into, harassed and taunted the cops when they told her to move, and couldn’t believe it when her ass got arrested too.
Tina Degree, 50, of Lowell, was arrested for disorderly conduct after she allegedly did not move from the center of the driveway and continued yelling at police through a bullhorn, LeBlanc said. He said Jackson Patrick, 29, of Lowell, was arrested for disorderly conduct and wanton destruction of property after several officers observed him allegedly grab and throw down a barricade. LeBlanc said Degree was later found to allegedly possess an expandable baton and Patrick allegedly had pepper spray, resulting in each receiving an additional charge of breach of the peace while armed.
While being arrested she told the white cops to back away because she’s allergic to wypipo.
But it’s not racist, because only white people can be racist. This is literally taught by schools that institute critical race theory.
After getting bailed out she then posted on her Facebook page that the only language the Lowell Police understand is when protesters like her start getting violent.
How did she get out of jail? She got bailed out by the Mayor and two city councillors, and the Mayor’s shithead son yelled profanities at the cops.
Following 13 weeks of protests over the disappearance and death of Moses Harris that culminated in the arrest of two protesters Saturday, both of the city’s police unions are outraged over the belief that a group of city councilors allegedly bailed the protesters out. Mayor John Leahy and City Councilors John Drinkwater and Sokhary Chau — who were at City Hall Saturday afternoon for the unveiling of Leahy’s mayoral portrait — denied contributing any money toward the protesters’ bail and said any actions they took were made in an effort to defuse a chaotic and emotionally charged scene.
The unions alleged an unnamed city councilor’s son also shouted expletives at officers, and they took issue with the mayor’s aide coming to post bail, clad in a mask with the same city emblem they wear on their uniforms. Such alleged action by the councilors “tells the people that choose to cross the line and break the law ‘that it’s OK, come to Lowell where your bail will be paid for,’” Roussell wrote. In a joint statement Sunday, the police unions said several officers and bystanders overheard the councilors discuss taking a collection for the bail as “a good gesture” and a short time later a man who said he was “from the Mayor’s Office” posted bail for the protesters. Drinkwater said he, Leahy and Chau were able to confirm with police the protesters could be released on $40 bail each and told Harris’ parents, which helped calm the situation.
“At no time did any of us post bail,” Leahy said. “We didn’t contribute to posting the bail. I found out that the bail had been posted afterwards.”
He said his aide did bring the money, collected from unknown persons, to post bail. Leahy said no one had any ill intentions or meant to be disrespectful to the officers, and that they were just trying to show compassion in what was a “very, very stressful day for everyone involved.”
Yea, Mayor Leahy totally had nothing to do with the bail. An aide of his just showed up and bailed out these criminals on their own.
Meanwhile, here’s the Mayor’s wife comforting the family of a domestic abuser who have been harassing and blaming the police for their son’s death because they did such a shitty job raising him that he thought it would be wise to jump in a frozen river instead of going to jail for beating a woman (again).
Here’s the wife Of the mayor of Lowell comforting the family that is blaming Lowell PD for killing their shitbag woman beating son who died after jumping in a river to avoid being arrested for beating another woman. pic.twitter.com/1GsaLhRpws
— turtleboy4eva (@turtleboyphone) March 23, 2021
She was telling the family that bail was being paid for the two career criminals who assaulted cops on behalf of their dead woman beating son.
Leahy’s teenage son was also marching with the protesters.
But the Mayor somehow had no idea about where the bail money came from. Sure.
Then there’s the fact that he fully supports BLM.
A partisan terrorist organization that wants to abolish the police, jails, and the nuclear family.
But wait, it gets better.
When she was arrested Beast Lightning was already out on bail for beating the shit out of a pregnant woman who alleged that her shitbag son Devante (who assaults cops and tried to sue the city) knocked her up.
One of her lawyers is court appointed, but the other wants to get paid.
You know what that means…..
She makes a good point though, going to court is expensive. And a great way to avoid going to court is to obey the law and don’t get arrested while you’re out on bail for beating a pregnant chick whose carrying your grand crotch fruit. Oh well, same time next weekend!
Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonitization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if you’d like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:
61 Comment(s)
Kills me that my taxes pay for these Scumbags housing,Food, Phones & Every Other thing these liberals give them. You Can Bet All Those Go Fund Me Donations went to Popeye’s & McDonalds!!!
It’s honestly hard to believe that any man was able to 1) achieve an erection while in the same room as a naked Tina Degree 2) maintain the erection long enough to blast baby batter into her cavernous hole and 3) didn’t immediately kill himself when learning he had fertilized this wilderbeast.
Truly horrifying to picture that whole scenario.
In lieu of being accomplices in keeping criminal thugs out of jail, Do you think “CAJE” sees the irony in the pronunciation of their organization’s name? Sounds like they should have had a White person think that out.
Kneegrows only know the whip. Is was on the ships it will be on the land. Moses did not reach the promised land of the other side of the Concord river. “Shifty ground syndrome” in play: everybody knows bootlips cant swim!
Yo, I told allz you Muthafuckas to keep my mofo’ing Reparations Fund out of your moufs!
(Unless you want to contribute).
Love the pic of John Drinkwater: “I promise to help in any way I can, but right now I need to get out of this neighborhood because the sun’s going down”.
Gee Moe……….That’s a lot of Degrees. They don’t have a family tree, they got a rectal thermometer !
I feel a bit sorry for the mayor because his wife loves the dark meat and is no doubt being perforated like a pin cushion by them on the side.
Mayor: “Honey, I’m home! Is it me or do you smell like henny and blunts?”
Wife: “No dear, you’re smelling things. We have Jambalaya for dinner!”
Evanston approves housing grants as part of city’s local reparations program, believed to be first of its kind in the nation
Not only will I take my family out of this state to N.H. escape the lunacy, I will also potentially take my family to live sensibly in Sweden if this BS persists in the rest of the country.
When this fat nagger was requesting $600 for a Cali flight we were offering round trip airfare (thats to and from Cali, for those who don’t understand English) for $300.
Dis thieving fat nagger has some splainin to do.
I’ll pay for a one way trip to Nigeria
Neggers gonna neg.
Blm dickheads need to pull their heads of their asses and just admit that they’re running defense for too many wastes of flesh like this one. Take the L and move on. But since they don’t have any credibility or integrity, they won’t do that.
Is there a neighborhood minorities have not ruined?
Yes. Ones they haven’t moved into yet.
“A River Runs Through It”
Comment of the day, Bravo.
Oh amigo, sorry to hear about your muerte, why could it not be a useless sould like ST?
In your honor I will do a people’a elbow from the top of the headboard on Jules tonight.
Pero I wpuld have a twist and flip in the aire and punt her with my pito.
Good thing Jules has sick time porque she won’t be able to walk tomorrow.
Long live lucha libre!
Maybe the cops are getting smarter about they take out the blacks. They probably filled a pair of jordans with cement and tossed em in the river knowing damn well that Moses would be going in after them.
P.s. Tina Degree looks like Ricky Williams.
I was once a Chief, held in high esteem…nah, not really
the biggest mistake this country ever made was letting these animals live and roam free after we ended slavery.
Like not giving birth control to your parents for instance.
How many signatures did you collect that weren’t employees of Dunkin?
But one of them was your mom’s.
Anyone stupid enough to give Ol’ Precious head ass lookin mother fucka money deserves to be swindled. That Garboone spent that money on scratch tickets, K.F.C, and fake Louis Vuitton accessories.
Unfortunately all these heroes will continue to show how “very much not racist” they’re by donating $50. Then all their virtual Facebook friends will like it. Once again making them better than you or I.
Exit polls project narrow Netanyahu victory
Sweet, I hope he gets his sixth term.
Holy way to never take responsibility for your own actions, Batman!
And to Jizzonor, way to enable the shitbags of your city. Keep reminding me why I blow through your town at 80+ when forced to take 495 anywhere.
I loves me some black cock Y’all
I scored a shutout through high school because I’m uglier than a bucket full of assholes, remained a virgin until 29 years old. I have a great collection of adult toys now.
Anybody got a good remedy for vaginal itching and occasional discharge?
Name one city, or country run by blacks that is successful . . . . I’ll wait
Is Simp here off his meds.
Maybe he just needs a reminder that he has had a few GoFundMe, and that he allegedly stole money thay was supposed to go to someone else, allegedly.
Do you ever get sick of being retarded?
Ok let’s all agree Tina ain’t tiny, Moses should have parted the waters, because we all know swimming is not some certain demographic groups strong point. Devonte should move to Chicago and become a statistic, Michael is a DNA disaster. The last name of this tribe is “degree” a well known deodorant not familiar to any of them. Let us set that all aside and save any vitriol for “wait for it” ……… the Maya. The poor soul was passed by for a position in the Biden administration despite being the maya of a shithole? How can this be ? Well he’s gonna do what evah to climb that ladder. This is the one that should be put down as Churchill would say” like a rabid dog” . By any means necessary!
Two North Carolina men visiting South Beach have been arrested and accused of drugging and raping a woman who later died in her hotel room, police say.
The men, Evoire Collier, 21, and Dorian Taylor, 24, are also accused of stealing the woman’s credit cards to spend money on their trip in South Beach. Investigators are trying to determine whether the woman died of an overdose, possibly from a pill the men supplied. The Miami-Dade Medical Examiner’s Office said Monday it is conducting further tests, and no cause of death has been determined.
2 filthy N!GGERS kill a beautiful white girl
Turtleboy is racist and he appeals to fellow racists. But let’s elect him to the school board. You’re such a stank queef, Aidan.
Always have to go back to that old drum beat: racism. When you have nothing left. Still works, I guess. Not for long, phaggot. Your woke days are numbered.
No enought to update the poor young man dided, Aidan had to disrespect him and his family.
If is a trend this this lost sould. Hope Aidan finds his peace one day.
This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING her..how far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING her..how far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING her..how far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..
This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING her..how far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING her..how far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..
Who gives a fuck? Was she a Wamp? Or a coon? Either way, one less drain on society.
Just because you’re Black doesn’t mean you get a free pass. Aiden just spoke the truth, just because it “offends” you doesn’t make it racist.
Thanks to people like you the word racist has lost all meaning in this country.
My sentiments exactly. Well said.
Why can’t you do the middle finger anymore?
I screamed for my mom…..
These are some of the worst people alive. That is all I have to say.
Senator Chris Coons daughter appears naked and using drugs with hunter Biden in under age photos on Hunter Biden’s laptop, the question is did Joe Biden also fuck her? Senator Coons u got cucked!
She seems nice.
Your story about Milford had a Land- Whale, now this story about Lowell also stars a Land-Whale.
Turtleboy are you trying to say something to us.
N!ggas gonna nig
and n!ggas gonna nog
Moses sank like a rock
Didn’t float like.a log
I just love it. Negros are never responsible for anything. Even when they jump into an ice cold river and drown.
It has to be someone else’s fault not his.
The police should have jumped in to the river and saved him.
And they really should stop arresting his family when they break the law. That is so racist.
Aren’t blacks at least intelligent enough to know they don’t float? Trying to pin this one on the cops is a stretch, just like her plus sized sweatpants.
We deserve reparations for putting up with these savages
When you have more go fund me’s than years spent in High School you know you are a ratchet.
Kathleen Buhle Biden married Hunter, 50, in 1993 at the time, she was 24 and Hunter Biden was 23 years old theyn had 3 daughters. Kathleen separated from Hunter Biden after learning of his affair with his sister in law Hallie Biden.
In March 2017 Page Six revealed Joe Biden’s blessing for the relationship between Hunter and Hallie Biden. The latter being the widow of Hunter’s brother Beau, who died of brain cancer in May 2015. But that wasn’t the only entanglement the US President’s son got involved in, according to the Daily Mail.
Beyond romancing his brother’s widow, the President’s son climbed further up her family tree.
Citing documents from Hunter’s abandoned laptop hard drive, the Mail unraveled intimate moments he had with Hallie’s sister, Elizabeth Secundy. The outlet pointed out the timing of the text message conversations between Hunter and Secundy coincidentally around when Hunter and Hallie Biden began dating, in July 2016.
Hunter Biden has thousands pictures of Hallie’s 14 year old daughter, his niece Natalie Biden, some of them in lewd sexual poses with Hunter and naked as a young teen. Hunter Biden was having sex with his sister-in-Law Hallie Biden before and after his brother Beau died, and there are emails in which the sister-in-Law/mistress Hallie is complaining to Hunter about his inappropriate sexual activities with her daughter who is Hunter’s blood niece Natalie and 14 at the time. So Hunter Biden was, apparently sexually involved simultaneously with his sister-in-Law, 14 year old blood niece and Hallie’s sister Elizabeth Secundy.
The crux of this fling is displayed in spreadsheet files on the Biden hard drive, which contained a backup of Hunter’s text exchanges. Several moments from September 2016 are highlighted:
September 4th: Hunter asks Secundy if he can come over to Beau Biden’s former home where both Elizabeth and Hallie Biden were staying. Sources told Daily Mail that the three of them “partied” there and “would sit out on the patio like crackheads.”
September 8th: Hunter suggests to Secundy that they shower together over FaceTime on a regular basis. He offers to teach her how to masturbate.
September 9th: Hunter tells Secundy about new underwear he bought, and in response she mentions having panties from the same store. She alludes to the fact Hunter also bought her panties at some point. Hunter later confesses to being stir crazy in his apartment all day. With the power to do whatever he wants, he chooses to watch bad porno movies like I’m 13” to pass the time.
September 17th: Hunter tells Secundy he wishes he “was back in Beijing.”
Meanwhile, Hallie and Hunter’s relationship had rough moments. In November 2017 Hunter ranted: “’By the way I’m going to have 5 strippers naked and admiring my d**k back to my hotel tonight and I’m going to smoke crack and drink enough to kill and [sic] elephant and put your kids robbed over the phone and wake them up and assure them that your (sic) not as bad a person as you seem. Let’s call [redacted] together and we can patch [redacted] in so they can see their new daddy.’”
The following month is when Hunter conceived a child with stripper Lunden Roberts.
The fluid nature of Hunter Biden’s relationships continued through the Summer of 2018.
Documents from the abandoned laptop reveal a July 2018 one-year lease agreement for a Delaware townhouse, signed by both Hunter and Ms. Secundy. Meanwhile, around that time, Hunter Biden emailed Hallie that she “can love romantically whomever [she]” wanted to.
It wasn’t until 2019 that the public learned that Hallie and Hunter’s relationship had ended.
Hunter Biden’s upcoming memoir Beautiful Things is reportedly set to explore all these struggles when it releases on April 6th.
Hunter Biden has 5 known children 3 with his first wife Kathleen, one with a stripper while living with Hallie Biden and having sex with Hallie’s sister Elizabeth and Hallie’s daughter Natalie and one child with his current wife Melissa Cohen who he married after knowing her for 6 days.
Imagine if this were Donald Jr. He would be atoned worse than Cersei. Instead you need to actually dig for the information on old Hunter. Who ever is pulling the strings for that puppet in the White House is fucking destroying this country. Being attacked by military U.S soil has never even crossed my mind in 40 years until that boob was elected. Let’s pray we make it out of these next 4 years alive and not in poverty.
Fuck Moses and those ugly boons
Its always the negroes.
Moses was a dumb fuck. He almost drowned in 3 inches of water when he was 10.
So that explains the oil slick on the Concord river… Next time she gets beat, first thing she’ll do is call the cops, the first thing the cops will do is respond very slowly, gotta drive safely, don’t wanna hit and jigaboos while responding to a domestic!
Accountability is a word the blacks will never understand.
If they want to be taken seriously they need to stop acting like a bunch of:
Gun toting
Gang members and stop being so
Entitled and
Retarded because
Slavery ended long ago.