Social Justice Warriors

Bernie Ho’s Who Screamed At Prego Chelsea Clinton And Blamed Her For New Zealand Attack Are The Reason Trump Is Going To Cruise To Victory In 2020

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Every time I think that Trump might be a one term President I see something on social media that reminds me how determined democrats are to make sure he’s reelected in 2020. This happened at a vigil at NYU the other day at a vigil for the 49 people who were killed at the mosque in New Zealand.

God, it must be so hard being a democrat. No matter how hard you virtue signal and pretend to care there will always be another liberal out there just waiting for the opportunity to lift themselves up by calling you a racist, or some other sort of oppressor of “marginalized” communities. These psychopaths are standing there yelling and screaming and BLAMING her for killing 49 people, and because she’s a liberal she has to stand there and take it. This is the benefit of being a conservative Trump supporter – you can just tell these people to fuck off. You don’t have to pretend to take anything they seriously because you don’t need their support.

Chelsea Clinton’s team has to pretend that their concerns are valid. She’s as loyal a liberal as you will find, but the problem is that she doesn’t care for anti-semitism. Ilhan Omar is a “fresh new face” from Minnesota, and because she wears a hijab and is a woman of color she is able to get away with things no one else could. She constantly tweets things that contribute to the narrative that American Jews cannot be trusted because they’re all loyal to Israel. Hating on Jews like that is a bad thing, and progressives should be opposed to it if they want to be at all consistent. So Chelsea said as much.

And this is why these hags went after her while she was 7-8 months pregnant. Because this tweet denouncing anti-semitic statements from someone in her own party got 49 people killed in New Zealand. That’s what she’s being accused of here.

These people are certifiably insane, but I still enjoy every new installment of the left eating their own. People like Chelsea Clinton cheered on the lunatics as they harassed and went after moderate Republicans like Susan Collins and Jeff Flake because they voted for Kavanaugh. Now they’re tasting the social justice mob stew they created. They didn’t realize that these people are nothing more than attention whores who get off on being the wokest person in the room. Attacking Donald Trump and conservatives is too easy. They insist on going after their own kind, and this is why I have little doubt Trump will win again in 2020.

As you can see, she is wearing a Bernie shirt, and is a diehard Bernie bro.

When will democrats learn that Bernie is cancer for their party? I’m not totally convinced his cult-like following didn’t hand Trump the presidency. He attracts younger, dumber members of the left who fall for his free giveaway nonsense. At least Hillary lived in reality. But Bernie convinced many younger voters that Hillary was just as bad as any Republican, and I’m willing to bet a lot of those people in Wisconsin and Michigan didn’t show up to vote at all when he didn’t get the nomination. If Bernie gets the nomination these are the kind of nutjobs he will represent. This is his base.

Leen Dweik and Rose Asaf are juniors at NYU and obviously much, much, much smarter than everyone else. They’re totes making a difference in the world, one sign and one fist at a time.

One is a Palestinian, and the other is an American Jew trying to convince her woke friend that she’s one of the “good Jews,” because she doesn’t like Israel either. (It’s like a bad sitcom that NBC is writing as we speak.) And the way they do this is by attacking pregnant women who profess to detest all forms of bigotry, not just bigotry against protected and “marginalized” groups.

They did this because they’re young and stupid and this is how you gain attention when you’re a child with no perspective.

They tried to capitalize off of it by posting their Venmo accounts.

And when they got called out on it they said they were totes kidding.

Yea guys, it was all just a joke. The money they made from it was real and they kept it all,

but they weren’t being serious or anything. Now to hide behind identity politics!!

The worst part about these people is they genuinely could care less about the dead people in New Zealand. They didn’t shed a tear, and they didn’t wake up sad.

They wake up every day looking for a way to pretend they are victimized so they can justify yelling at someone, and Muslims getting killed halfway across the globe will have to do. They secretly enjoyed the fact that 49 people were killed because their deaths were politically useful for them. They had every intention of going viral, because Chelsea Clinton is internationally famous, and they recorded it and posted it to social media. Yet they once again played the victim when media members with large followings started criticizing them.

My best friend!! We’re best buds!!

Shocking she doesn’t shave her pits. Truly shocking.


Leen, who attends one of the most expensive schools in the country and is the poster child for privilege, claims that she didn’t want any of this, and that she approached Chelsea by herself.

Except her BFF Rose just happened to be there taping it, and she’s been thirsty for Chelsea long before the Ilhan Omar tweets.

It’s not the first time she’s built her own brand on social media by live streaming herself yelling at someone famous. She did the old thing to 187 year old Henry Kissinger last year.

Leen also has a history of literally calling for the demolishing of the Jewish state of Israel, less than 2 weeks before this.

No big deal. Just tweeting about the extermination of millions of Jewish people in the nation they fled to after the Holocaust. She’s the good one though. She’s the victim here. Turtleboy is constantly being banned for posting much less offensive things on Twitter, but when she was forced to delete this she just posted it all over again.

Then again, she doesn’t see this cartoon depicting Ben Shapiro as being some sort of stereotypical shifty Jew as problematic either.

She also has a history of using the n word and casually calling people homosexual slurs like it ain’t no thang.

I’m not the word police, but she is. I would just love it if these people held themselves to the same standards they hold everyone else.

Also, she’s a victim because people are being critical of her.

She’s a brown Palestinian Muslim woman guys. You’re not allowed to disagree with her tactics.

The next step is to post mean emails you get in order to once again reassert your victimhood.

Retweet stuff like this.

And seek out praise from America’s most famous white anti-semitic Muslim Linda Sarsour.

If you ever use “triggered” in a non-sarcastic way then you are barred from ever being taken seriously. Ever.

And this is why Trump will win again in 2020. You can take it to the bank. As the primaries go the candidates will begin to cannibalize themselves by focusing on identity politics in order to court these lunatics who they need the support of. Consequently the people will see that and vote for Trump because despite his obvious shortcomings he appears to be more stable than his opposition. So please, keep supporting Bernie Sanders instead of someone like Joe Biden or Beto, who might be able to convince people in Michigan and Wisconsin that they’re not completely insane.


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29 Comment(s)
  • SMH
    Trump2020 Finish the WALL
    March 19, 2019 at 9:51 pm

    Finish the WALL.

  • itsjustme
    March 19, 2019 at 5:15 am

    Our world is so fucked, these kids are going to be running the world soon. I seriously fear for my grandchildren.

  • In College But Mommy Still Sets Up My Play Dates
    March 19, 2019 at 12:36 am

    The people calling the right white supremacists and nazis are seriously the ones circulating this caricature of Ben Shapiro? Liberals have somehow put themselves into a padded cell that’s still an echo chamber. It defies physics!

  • whatevuh
    March 18, 2019 at 6:43 pm

    All those that actually give a shit a bunch of muslims died, raise your hand !

    • Corinth Arkadin
      March 18, 2019 at 8:57 pm

      Yeah, don;t care.

  • Veggie Cowgirl
    March 18, 2019 at 5:05 pm

    Ugh! So many things!
    All I have the energy for right now is….Bernie won’t get the nomination.

  • No thanks
    March 18, 2019 at 3:42 pm

    Those funbags will be down to her knees by 30. Would not. I wouldn’t even be aroused watching her and her stinky dike friend go at it. Gross

  • Support Our Nation. Fuck Their Feelings
    March 18, 2019 at 3:37 pm

    Do all these people forget Spt 11 or the Marathon Bombing or Beirut Marine Barracks bombing? The people who’s asses they are kissing are supporters of these terrorists. This twat they elected in Minnesota is clearly anti-America.
    How simple minded and foolish these people are. We still have Americans getting killed today fighting terror and they vote in a woman who supports it. Holy shit

  • Cleon Skousen
    March 18, 2019 at 2:33 pm

    The left eating the left never gets old!

  • Kevins 9 Iron
    March 18, 2019 at 2:12 pm

    The reason they hate Chelsea is she’s obviously a breeder.

  • Turtz McGurtz
    March 18, 2019 at 2:03 pm

    These fucking savages. Gonna tear each other apart to see who is the wokest.

  • Bikini Babe With The Massive Cans
    March 18, 2019 at 2:02 pm

    Would. Twice. Doubled Up.

  • Stunt Penis
    March 18, 2019 at 1:40 pm

    I could care less if progressive nutjobs harass Chelsea Clinton.

    The Clintons and democrats created those monsters, let them live with the consequences.

  • Francis Sidebottom’s Alter Ego
    March 18, 2019 at 1:38 pm

    These people are your enemies. They do not want you to exist. Harden your hearts because the day may come when it’s your life or theirs.

  • abc
    March 18, 2019 at 1:31 pm

    i like most of what you guys publish but you are soooo wrong on israel. israel is one of the biggest problems in the world. i mean for fucks sakes some states even have laws making it illegal to criticize israel….wtf???

    • Anthony Grossi
      March 18, 2019 at 2:28 pm

      Clearly such a law would be a violation of the First Amendment. Would you mind sharing one of those laws with us? Tell us which state and the citation in their law code.

      • Goy George
        March 18, 2019 at 2:55 pm

        www. congress. gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/672

        Wew lad!

        • Anthony Grossi
          March 18, 2019 at 5:50 pm

          this isn’t a law, it’s a resolution. It doesn’t forbid anti-Semitic statements nor does it have any punishments. Nice try though.

          • Goy George
            March 19, 2019 at 12:29 pm

            Sponsor: Rep. Lowey, Nita M. [D-NY-17] (Introduced 01/24/2017)
            Committees: House – Foreign Affairs | Senate – Foreign Relations
            Latest Action: 01/14/2019 Became Public Law No: 115-434.

            “Became Public Law No: 115-434”

            What did they mean by this?

          • Anthony Grossi
            March 19, 2019 at 7:59 pm

            (sigh) read it through again—carefully—and tell us 1) where it says that making an anti-Semitic statement is illegal, and 2) what the penalties are.

  • Technical V
    March 18, 2019 at 1:26 pm

    She’s hooking up with a girl for the same reason that’s she’s wearing the white pants. The trench is off limits to the d until she’s married.

  • Y
    March 18, 2019 at 1:05 pm

    “So please, keep supporting Bernie Sanders instead of someone like Joe Biden or Beto”

  • Santa Claus is Real
    March 18, 2019 at 12:53 pm

    I can smell their filthy disgusting bodies from the pictures. College must really suck now because all these kids do is bitch. Get them to an old school keg party STAT. And also leave Santa Claus out of your liberal bullshit. He’s a righteous dude

    March 18, 2019 at 12:39 pm

    Trump’s gonna coast because a majority of Americans support the New Zealand shooting and it pisses liberals the fuck off. #MAGA

    • Y
      March 18, 2019 at 8:34 pm

      I’m a Trump supporter, and like every other down vote, I don’t support the shooting. Try harder to make Trump supporters look bad.

  • bigdaddy
    Bill Clinton
    March 18, 2019 at 12:39 pm

    Who is the chick with the big tits I am asking for a friend

  • juror seven esq.
    March 18, 2019 at 12:37 pm

    So the Jewish part of this lesbo duo is the one holding up the sign while in her bathing suit. May or may not shave the pits but it looks like she has the bush waxed. I thought most Jewish-American princesses got a nose job on their sixteenth birthday. Looks like this one had a boob job to celebrate the occasion.

    • Osiris
      March 18, 2019 at 1:51 pm

      She most definitely grooms…..most likely shaves….bet she has a Gaza Strip.
      Those cans are fantastic.

  • Beto O’callahan ramirez-o’boyle
    March 18, 2019 at 11:50 am

    Slainte laddies look at the funbags on that hairy pitted rinoceronte. Reminds me of Randall’s mom. Donde estas Randall’s madre? Amor Randall’s moms chocha. Erin go Bragh and show us the tetas por favor. Lo ciento pogues.

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