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Liberal comedian Bill Maher is in a world of shit for a joke he made about Zayn Malik of One Direction, comparing him to Boston Marathon bomber Dzohkhar “Jafar” Tsarnaev on his HBO show Real Time With Bill Maher:
Here’s the reactions from the Twittersphere:
Was a violence against Muslim people everywhere? Why – because he pointed out that Jafar the terrorist happens to look like a pop star? God forbid.
The day that I listen to some dooshnozzle with a popsicle shoved down his gullet is the day I start going to meetings at the Mosaic Cultural Center.
Newsflash – Islam is a religion, not a race. Oh yea, and it’s not a Muslim joke unless you want it to be. Which of course you do, because getting offended is the only thing you’re good at.
Islamophobic? There’s a red line that comes up when I type that word. Because it’s not a real word. We’re just adding phobia to everything now. And for the record “phobia” is an irrational fear of something. Every time I open up the newspaper someone is being blown up in the name of Allah. I’d say it’s pretty rational to fear that.
Oh no, not this shit. Not another Change.org petition. How fucking stupid are these people? The hippie Turtleboy boycott has a better chance of working out than this thing does. Like, do you honestly think Bill Maher is gonna see this and apologize? Oh look, a bunch of PC dooshnozzles are “demanding” that Bill Maher “apologise.” They even started a petition that an 8 year old could write. Looks like things are getting pretty serious.
Newsflash hippies – this is what Bill Maher does. He doesn’t give a fuck what you think of him. That’s why he used to host a show called “Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher.” That’s why this show is on HBO. Don’t wanna feel butthurt? Fine. Watch ABC. For everyone else with a sense of humor and a stomach for some full frontal nudity, we’ll be watching HBO. Oh yea, and his whole “Islamophobic” schtick? He’s been doing that for years. Where have you been?
Bill Maher and Turtleboy are kindred spirits. Because the world needs people who aren’t uptight butthurt PC dooshnozzles. THIS GUY is my kind of liberal. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – liberals are fun by nature. But the PC wackjobs have hijacked liberalism and turned it into a pissing contest to see who can get the most offended. This blog is all about saying whatever you want as long as you’re being brutally honest. You’re not gonna agree with everything, and that’s fine. But you read this blog because you respect the First Amendment above all else and refuse to give into losers who tell you what is acceptable to say and read.
God Bless America.
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10 Comment(s)
I am 100% sure all of these dingbats are “Directioners.” This isn’t surprising. Zayn could molest thousands of kids and they’d defend him.
All chipmunk penises aside, Mahr is right. That guy looks just like Dead Man Walking. They both need hair cuts.
On a relatively unrelated sidenote, start calling it the Turtleboycott
Dormant since September?
Out of everything this blog has written about, it’s Bill Maher that gets it to reactivate?
The insult here is to the tens of thousands of Bombing victims, here and everywhere else. Bill go fuck yourself.
I think Bill Maher is a chipmunk penis. Let us not forget his saying about Boston, “Your city wasn’t destroyed by Godzilla” after the bombing. I would like to see Maher, the boy band guy and the cunt bomber all fisted by Andre the Giant, with the terrorist cunt dying at the end. Turtle Riders, Bill Maher would fucking hate every one of us. He splits his time between Cambridge and Amherst. Also, he is not funny. Not at all. Chipmunk penis.
Well, that is perfectly reasonable.
someone is a psycho path..