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NY Daily News: On Friday Knoxville Police Department said they believe three males with possible ties to a gang fired into a crowd of kids preparing to celebrate the holidays. Zaevion William Dobson, 15, jumped on top of three girls to shield them from the bullets. Dobson was killed, but Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero said despite youth violence, Dobson was a success story.
Rogero said Dobson, a football player and sophomore at Fulton High School was not only involved in sports, but was a mentor to others through the 100 Black Men of Greater Knoxville chapter. The organization’s purpose it to serve as a catalyst to empower African American and other minority youth to reach their full potential.
Knoxville, Tennessee, police say Dobson, a 15-year-old sophomore, was killed last week as several men went on a shooting spree in the city. One of the men later died from injuries. Two others were arrested, though one was released after being questioned. Survivor Faith Gordon has recounted how Dobson appeared from nowhere Thursday night, and how his body laid lifelessly on top of her when the shooting stopped.
“I kinda like pulled on him and I was like ‘You can get up now’ … He didn’t get up, so I just went upstairs, and I came back to make sure everything was real and I looked at him and he was shot in the head,” Gordon told WVLT-TV.
She later sent a Twitter tribute to Dobson: “You’re my hero, I’ll never forget you.”
Her pal Kiara Rucker, speaking to WVLT, echoed Gordon’s praise of the heroic 10th-grade student.
“If it wasn’t for Zaevion, if he would have just ran off the porch, we would have probably been shot,” Rucker said.
Dobson jumped on top of three girls and another boy to protect them from the gunfire, according to Gordon. He was the only person hit by any bullets during the shooting.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what a hero looks like:
Nothing but brass nuggets on that kid. As tragic as this story is it’s also inspiring. That someone so young would have the instincts to literally sacrifice his life for someone else, gives you faith in humanity.
Notice we haven’t heard a peep from the black lives matter folks. They’ve arrested two suspects in the shooting, both of whom are black. Nobody seems to care who they are because no one in the hippie community cares when a 20 year old black man kills a 15 year old black kid for no reason. That’s the cold hard truth of the matter. Zaevion’s life didn’t matter to them, because he wasn’t killed by a Dylan Roof or a Darren Wilson. This woman puts it best:
All weekend we didn’t hear a peep from either Deray McKesson or Shaun King, two leaders of the BLM movement who tweet five million times a day about how racist police are. Finally this morning after Deray was called out by multiple news outlets about his hypocrisy, he threw Zaevion a bone:
#ZaevionDobson is a hero, he saved lives and in the process lost his own. He's been on my mind a lot lately.
— deray (@deray) December 21, 2015
Notice he doesn’t mention anything about the killers. Because if he did he would be admitting that there deaths like Zaevion’s are a million times more common than deaths like Freddie Grey’s. He did however have time to retweet this one:
Yea, black on black crime is just a smokescreen. Just a huge distraction to make you forget about the fact that cops are going around murdering people like Zaevion for no reason. That’s it.
Shaun King has a regular opinion blog for the New York Daily News. Here’s a link to the most recent columns he has written. Notice there is no mention of this killing.
Meanwhile over on the Communities United Collective Facebook page, a page run by local BLM “leader” Robert Blackwell-Gibbs, there is not a single mention of this unarmed black teenager who was murdered. There’s plenty of stuff like this though:
Because as you know, lynching is the biggest problem facing the black community in 2015. Happens all the time. RBG also shared this:
Which I’m sure he could put to good use, because after all, RBG is a white man who has failed at life and pretends it is because people think he’s black. But as you can clearly see, this is a white man:
And no one would ever mistake him for being black. He is Worcester’s Rachel Dolezal, except he can barely read and write.
All of this just proves that to people like Deray and Shaun and RBG, only some black lives matter. If you’re a 15 year old black kid like Zaevion Dobson, then your life doesn’t really matter because your murder doesn’t fit their agenda. Zaevion was killed by two African-American men, just like many others. Deray and Shaun and RBG and Boom-Boom will block the highway because criminals like Freddie Gray and Michael Brown were killed making dumb decisions, but they won’t do a damn thing for Zaevion. These people are not leaders or heroes. This is what a leader and a hero looks like:
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5 Comment(s)
BLM has virtually withered away. Until eliminated piling on is justified and entertaining, except this poor kid is dead.
Well said.
I get that there’s beef between TBS and BLM and it’s a lot of rhetoric. There’s selective attention and the BLM folks seem to have one page in their playbook.
Just seems to be a low blow to use Mr. Dobson’s selflessness to prove the point that the BLM advocates are inconsistent. We already know they pick an choose what they moan about. They view the world through their warped lenses and spout warped rhetoric.
TBS runs this space and they certainly can use this pulpit as they see fit. It’s their space. Don’t like it, don’t read it. Just a minor criticism that this could have been done with a bit more tact. Only a suggestion.
I dunno if hes using this as a platform to attack BLM (who is full of hypocritical racists) but its a good thing he points out how stupid and fraudulent BLM is/has become.
BLM always cries about blacks being killed but only when its a white guy. No word about Chicago (3 dead 24 wounded this past weekend alone), no word about this gang related shooting, no word about “polar bear hunting” and if there is a comment its along the lines of “Whites had it coming to them”, no word about anything unless its a white man killing a black.
This kid Zaevion William Dobson, is a God damned hero. Yet nothing from fat white ass pussies like RBG about a kid who had more courage and integrity than him, no words from Clive race baiting us into oblivion, no Old Balls claiming he would have beat everyone up there and stopped the bullets with his jack-o-lantern teeth, nope. Not a peep about a REAL EVERYDAY HERO.
Thats the double standard that is destroying this country. Hypocrites not being called on thier bullshit for fear of being labeled a “racist”, well guess what? That word has been so abused the past 5+ years that it doesnt mean shit anymore asnd the real racists get a pass due to it not meaning shit and its all Libtards like Fat ass RBG.
BTW, I see oppressed and abused 2nd class citizens in other countries. They wear shirts like “Patriots 19-0” shirts, live in dirt, have no roofs, eat scraps and yet the oppressed here in America are always the fattest and have the nicest clothes. What is the deal? Ohh ya, they dont know what its like to be oppressed because they are FRAUDULENT FAT PIECES OF SHIT.
RBG should pack his neck rolls and head to Somalia and see what its like to really be oppressed. Fucking slob.
But at the same time, TBS does not address racist statements on this blog made by people here.
One I saw yesterday was that, in reference to the killing of unarmed black men “they [the police] aren’t killing enough.”-White Lives Matter (a commentator)
I am all for free speech, and this article is perfectly legitimate, but to allow hateful, inflammatory speech to go unquestioned under the guise of “free speech” is just as hypocritical.