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Source: An ambulance had to be dispatched to pick up a child on the I-40 Bridge during the Black Lives Matter protest Sunday night. Protesters began their march downtown and eventually made their onto the bridge, which caused it to be shut down for several hours. As a result, the child’s parents were stuck on the bridge, and they could not drive the child to Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. His parents were worried about his condition and considered it an emergency, so they called an ambulance. Bobby Harrell was the paramedic on that call.
“We were escorted by the Crittenden County Sheriff’s Office up the wrong way on the interstate to pick up the child out of the traffic,” Harrell told FOX13.
Harrell and his medical team picked up the boy and detoured through West Memphis onto I-55. They eventually made it to the hospital for treatment. The emergency worker told FOX13 the patient was stable the entire time, but his condition could have gotten worse because the protest delayed the transport.
“When you have someone in dire need of medical attention, I don’t know if there is a cause great enough to hinder someone from getting to the hospital to get medical care,” Harrell said outside his home in Arkansas.
Is it even possible to think that these idiots aren’t terrorists? Over 140,000 people have signed a petition to get the White House to recognize them as such. Every time I hear people refer to these as “peaceful protests” I want to start laughing. There is nothing peaceful about this behavior.
I mean, they’re trying to kill babies. What else do you need to know? This family wasn’t the only one affected by this either. A woman in labor also had to be detoured, and the hundreds of innocent people who committed the crime of driving were essentially held hostage. It’s basically as dangerous a situation as you could possibly create. It’s also against the law. Are we supposed to wait for a baby to die before we do something about this?
Oh yea, and they’re planning on doing it again:
Please, please, please, do it in Worcester when Turtleboy is driving around in his hippie plowing freedommobile. Since politicians and police chiefs are clearly too scared to do the job that taxpaying citizens want them to (and understandably so), it’s incumbent upon the people to clear the roads for them. We need more heroes to step up to the plate and start plowing through these hippie speed bumps. Do it for the children. Do it for America.
P.S. Elvis is racist, so hand over those reparations:
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23 Comment(s)
So the purpose of this is what again? I totally forgot. Are they cleaning the road or something? Are they mad about something? Do they need rides? Are they lost? Is there a concert happening? Is there free food or an open bar? Fuck – I’ll jump in. Has anybody in that group showered in the last ten days? Who farted? I mean come on. That stinks. Go home.
Run them down.
Fucking Naggers
One of the first rules, they’re obviously too high to realize. Never stop traffic protesting. People will hate you after that !
Black lives DO matter. However this BLM gang that’s out there, funded by the elitist, will cause more racism, more killing, more chaos, and that is exactly what they want. And the general public falls right into it. So there’s the conspiracy theory of the day.
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If you run over BLM protesters blocking a highway,and you have a black car,can you get away with that? Blacks kill blacks in Baltimore,Detroit and Chicago at an extremely alarming rate,but apparently that doesn’t matter because they don’t protest that.
I don’t get these people.(BLM)
They do matter to everyone who missed them at work. To each and every one of us who suffered as a result of the lost production… Point made
I fucking hate these assholes and I have always been a tolerant person. Obama’s legacy could have been to completely wipe out any idea of racism left in this country and he couldn’t even do that. He threw gas on the flame from his first day in office. We are being hunted by terrorists in case these assholes don’t have access to the news. They need to shut the fuck up, get a job, and get the hell off the roads. Newsflash-no one gives a shit anymore. There is nothing peaceful about blocking highways, bridges, and terrorizing law enforcement. I wish someone would run them all down. FUCK every one of them. Those asshats with records a mile long deserve everything they got-don’t comply with police and you gamble with your life. LOSERS every last one of them and I hate white SJW’s even more if that is at all possible.
Prediction: some farmer somewhere is sitting and fuming about these losers. Said farmer realizes that since BLM is all bullshit… Said farmer will haul a manure spreader and gain access to the crowd.
The YouTube video will get 10,000,000 hits.
This reminds me of the bridge scene in Blues Brothers. ROFL!
You would think the horror that happened in Nice would give them a clue.
One day someone is going to snap
Savage behavior. BLM is a disgrace.
One warning to disperse and then call up the national guard with water cannons.
Water cannons plus batons to crack some heads – knock some God-damnned sense into those n i g g a s !
This is what an entitlement attitude gets you. BLM are treated with kid gloves, they’re coddled, sympathized with & indulged. Since when can lawbreakers delay, detain, inconvenience & endanger the general public?? ENOUGH! I’m SO done with this shit. Arrest them with as much force as necessary and don’t you dare apologize.
And that is the big problem. White people need to get off their idiot guilt trip and treat them as you would if a white person was obstructing you from getting on with your life. Unless you are an outright racist or holder of black slaves no one should feel they owe anything to the PART of the American black population that chooses thuggery,disrespect for the law or a life living off of government(then aGAIN IT IS WHITE PEOPLE THAT enables irresponsibility).
Enough of this Bull Crap!!! Just start running them over, they’ll get message. F**k BLM and anyone who supports this garbage!
It was only a matter of time.
I’ve always thought about what would happen to the protesters if one of their road shutdowns led to the death of someone trying to reach a medical care facility. Would they be tried for murder?
They really ought to be tried for kidnapping. Many jurisdictions recognize kidnapping as the act of seizing or detaining a person against his will. All those people stuck on the highway are victims of kidnapping, in my opinion.
Time to do what Elwood Blue did to the FN Illinois Nazis on that bridge.
Yes. They COULD be tried.