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Editor’s Note – Whoever is running the remaining Turtleboy Sports Twitter accounts – make sure to tag @SeanSpicer when you tweet this blog out. We’d do it, but we’re banned from Twitter so….
I got invited by the UMass Republicans club to meet this guy tonight:
Sean Spicer riding the turtle
— Turtleboy Sports (@TBsporty) November 28, 2018
It’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ little brother Sean Spicer. The guy who wasn’t nearly as convincing or good at lying as she is. He told me the book was bigger than Obama’s so there’s that.
I had no idea what he was gonna talk about, since he’s basically famous for being the guy who awkwardly attempted to get through press conferences while keeping a straight face. But he was pretty interesting, and he talked about all the stuff going on behind the scenes during the campaign.
But I was really there to see were the protesters. Because there was a 0.0% chance some rabid SJWs wouldn’t show up and try to prevent him from speaking. Then right on cue during the Q&A the queef patrol, led by some Frodo looking poonstachio, started making it all about them. Here’s some highlights.
From another angle:
Of course the UMass students are interrupting Sean Spicer
— Kassy Dillon (@KassyDillon) November 28, 2018
It takes a lot to make Spicey look sharp, but these dumbasses were up to the task. Pro-tip – if you’ve ever yelled “we want to deplatform you” because you don’t like what someone else is saying, it just might be you who is the Nazi.
In free societies competing ideas are voiced in the public square. In a fascist society brown shirted thugs shout down people they don’t agree with and ban them from speaking because they think ideas are dangerous. Here’s bootleg Frodo doing the Nazi salute:
So it looks like the only Nazi in the house was him. Don’t worry though, he totally cares about minorities. Just ignore the fact that literally every single person he was joined him tonight happened to be white. He likes the idea of black people, he just doesn’t like being friends with them. Because he’s a racist.
As funny as it is to point and laugh at these people, and they totally deserve to be mocked, they are the biggest threat to democracy we’ve seen in our lifetime. This idea that you should try to “deplatform” opinions you don’t agree with is the most anti-American thing I’ve ever seen. These maggots don’t vote, they don’t think for themselves, and they will go through lives being failures at everything they do. And because they are failures they will seek to hurt successful people by shouting them down, calling their advertisers, threatening to sue, and all of the other ways people have attempted to silence us that I covered in I Am Turtleboy. I will dedicate the rest of my life to seeking out and destroying these people if necessary.
So if you know who bootleg Frodo is, please feel free to let us know. I’d love to dedicate a blog just to him, since he obviously craves attention so much.
Honestly, if a college invited Uncle Turtleboy to speak at a panel I think we could get more protesters than anyone. And I would love nothing more than to just annihilate these people with free speech. If you’re not pis
Great discussion and Q&A sessions with the students and community at @UMassAmherst Thanks @yaf for making it happen
— Sean Spicer (@seanspicer) November 28, 2018
So nice meeting @seanspicer! Great job handling the hecklers.
— Kassy Dillon (@KassyDillon) November 28, 2018
8 Comment(s)
He may not be a UMass student, kinda looks like a kid whose family der Docktor is somewhat acquainted with, that kid attends Hampshire College y’all know that place of deep thought, tolerance of all views and ideas – wallow of Trigglypuff and the he/she/it Chenkin. Wouldn’t be a shock if it was him, although his parents would feed his ass through a wood chipper, maybe after he’s dead if he’s lucky.
Anyone ever figure out the obvious connection between being a radical obnoxious self-centered leftist and having very poor grooming habits?
Been trying to figure that out for years
From “Mad Magazine” a zillion years ago: “Colleges are full of knowledge, the freshmen bring a little in and the seniors don’t take any out, and knowledge accumulates.” Kudos to Spicer for hanging in there, kudos to the students who just took it in, and kudos to those who spoke up sensibly, especially the fellow who said “We hate Hillary, too”. The kid’s got a future.
What exactly did Spicer lie about? Your opening of this article makes it clear that you are not a supporter of our president. Is TBS just a way to make money for you? The statement about him being a liar ruined this article no matter what it’s content.
Unfortunately, part of being the White House press secretary implies “being political.”They all have to do it, no matter what political party they’re representing. It’s a real talent to tell the truth but tell it so it sounds a little bit better than what is actually happening. Lying… maybe. Delicately handling the truth sounds better. Sarah happens to much better at it than Sean was. That boy cracked under pressure.
How wasn’t this shit-skin kicked-out?
This generation has ZERO respect for anyone.
Is that a Ben & Jerry’s new Resist flavour?