Boston College Just Completed The Most Craptacular Season In NCAA History
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As a UMass fan, I love nothing more than to watch Boston College suck. But the 2015-16 year has actually made me feel bad for them. And like I said, I’m a UMass fan, so if I feel bad for you, you have officially hit rock bottom. Because UMass blows, but BC is the ACC’s welfare team. With this weekend’s loss to Clemson the Eagles became the first team to not win a SINGLE conference game in football or basketball. And in most of these games it wasn’t even remotely close:
Only 4 times did they lose by single digits. And Wake Forest blows too, yet somehow the Deacon Deacons had a 37-4 lead at one point. But no loss was more insane than this week’s game against North Carolina State. On the road against an average team, BC actually had the lead with nine seconds to go. NC State had the ball and missed not one, but two three-point shots, collecting offensive rebounds both times. So they called a timeout and with just one second left this happened:
Unreal. This is the closest I’ve ever come to having any sort of pity or sympathy for BC. I mean, this guy’s reaction alone said it all:
They literally had nothing to play for. All they wanted was one win. Just one. And it was taken from them in the most dramatic way possible. They are officially the biggest joke in the history of college sports. They’d be insane to even stay in the ACC because they’ll never be able to recruit any good players to go there.
Not that UMass is that much better. We blow. We blew a 20 point lead to the Boners last week and the Turtleboy Sports Twitter was bombarded by the most savage, animalistic fans in the country. To make it worse, it looks like the Boners will probably end up making the NCAA Tournament. Our coach is a joke and we have a 0.0% chance of making any postseason tournaments.
Could be worse though. Could be a Boston College fan.
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1 Comment(s)
Could not have happened to a worse bunch of assholes. Just about everyone in MA (who did not go to BC) hates BC.
How can you tell if someone graduated from BC?
You don’t have to. Give them 5 minutes and they will tell. Pompous bunch of assholes.