It’s been six months since Boston Globe Bruins writer Kevin Paul Dupont posted on Twitter that he hoped a group of peaceful protesters were killed by murder hornets, because they didn’t appreciate having their government arbitrarily strip them of their civil liberties.
Obviously there were no consequences fro KPD, because as long as you express left wing opinions you will keep your job and remain on social media, even as you wish death upon a crowd of hundreds of law abiding citizens. Apparently all you have to do is just say that what you REALLY meant was that the peaceful protesters had created a “hive like gathering at the Statehouse,” and when you said you wanted the murder hornets to be released you were referring to the protesters as the murder hornets and you want them to go home.
And your boss will just kind of take you at your word, despite making your publication a laughingstock for employing you.
Anyway, KPD was back this week and hasn’t stopped posting about the election and why Trump should concede before recounts and court cases are heard, as well as blaming Trump for the fact that a virus is allegedly killing a thousand Americans every day. This prompted a reply from Malden Catholic assistant football coach Brian McDonough.
Pretty standard right wing reply. McDonough only has a couple hundred Twitter followers, as opposed to the 34K KPD has. When you’re a blue checkmark with that sort of platform you don’t entertain every troll who disagrees with you, because if you did you’d never get any work done. Plus, it’s not offensive or controversial to tell a Bruins writer to stick to the Bruins.
But instead of doing that KPD decided to go through all the guys old tweets and shame him for commenting under a Boston Globe article about Elizabeth Warren by mocking her for lying about being Native American for political gain.
Just to be clear, Elizabeth Warren is called Pocahontas by the President because for decades she claimed to be Native American, and in return she was able to gain admission to schools and jobs she otherwise would not have been able to gain admission to because nobody is looking to hire another boring white woman from Oklahoma. There is nothing racist about reminding people of this, but there is something racist about a white woman lying about being Native American for personal gain.
The Coach rightfully pointed out that digging up tweets were irrelevant to what he suggested KPD do.
But KPD decided to double down and shame the well respected coach some more.
Coach. pic.twitter.com/6ajW75EgsO
— Kevin Paul Dupont (@GlobeKPD) November 9, 2020
Keep in mind, this asshat is so technologically deficient he couldn’t figure out how to screenshot on his phone or computer, so he used his phone to take a picture of his computer. And he took that picture to hold onto it in case the coach deleted his tweet, just so he could continue to publicly shame him on his Boston Globe platform.
KPD knows that as a public school employee McDonough doesn’t have the job security that he has working at the Boston Globe.
He knows that his employer still retains several people, including editor Brian McGrory, who participated in a sexist “intern draft.”
He knows that they employ an obituaries director who once was arrested for masturbating outside of a woman’s apartment door.
He knows that they still employ Kevin Cullen, despite undeniable proof that Cullen lied repeatedly about being at the Boston Marathon bombing and witnessing Martin Richard’s father stop running to hug his daughter (he didn’t run at all).
He knows that fellow Bruins writer Matt Porter intentionally covered up a story about the Bruins photoshopping an image of a Boston Police logo off of Charlie Coyle’s shirt on an Instagram post, and remained silent when Cam Neely himself apologized for the incident.
He knows that Globe editor Shirley Leung used her position to harass WEEI advertisers and shame them in the newspaper until they agreed to fire Kirk Minihane and Gerry Callahan for sharing political viewpoints outside of the acceptable left wing narrative. And he’s using that same tactic to try to get Malden Catholic to fire their assistant football coach. There is no other reason to mention that he coaches there.
He knows that this McDonough is held to a higher standard than he is, and he’s using his position at the Globe in an attempt to get him fired.
People like KPD hate people like Coach McDonough because unlike KPD they are loved and respected in the community. Kids look up to them, parents trust them, and the life skills they teach kids about teamwork and the value of hard work are things they will carry with them the rest of their lives. McDonough is a hard working, blue collar father and husband, and KPD hates what the man represents. There’s nothing that overpaid establishment hacks in the media hate more than working class people who think independently. KPD’s entire career has been regurgitating stories about the Bruins. Not once has he ever made a difference in a person’s life or been thanked for being a valuable member of the community. It’s why people like him despise people like Coach McDonough – because they want to be as loved and respected as they are.
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53 Comment(s)
Fuck the Globe and their beta soy employees
What a fag. Grow up DuPont you twat.
I remember seeing “We skate for black lives” around the hockey rinks during the playoffs. Hockey has a smaller niche market than the NBA…future looks grim, Mr. DuPont. Might want to start being less of an asshole you’ll be in labor market soon. No charge for the advice.
If I see you on the street you liberal shit bag I’m ripping your wig off
What a punchable face.
And now we know why Kevin Paul is banned from all locker rooms. KP you can’t ask players to autograph their cups and hand them over. No one cares how many you have in your curio cabinet. Walmart does not accept a cup duck taped to your face as COVID protection. Dam, step back will ya? We can smell that across the parking lot. You sick fuck!
When he first started at the globe he was Kevin DuPont. At some point all of that Semen guzzling kicked in and he transitioned into Beret wearing Kevin Paul. It was around this time that he married his manly wife Brenda, who started @ NESN doing between period work at Bruins games. This was the infancy of between period reporting, when good looks just didn’t matter. Thankfully the suits at NESN woke up and Brenda was not seen on TV again. I wish the same fate would befall Kevin Paul and his Beret, we’d all be better off. Hey Kevin Paul, if you’re reading this, Go Fuck yourself
Who is he ? Nobody knows because nobody reads the Glob unless their government employer pays for it.
A nice bathtub full of Hydroflouric Acid.
I read a column of his once, it was about his dead father. It was a knee slapper. F U DuPont you three named creep. While you cried we laughed.
Coach started it though?
Kevin Paul DuPont has every douchebag alert known.
First, instead of just being Kevin DuPont he needs to emphasize his middle name. Second, the picture. As a woman I cringe at that dickhead expression and the ass wipe goatee. Although I doubt he cares what females think. Third, all the other guy said was stick to hockey. A normal person would have laughed it off or sent a simple jab back. Not Kevin PAUL! He’s such a bitch he just keeps going on and on over nothing. Imagine trying to have a conversation with this clown? Four, he works for the Globe. Who fucking cares about the Globe anymore. Irrelevant, bitchy, loser. Grow a pair of balls and just shut up. Kevin Cullin is seriously still employed there? WTF. Remember when lies and making up false stories had consequences? Just shaking my head.
Fuck all of you!
That’s not a toupee, that’s a merkin!
Kevin Paul DuCunt
Why don’t you get rid of that ridiculous wig
It looks like you got it at the dollar store
You asshole
Why don’t you get rid of that ridiculous wig
It looks like you got it at the dollar store
Hey Kevin the next time you get your picture taken be sure to clean your negroe boyfriends cum out of your beard
Wow just one look at this guy, you automatically think to yourself “what a douche”
Just like Kevin, I enjoy smelling jocks. The scent provides a sexual thrill for me, and perhaps it provides a similar thrill for Kevin.
Not only is this POS a pickle smoocher, but gladly takes in the ass too. Fuckin pussy KPD. Skate your lane and stick to Manray, faggot.
How does one achieve this level of faggotry? Was KPD born this way or did he just get sucked into it?
Good thing the aids cocktail drugs are keeping flamboyant dupont well.
This guy’s a peter puffer? That explains a lot.
KPD that rug , not fooling anyone
All frauds.exec board has 1 woman, an Indian . Cullen should have been fired, but he’s a white guy from Hingham
Nice flavor saver dupont u homo. Sucks at hockey news as well
Kevin was never an athlete growing up , he was actually a huge pussy .so he became jock sniffer ..but I will give him credit takes balls To wear that hair piece …He knows every time he leaves a room everyone laughing at him ..
Marty McInnis banged his wife a while ago, like 2002 and he’s still butt hurt over it.
Would bet the farm the coach has a thick, lustrous head of hair that Toupee Dupont is insanely jealous of. I can’t get over how bad of a rug this dummy wears out in public and thinks no one will notice he has horse hair on his head. Kev, buddy, time to come to grips with reality. To quote Elaine Benes “YOU’RE BALD!!!!”
I’m laughing at the thought of this lonely loser thinking he really got coach good with his detective skills as he carefully removes his toupee and places it gently on the mannequin head on his night stand.
Or his hair flapping in the breeze on a windy day. Or taking his hair off by mistake when he takes hats off. All equally hilarious for this cuntrag.
He wants Trump to concede?
Seems to me Hillary (and the Dems) have been fighting the last election results for four years.
Hey Kevin Paul Dupont, you should get a chinstrap for that divot on your head. You’re welcome.
He’s a faa-aag!
I bet he shoves a ray bourque bobble head up his ass and then cracks his knuckles right before he starts writing
Fuck you Dupont, your a faggot and a terrible sports writer.
Fuck the globe and all of its leftist hacks and their trash propaganda.
Nice rug, ya twit. WOULDN’T.
KPD has always been a big weirdo, and he’s not a great hockey writer or even a good one, he’s just the one everyone knows around here where the bar for the quality of hockey writers is quite low (see Haggerty – Fluto was the exception he actually knew his stuff).
The Boston Glob! Does anyone still read that piece or toilet paper? KPD, I hope you took a knee today and asked for forgiveness for promoting death and hate towards innocent American citizens. May Karma bite you back 100x!
Kevin shoves a ray bourque bobble head up his ass and then cracks his knuckles right before he starts writing
You sure know a lot about sticking things in asses, dont you? Pedo.
Why does everyone call him a pedo did I miss something I see a lot of people say that to him lol
he posted his email by accident one day and someone doxxed him and found out he had old charges for molesting his nephew
Oh my Gawd, Jay! What the fuck is that on his head, kid! It looks dead, bro!
These loony leftists act like people who’ve never been punched in the face. Those are circumstances which are bound to change if they don’t start backing off.
“Dumont” sounds French to me.
It’s the Globe, would you expect anything less?? In a few years, it will be put of business anyways.
KPD is a great hockey writer, I have always glossed over his political shit that he mixes in as it is his right to do so, but just like every other liberal fucking asshole he needs to call out and condemn anyone that voices a different opinion. Kevin time for you to go the fuck away…Fluto was a thousand times better than you anyway.
If MC has any balls nothing should or will come from this whole lot of nothing.
No safe spaces “little aidan”.
What kind of fucking man uses his name like that, Kevin Paul Dumont? Just when you thought pompous ass couldn’t get any worse.
KPD cannot possibly identify with regular common people like Coach McDonough.
KPD lives comfortably in his $1.3 million house in Concord. I don’t know where Coach McD lives, but I’m sure he lives among the same middle class people he coaches.
Fuck You, Kevin.
Fuck You and your shit rag employer (Boston Globe) and it’s scarecrow (John Henry) owner.
Hey Kevin you bald head fucker. Anyone can see that you wear a fucking wig. It goes along with your stupid fucking face.
Does Kevin Paul Dupont have a wig on? If not, he may want to change his hair style. It looks off.
Also, why the three names? Is he a serial killer or maybe plotting an assassination?
In either case, KPD should be canceled. What’s good for the goose…
The Boston Goobe is a liberal rag owned by an asshole that ruined the Red Sox for the normal thinking members of society. This pussy is intentionally trying to get this coach in trouble for using his first amendment right. What a disgraceful coward
That dude looks like the poster child for paying a “bull” swinger to fuck your wife so you can watch.