Boston Herald’s Steve Buckley Coincidentally Has Exact Same Red Sox Analogy To The Bengals The Day After We Did
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Yesterday we published this blog about how the Red Sox were becoming the Cincinnati Bengals, and John Farrell was the new Marvin Lewis. They’re a regular season team that is guaranteed to blow it in the playoffs.
Apparently Steve Buckley at the Boston Herald, a notorious turtle hater, read our take and enjoyed it so much he thought he’d pass it along as his own:
Hmmmmmm….sounds familiar.
Look, it’s not like we trademark this shit. He’s free to make the exact same analogy to a random team in the NFL the day after we published a blog about it. It’s not like he’s stealing our story. It’s just funny how the MSM can’t come up with an original thought on their own. Everyone reads the turtle, but some people, like Steve Buckley, are too gutless to just come out and say it.
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5 Comment(s)
Geez………..he doesn’t look gay………
I’d be surprised. Buck is a class act. It’s not a unique analogy…
People actually read the Herald?
You are correct… but slow down,take out the emotion, and proof read, edit, and proof read..
“He’s free to make the exact same analogy to a random team in the NFL ”
I know you meant MLB
Sorry, I misunderstood your point..Buckley is a hacking bag.