WBZ has jumped on Melinda Boone’s cover up for child molesting employees, but will it force her to do the right thing and resign?
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We’ve been exposing Worcester Public Schools superintendent Melinda Boone for months now. The problem is that we’re the only one. A boy on a magical turtle can only do so much. We need the help of the mainstream media, and since the Telegram and Gazette is state run propaganda, our only hope was Boston. How could the Boston media not be interested in such an incompetent, corrupt carpetbagger who has caused wonton destruction to the school system? Well apparently all it took was a cover up for some WPS employees who were dabbling in kiddie porn to get their attention:
Basically they just reported what Pat Sargent and Turtleboy covered earlier this week – Melinda Boone KNEW the WPS employed two people arrested for child pornography consumption, and she sent an internal memo in which she states that “the media has not reported that this gentleman was employed by WPS and we hope that it does not.”
Clearly she’s making a concerted effort to cover this up. She’s conspiring with other school leaders to withhold information about child molesters who worked with WPS children, because it would make her look bad. She has ordered her subordinates to remain mum, and since she’s surrounded by six figure ass kissers, they have obliged.
Here’s one thing that WBZ didn’t ask though – why isn’t Melinda Boone giving them a comment? After all, she created Jen Roy’s position as “Communications Specialist” specifically for situations like this. But as we know there is nothing about Jen Roy that screams “communication” or “specialist.” Nope, Jen Roy is nowhere to be found when there’s bad news to report. Pretty much the only thing she’s done since she started working was creating a web page that trumpets all of Melinda Boone’s charts. So basically she’s Boone’s cheerleader. And cheerleaders don’t cheer when the other team scores.
Here’s my question – will this lead to her resignation? Because as long as Tracy Novick, Jack Foley, Joe Petty, Hilda Ramirez, and John Manfredo serve on the School Committee, Melinda Boone will always be given new contracts. She can’t be fired until we replace these buttnuts in November with Nicola D’Andrea, Mike Gaffney, and Donna Colorio.
But will she last that long? I mean, she HAS TO resign right? You covered up for not one, but TWO child molesters. You thought it would remain a secret, but then we got our turtle paws on it. Not that it will do anything, but SC candidate Cotey Collins has started a petition to fire Boone. Turtleboy is not usually one for online petitions, but it doesn’t hurt to add your name to it. I’m willing to try just about anything at this point after she blocked Turtleboy Sports on WPS computers. That was a declaration of war, and Melinda Boone now must be destroyed.
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10 Comment(s)
I forgot to add that “six-figure ass kissers” is hilarious
“R u awake?” Hahahaha where is Jen now???
T&G propaganda will be gone soon.
I can’t imagine many people subscribing anymore.
The truth ALWAYS comes out in due time……….
She’s despicable. And deceitful for sending that message. Worcester deserves better.
Note to Ms Roy: The worst response, when news stations call is, “We can’t say anything about that”
1. Why first thought was “Why is Boone referring to a child predator as “gentleman?”
2. TB- Try not to get your shell in a wad – if you are really wanting turtle-justice, isn’t the Boston media picking this up a good thing (or are you just mad you aren’t getting credit)?
3. Maybe if you ditch the skeevy ads with half naked women, there’d be a better argument against blocking the site at schools.
on your third point – the skeevy ads with half naked women are served by an ad service. The ad service uses cookies on your computer to deliver targeted ads to you based on what they have determined your interests are – based upon previous browsing habits.
If it’s serving you half naked women, then your computer has been surfing sites that are related to the products in those half naked women ads.
Lmao, I figured that was what he was talking about since I haven’t seen any “sleeve ads with half naked women”
I am sorry but that line of “the media has not reported that this gentleman was employed by WPS and we hope that it does not” is cause for immediate termination as far as I am concerned. Any responsible organization would have self reported and taken care of the matter immediately. Unbelievable.