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Here’s the latest tweet that SJWs are freaking out over:
Yes, that’s right. A tweet praising a coach for being ahead of his times and integrating his team during a time when it would’ve been easier to just go with the flow. This is offensive now because……racism!
This is unbelievably clueless. Seriously… this is tonedeaf and irresponsible. This tweet should be deleted, followed by an apology
— Rick Waldron (@rwaldron) February 12, 2018
Is this a joke?
— Matt McDermott (@mattmfm) February 11, 2018
One of the members of the mob was failed Mayoral candidate Tito Jackson, as well as Marty Walsh, who both condemned the now deleted tweet.
Only in #Boston do the @bostonpolice honor Red Auerbach for #blackhistorymonth. So we already have the shortest month and now this. Please file this under Hell Nah aka Not Having it aka Not Ok. #bospoli #Boston #mapoli https://t.co/Jv38uutK0e
— Tito Jackson (@titojackson) February 12, 2018
And of course he consulted with “black twitter” for virtue signaling points.
What do you think #BlackTwitter? https://t.co/vFyYahT3dH
— Tito Jackson (@titojackson) February 12, 2018
All you need to know about professional race hustler Tito Jackson is this – Didi Delgado campaigned for him. Nuff said.
The most basic amount of research would’ve shown that the BPD Twitter account has been promoting black athletes all month:
#ICYMI: In honor of #BlackHistoryMonth we pay tribute to Bill Russell, one of the greatest @celtics of all time and the first African-American head coach in the history of the NBA when he was named @celtics coach on November 15, 1966. pic.twitter.com/gKX7zpcUQt
— Boston Police Dept. (@bostonpolice) February 12, 2018
In the storied history of the @celtics organization 22 players have had their numbers retired and raised to the @tdgarden rafters. Today, @paulpierce34 became the 23rd. Congratulations on a great career and well-deserved honor, Paul. pic.twitter.com/C4G5bH4TR6
— Boston Police Dept. (@bostonpolice) February 11, 2018
But I guess that’s not good enough, and we’re not allowed to mention the contributions that white people made to civil rights during the month of February.
Celtics legend Cedric Maxwell, a real life black man, didn’t seem to think it’s a big deal:
“This is called Black History Month, not black people’s month. Red Auerbach advanced the cause.”
Nevertheless because of the outrage machine the Boston Police had to cower and give into the mob:
BPD realizes that an earlier tweet may have offended some and we apologize for that. Our intentions were never to offend. It has been taken down.
— Boston Police Dept. (@bostonpolice) February 12, 2018
Statement from Police Commissioner William B. Evans, "On behalf of the Boston Police Department, I offer my sincerest apologies for last night's social media post on Black History Month. The tweet was insensitive and does not reflect the values of the Boston Police Department."
— Boston Police Dept. (@bostonpolice) February 12, 2018
Which was a huge mistake, because rule number with SJWs is, NEVER give an inch with these people. Because no matter what you do, it’s NEVER enough with them. They live to be outraged. And they found a way to take this apology offensively as well:
This is a bad apology. You should say why black history is important and why a police department should be hyper-cognizant of that.
— Robin (@caulkthewagon) February 12, 2018
Hey Robin, you should have a coke and a smile and sit your white ass down. No one cares what you have to say about anything.
It would’ve been nice to see BPD keep that tweet up and tell these people to go fuck themselves, but the fact of the matter is that Mayor Moron called them out on it, and ultimately he’s the boss. The person running the account is probably a lower ranking cop, so Marty told the commissioner to fix it and the cops running the account did as they were told.
Don’t worry though, they still know where to go for real news…..
The bottom line is that if Red Aurbach was not white he would not have been able to integrate a professional basketball team. He used his white white privilege to advance the causes of black people and went against the grain in order to do so. To pretend like he had nothing to do with important events in black history is to pretend like Lincoln had nothing to do with slavery ending, or Lyndon Johnson had nothing to do with the Voting Rights Act. It’s OK to celebrate black and white people during black history month. This is not racist.
One of the greatest movies of all time is Schindler’s List. It’s a movie about one man saving hundreds of Jews from certain deaths by employing them in his factories. But I guess we can’t show that movie when we commemorate the Holocaust because Schindler was not a Jew. That’s the exact logic that is being used here. Sad.
35 Comment(s)
Red Auerbach actually helped race relations in this country and I did everything I could to destroy them. Funny part is that the black community actually loves me and thinks I am their hero. Damm people are Dumb!
I so agree with your statement, “… we’re not allowed to mention the contributions that white people made to civil rights during the month of February. ”
Isn’t THAT ridiculous? This is getting way out of hand now. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. So you know what I recognize in February?
Groundhog’s Day
Valentine’s Day
President’s Day
“Fat Tuesday”
Ash Wednesday
and Leap Year (every 4 years.)
I don’t observe Chinese New Year. Does that make me a racist? And guess what? The Rosenblumes next door don’t observe Ash Wednesday.
I applaude all non-violent (sorry Malcolm X) demonstrations and actions meant to eradicate racism which challenge and cross racial barriers…and I applaud the BPD for doing the same.
When’s the Boston PD gonna apologize for letting us down from the marathon bombing and letting two teens shut down a major city or was that so the kikes have an excuse to kill and diddle muslims. They let us down Israel first lol.
I’ve heard a lot of good things about Frederick Douglas.
The BPD sends out tweets honoring black athletes and then gets criticized for honoring the coach that did so much for black athletes? You people bitching about this are crazy.
And Tito complains that Black History Month falls during the shortest month? Unreal.
Funny how they don’t mind taking the white mans tax dollars to pay for their Air Jordan’s or free rent.
“Tito Jackson
Only in #Boston do the @bostonpolice honor Red Auerbach for #blackhistorymonth. So we already have the shortest month and now this. Please file this under Hell Nah aka Not Having it aka Not Ok. #bospoli #Boston”
“Carter G. Woodson (1875–1950)
Negro History Week (1926)
The precursor to Black History Month was created in 1926 in the United States, when historian Carter G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History announced the second week of February to be “Negro History Week”.[10] This week was chosen because it coincided with the birthday of Abraham Lincoln on February 12 and of Frederick Douglass on February 14, both of which dates black communities had celebrated together since the late 19th century.[10]”
Cater G. Woodson and Frederick Douglass are two highly respected and some of the most important leaders of the African American Community of their time and are considered hero’s today.
The month of February was chosen as stated above, to honor both Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass as February was both of their birth months. It wasn’t done to purposely choose the “shortest month” according to Tito Jackson.
Tito Jackson should really study the origins of Black History Month instead of spending all of his time hating and Race Hustling.
just sayin’
Which one is worse? A failed candidate for mayor, Tito Jackson or the people’s choice, Marty Walsh? Get my point? Two hustler’s playing to the same crowd.
Truth, Marty and Tito are both two bites of the same shit sandwich.
Liberal Progressives Matter
Boston is the most racist city in the us. Fact.
Damn straight, all because of black racists like us!
I adopted a mixed race child just so I could continue to make racist jokes. He’s a good kid, I love him, and he provides good cover. I simply love stereotypes and ethnic jokes without malice. They’re funny. Occasionally I’ll make an offhand joke to another parent at a game or event, and most give me the stink eye. Then he’ll run over to me, and they’re totally confused. He can tell also, and we laugh our balls off.
That’s awesome!
I have family in the South who adopted a mixed race son nearly at birth, and they did the same thing. Racially-tinged jokes, over-the-top stereotypes, etc., and he has grown up with a great sense of humor and an understanding that you should never take yourself too seriously.
The Celtics were also the last team that put 5 white guys on the court at once but the coach was still black.
Let’s remind people our beloved Red Sox were the last team to get a black player.
As for those blaming white people for slavery, remember they were retailers but the wholesalers were black.
These great Americans should also be recognized for the brave fight in the fight for equality.
Nathan Bedford Forrest, 1867-1869
James Blair, 1982-1986
James Farrands, (1986- )
Ray Larsen (2002- )
James A. Colescott, 1939-
Hiram Wesley Evans, 1920-45
William Hugh Morris, 1946-
Samuel W. Roper, 1949-
Eldon Lee Edwards, 1955-1960
Jack William Brown
James W. Cole
Robert Davidson
Walter A. Bailey
Charles H. Maddox 1960-1967
Robert Shelton, 1961
James Venable, 1963-1987
Sam Bowers, 1964-2006
Donald Joseph Ballentine, 1965-
Xavier Edwards, 1966-
Jack Helm, 1966-
Albert Lentz, ca. 1971
Bill Wilkinson, 1975-1982
Tom Metzger
Bill Sickles, ca. 1980
Don Black,1980-1984
William J. Simmons, 1915-1945
Virgil Lee Griffin, 1984-February 2009
Dennis Mahon, 1988-1992
Roy A. Davis
Each one an amazing story in heroism and bravery in the face of insurmountable odds.
Mother fuck each and every one of those murderous pieces of shit.
If there is a Hell, and I hope that there is, all of those cocksuckers on that list will be there.
I wanna thank hitler for Israel being a country their founder Adolph hitler was a good man and taught the world get the kikes as far away as possible from normal people
If you’re trying to drum up support for these niggers you’re on the wrong fucking blog. WE RIDE THE TURTLE!! FUCK ALL NIGGERS!!!
Nope. Just pointing out that evil is evil, regardless of color.
Killing innocent children is evil. Many on this list have contributed to the killing of innocents. Fuck them.
The person that copied and pasted that list is obviously a butthurt liberal trying to undermine the revolution.
the revolution is coming. the white race will rise with turtleboy leading the way! white power!!!!
I am butt hurt, only because I slide to the fellas and love the heman prosciutto, I love male-on-male butt fisting, and the grand mano-o-mano felching. But you know what, I am a nice person. You know why? B/c the Turtle says so. I was blogged about once by Turtleboy. I then wrote them and said, you know what TBS, I was having a bad year, life, and admit the ratchet shit I did was bad. You were right for blogging about me. After that, Turtle took down their blog and I joined the revolution. See I am not an attacker, I am a member baby! I like Turtle, wint wint witn witn wint witn wint, I like Turrrtllllle! And I am far from a liberal. These guys on the list, I have a picture of each and every one of them in my bedroom. My boyfriends love my collage! It gets me laid. So please dont compare my to that ratchet old bitty Hilary. That sort of hurts my feelz man. I am USA red white and ass black and blue. You should be too if you were also part of the revolution man! Love yah
Kike website yeah.
At the end of the month, Please tell me the number of black on black murders in Boston and then every inner city in the US. Then explain to me what “Black History Month” means to blacks.
But let’s not focus on THAT. They should thank God there is only 28 days, it will keep the numbers down for them.
I don’t know which is the bigger joke: Kwanza or Black History month? Here’s another example of “White Devil’s” that took a stand for black equality. President Harry Truman signed executive Order to fully integrate the Armed Forces in this country.
This shit is out of control. Seriously.
Don’t these fucking retards get the fact that WHITE people actually helped them achieve the equality that they enjoy today?
Emanuel Cellar, a white man, introduced the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into the House.
LBJ, also a white man, signed it into law.
Mike Mansfield, a white man, introduced the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
LBJ, still white, signed it into law.
The list of white contributions to black civil rights is long and distinguished. Why doesn’t that count?
Learn some Civil Rights history, you ignorant dickheads!
Talk about circular logic…
Black folk wouldn’t have needed whitey’s help getting the rights they had by virtue of being born human beings in the US in if whitey hadn’t have made them legal chattel in the first place.
Fuck you with your “circular logic” bullshit.
Clearly, slavery and the subsequent Jim Crow laws were abominations. That’s a given, fuckstick. The point, if you’re able to grasp it, is that SINCE THAT TIME, many white people have fully recognized those atrocities and have tried to make a positive difference.
Is that REALLY so fucking hard to understand, you brainless cretin?
In the least surprising turn of events in human history, comments tough guy gets all riled up when called out for suggesting a retarded premise in a comments section. Couldn’t have seen that one coming.
“Comments Tough Guy?”
Where was I talking tough? Calling you out for being a retard is not talking tough, it’s speaking the truth.
Of course, I am not the least bit surprised that you don’t know the difference.
love your compassion for color… shame you don’t feel the same with those of a lower IQ and have no qualms identifying a premise as “retarded”
I’ll admit it- I genuinely did not see that coming from such a woke folk as yourself
Hey Tito, your comment ….”So we already have the shortest month and now this.”
speaks volumes….. your part of the problem, not part of the solution
good take TB
The poster in here who calls himself White Cop is a eunuch. And a poseur. Get one of your friends to explain those words to you, moron. Cops usually have 85 IQs.
Gosh, you are just a light in the darkness. Please keep posting, everyone comes here just for your words of wisdom.
Many cops have masters degrees.
Hugh’s dad has a 41 IQ as evidenced when he didn’t pull out.