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If you’re having a bad day, just watch this 15 second video and realize that it could be much, much worse. You could be violently kicked in the neck by a “futsol” player. I dare you to watch this and yell “ohhhhhhh shit” right at the money shot:
To me this looked like an indoor soccer match. But I guess they call it “futsal” in in Brazil because the other girl’s fustal over your face.
Fucking Brazil. Brazilian women do not mess around. There’s literally nothing off limits when you piss off an agitated Brazilian woman. Just ask Bethe Correia. First of all, the girl on the ground didn’t do anything wrong. She was only on the ground in the first place because crazy pants illegally brought her down and got called for a penalty. Then miraculously the ball ended up in between her legs:
It’s pretty cool. I don’t know how on earth this can possibly be considered showboating, but apparently this is a big no no in Brazil. The scary part about what happened is the fact that crazy pants literally ran from 10 yards away at full speed
places her plant foot down perfectly
and delivers a perfect strike right to the jugular
You think you’re gonna show off and mess around on her futsol court? Think again. This shit is serious. No messing around. How she survived that is beyond me. It was like straight out of American History X. The moral of the story is, never smile in front of an angry Brazilian babe during a futsol match or you will be violently kicked in the throat.
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7 Comment(s)
Kicker could have had a good career joining strikeforce pre soccer kick ban. Screwed up that flopper felt that safe smiling… If you’re going to flop at least try to sell it.
Notice how the kickin coward runs when she’s confronted.
Holy shit!!!
A sports story!!!
Some NFL team should sign that woman as a place kicker.
The court is cruel, know the rules, noobs.
That’s because I Brazil, they don’t hand out participation trophies!