Breaking News: We have won our appeal and gotten our YouTube channel back:
YouTube admitted their mistake and corrected it. If this were a real business the employee who made the mistake would be fired. But in America monopolies that make billions of dollars a year off of American citizens aren’t treated like real businesses. I stand by everything I said. Platform access is a civil right and libertarians are cancer. We will be live tonight at 9:30 as regularly scheduled. See ya then.
9 Comment(s)
This iss poetic justice at its finest. i picture the retards of new England society rejoicing like its 1999. They can still drink booz and rip butts all day and have a place to go. Here.
TPL. Almost just spit my beer out. Post of the month.
I have been reading this blog for almost 3 years and I love how people say TBS is going away. Yet here it is. Bigger than ever before. That leaves you sad sacks of shit left with irrelevant garbage to post after their blog that is here forever.
What’s YouTube?!?
I hate it when I laugh at your comments
My point is that Google & Farcebook are creating their replacements with this censorship
Oh fuck, we’re so excited YouTube made an egregious error.
Tick tock, tick tock.
Just fuck off, you utterly boring, non-descript cunt.